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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS . OMq-Build.r D<ludiot <br />I 3mm undcr p.mhy olpdury th.t I m.x.mpt form th. Conkrdors' Liens. trw for th. fouoBin8 r.Mn (s ?0ll 5 Butiast <br />ud ProL$ion Cod.) Ary City or Colnty whi.h rc4ut6 . p.rnn lo @tr!it!c! rltr, inprovc, demlirh or r.pair ey st !clu., Ddor ro itsirune, ile r.qunB th. .pplimt for och ro lil. r sign.d ltlt.ftnr rh!! h. or 3h. is li@Md puBor b !h. provisioos of 1t* <br />Co.Lttua! Lieccd Law (Chaplr 9, Comm.ncins wnh S.dion ?0o0 ofDivision 3 of lh. Buri...r ud ProGrlion! Codc) orth h.ot <br />3h. it .x.mpr tt r.&om ud rn. bais lor dc ltl.8.n .x.mpdo. Any viol.rion of s.ction 70r I t by ey aptliqt for r p!mj! subj.cB th. <br />lpplicurb icivilp.Mlty oanor mor. thu liv. hudrd dollG(1s00) <br />I, B om.r of tlt propcny, or ny .nploy.6 Bith wascs as FI. @mp€nslio,\ wrll do lh. work &d fi. $rudu. G nor i.t.nded <br />or of...i for td. ( 36 70a4, BBin.$ ed ProL6sioN Cod. Th. Co.tactoas Li*.s Lw do* not apply to m oM.r oatic pror.dy <br />wno builds o, improv.s lhd{4 Md who do.i tuch wo hirslfor h.r*lf or ftoDsn bn or hcr ovn chployes, providcd lnar tuch <br />inprolcme.c ac not inlcidcd or otrcrcd for.l. Il howev.r, rhc buildrng or improv. .nr is reld within onc yd olconplaioq rh. <br /> puqolcofstl.) <br />I, a own r ol th. propdy, rm @.tidi.g with lic.h!.d @nrdcbr! to onltruct th. projat ( Se 7O&, Buin.$ ed <br />Profcssion Codr Th. Contrlclofs Liens. Lrw dc! nor rpply to s oe,s ol pr6pd, who build! or ihprovc! thd.on , M<l who <br />@nhcE aor such rrcj.G pith i co,t.cb(, lic.nsd pursuer io ilE contrdor'3 Lienk r:* ) <br />_I m.x.mpt und.r sarion <br />I he'eby afiirm und.r p.nalty <br />Ih8v.udwillmai lin a C.nifiqt. ro @npcns.lio\ as provid.d lor by S€1iotr l?00 ofth. <br />L$or Codc, aor th. p.rfomrne 01tn. wort aor wbich $. pqhir ir is.n <br />I n*" *O *r,,rt.r *or].8 @mpcnsrhon rnsur.rc., s rcquned by Seclion l?oo ollhc Llbor Code,lor lh. prfomue ofd.'*dllfor rhrch th3p.m E rs.d My wor ldi @mD.neton rnlur ur cmer .nd Do[cy numbd d e <br />Cusll" p"lnl- lrl'r. fn-. ( -l-^ ) ".^"..-Wc? -VLn>lt - l(o>Z.t ) <br />(Thi3s-tion n.en norb.@npld.d iath€ p.rnn isforon.hundr.d dollds {1100) orl.s) <br />I c.dify thar inlhc pfformsne lor which thn p€rmir n is$.d,I shallnot cmDloy rny p.rmn in My nuns so ato <br />b.c!n. subj€cl to th. mrk.6 @mp.nsrion llws oac.lilorni4 ed agre rhit ial should b€6m. subj€t rorh. workdC <br />ompe.$iion provisions ofs..Lion 1700ofrh.LaborCod.,I shall, tonnwilh @nply wilh thos. provtions <br />WARNINC F.ilu. 10 3.e. wo,k.6' @6p.Mtion @v.n8. is ud!*tu|. Md .h!ll Hbjd s .mployq lo qiBind p.dtjd .rd civil <br />nn6 up ro o.. hundr.d thoused dolld (l l0O,0O0),in oddnion to th. 6st olcomp.n$tioq d!tus.s s providd for th. S.crio. 3076 of <br />rh. kbor Cod., inrd6r $d rnomyt lG <br />/ t,aanaaoaonr* a_,u*r o"a'ra* r,on <br />I <br />'Jri,m <br />undq p.n'rry orp.r,^d l; E;;;d. p-,t"t." .a , (-*"nci.s wirh sdion ?ooo) of Divisio! I oa <br />rhc Bulik$ lnil Prof6iions Codc, &; my lic.M is in tull lore r l .II6t <br />r-i".*.cr"* Cfo Liens.Numb., QtAnl <br />AA.,r..+-!,- €'t. -.r-.r*\,"., ll-L-ru -""."* <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY <br />I dnm uodo pcnilly of pgjury tl.l th.r. ir a @nsrruction l.nding rg.ncy for rh. p.rforue of fi. mr* loruhich this lqDit i3 <br />issu.d{S6 1097, Civ C ). <br />,xDemoliioi PsmirsArb.nos Notifi cltion <br />R.quircd Lrtrd of Notilicarioi <br />APPLICAN'T'S D'CT,ARATION <br />R4ulations iTirlc 40. P.n 6) <br />_l ccrdry dd th. Ldal rqulatjons r.B{ding !$. os r@ovil rc mr !o tht prcjdt. <br />X I c.tury dur I h.". rqd Uus .pph(.notr ud su. dEr rhc &ovc idom.riotr ii @rEl I ure !o @nply witt 6U Ctry lDd cou,ry <br />odilanc.s and S@ r.hrh8 ro bu d,n8 oBrtu.rioq sd h.rc6, utho.i2. ..prcE.hriv.i of thi Cny .n l Cout, to da upo. rn. <br />abovc m€nlion€d pror.ny lor insp.crion purposs <br />Appliqnt or aacnr $a __M-.-,o S.\r^ <br />/ l-L -tz- <br />S ite-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners zm/on /t 11.@ 'an-6? -Roof Top Equipment ( -[(J{(Y <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Irileter Release <br />E\'Ft <br />Rough <br />Service Meter EtrA T nmm <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc SAMC 8"43, 29O, 556, 667 <br />1\Permt lnspeclron Foms\El6chel ln$eclon Record doc 03 31 06 <br />Communications Cable