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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNEt tullrE8 Df,trcat TtoN <br />I hElt y ttrm u!& pady of Fjury fid I e dmF ftm lh. Co! r*t6 Lt.c Lr{ br rlE folh*ins ,a|. (Sc.m.ll., <br />&EiE d P&,c!i,n Co&): 4., Cny o Cq,ny rllth .DqliE . FEi ro @dna1 .1.. inFDrq .bmliir d lqi -, <br />rlm.lua Fi* to ,r i.r{&c. &o rljuir6 rh. 4pliut tlr tuct FEn ro fiI. ! rir.<d nnffir rhi E or r& ! liGr.d Flrra <br />to t FoviirE of dE Conrso.! Lia..d t& ((bFd t. coffib8 rlh Sdbi 7000 of Dirhbi I ot fi. B6i6 .od <br />PtDIsioB Codc) or lh.t lE oru,lc ir adnPl rhd.fron dd ,r. b6i f.r rhc .llilcd ddplin. Any viohitn olscrhi ,01 L5 b, .!, <br />.pditn tu. Fhn uUFrs llr +pli.d lo r.ivilFrl, old mtl'- fiE hln H.rlla (lt@) <br />-1,. <br />('rE ofth. FoFry. r o, cql',G {ih qB6 a Ei -L dlsd.i.E eil.b tu *qt.d th.ritlG i 6r <br />i,Iaxld oo,H for rL (se.7044. BEir..,!d EEr.riIa Codc TIECo 'xrdt tiE* tsdod mr sb ro m.wof <br />dEFFt, qb ldd d ia.!€ tlEE|! rd *lD &. -.t {dt hlB.lfd haalf d lholrt hL ( lE o$, @plor.... <br />Drori:Ld rh.t kh trFncErteml Lnsi.d dotu for.ra ll h.{!c. dE tuiEis d trso€Er lbld*ithcri <br />ofdlPbioo. dE O,E 0{&k wi[ hG tlE hldar of Fob tll. l! 6 dE d'd @l blld G i$.oe 0E FFr, b, dE Ff,cof <br />_1. . oq6 offi. rroFry, d a.hriE coindiir sirh ltd.d @'nrrlc lo 6dlar llr Flixr (Sd r0{{, &ltllE <br />r{ A!EiE Co&: Ttc Conrxror.r Lt.e L.a (b€ ml .!tly lo e orG otFoFly sho b!il& or inprcB rh(or! <br />..d DIF omri! b. mt Foj.nt *nh . cotrirol, lad FBl.n ro rlt conr.rr'. Lt.d lr$). <br />I d dmpl !'dc S.rlion <br />trABruEIITATIIEISAIIOX <br />IIECIJSAIIA! <br />I h6dry .mm u.d6 pa.h, .fFjury .nc of rhc lollo*'ns <k(larrFc: <br />I h!r. d'd u'illMi e. Cdifi. . of Coter ro S.lllBlE for $.rto mmFEdion. B Forii.d 6r h S<rior !71)0 of lh. <br />t tor Co<L, ld lh. Ffl'fu oflh. rst Id *ntt lt Ftnil iriqr.d <br />;(U"..,,a *il ooaa .onFc!b, i@tue 6 b, s6rtn l7m of rh. Lrh.r ftd., Ior rh. tEloll1c. ol <br />lh. adt lor Etth thi Fnn i irEl My wld Frlt,.rrt.ior i'lllltre .str !d poli) nlmbd ,. <br />c* -l6l2r.s\ J-. Co <br />"an,nn w 7=!4A!31fu - -.,. -l= l--!& <br />-l <br />.dit dlr i! lll FblrrE. of dE sort fri $tti.h Oir Fui . &{.{ I trll d aqlo, 6y pq$n in dr mc <br />D 6 lo bcom objer ro dE sll6' @mFllion hs orc.fifodi.. ad +6 rhi if I 3hourd b<om .ubi..r ro r,E <br />hlta @nFqlrio. Foritr orsdir lm ofilE Ltd cod.. I ftlL fonluth @nplr { it rlG Forth6 <br />lvAttUNG: F.ituE ro tu 6t6 orpdriin oraB. ir unlstul rn 'ldl ottGcr i o'?loF l. snnid Frrb -dcivil lin6 tp ro oE hui& th.qid &ll&! (J100.000). h lddnion lo lh. cotl of.onFBdion. {hii36 d F.ri,.d tu th. <br />Setih 1076 of E Lto. codc. dqd.l( fav@-rt ( <br />DEOJSAIIII! <br />I ha6,.tfm uldd pd.ty of Fiury rnr I h lia..d u'& Flyiioi otct Fs g (otuafiry wih Sdion 70001 ot Divbion.) <br />of llt BuiB &d PrDkiod Co&. sn ny ltoB ir in tull 6ra rd .lEct <br />a quLL\ <br />,,, f-to-t1 .-,..-f,(+ <br />(aI .BL(IISII.[!DTTG.3.U!I(I <br />I haclD allt ud6p.nahyofpdjuryrh.rrh6.Ba(o[(ru(rntd'n!iIGrlnrlhcFn)nm(.olrh.\orlntrshxhrh*Ftra. <br />,sru.J {S{ 1o)7.(',n ( ) <br />l.a'd6 r Add'ds ,afB.l(alftrgJ&ula! <br />I hor+r,v ollinn ondd par0h t or tBjury on. oi rh. fol[\\ rn$ d<lo.l hn3 <br />I).frn(nn Pdi3-Art{irL! NorifiLnrhn lrdanl R.ltrhti'ni (lrE.r0. tin6) <br />R.qru.n Ldrd ol rirriff,u io. <br />I .drify fir lla f.ilctl EalhrbB qrdilu cbcac 'Emttl c rFl {pltru. ro lhir Fljer <br />-l <br />cqtit rir I t&! Ed Oi .pdi.riiD .d ndc rhr dr .bo$ i!6mrbn b <ddi. I .rr- to onply shh .ll Ciry .id co@r,o,{iN .d $d. L,E ELi,t lo hildins e'iavdhtr rl td$, rnnoriE t.Fefin6 of thn Ciy rd Co6ry b 6ns rF! rb <br />.lbr. mnioftd popdy tor iNrBln'n purrFs <br />,rg,t,.-,o, Xorsi3-,u,. X_ C/' , <br />Pon dm,k,F,i,, (,hr,, f).r\nt0l, <br />9to-r-t <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />//^4 <br />Rough Mech.////b/ft //t//ry <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL r/tt//b /It//:fl <br />Remarks, EtcNotes <br />I <br />Other <br />Hood <br />1 <br />I