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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWN gR BUILDDR DELCARATION <br />I aIIDn rndcr penalty oi lEiury lhsl I an cx.'npt frcrn lh. Co ractou Licdsc l.av for rh. followinE rcon (S4.7011.r' <br />BLsinss d Prordion Code): A., Cily or Coonr! whicn requn6 a psnil to co(rltu( and, nnprove, d.molGi or repan Any <br />slrcrur. !flor ro i5 GstrM... also r.qut6 lh€ applicd for su.h Fmn lo 6t . sr8n.d $armd rh.t lE ot sh. is licostd pl6udt <br />ro rhc Forisn,os of rh. Coora.ror'. Licc.$n kw (Ch.Ud 9. Co mcn ins wnh S*rion 7000 of Division ! oalhc Busind sd <br />Pofe$tuns Cod.)orlhat h.orshc is ercmpl th6ci.o dd lhebsis for rh. allcsal.rdrprion Anyviolationols..lio.70ll.5brdi <br />applicant tor apmil subj4rslh€ applicdnt ro a.irill.naltyol.ol liv. nundrcd dollrs (5500). <br />l. d orno oarh. ln)l{ny, or nry .mrlo!6 wnh v.s6 6 lher elc .d,npolerion, will Llo tt vort ud lh€ slruclwc s mt <br />intddol or offdcd lor slc (56.?04!. Busio6s ed Pjofdsiof cod. Thc Contr.dois Lic€N lrw doe nor aplly ro an ol$d of <br />rhc ptur.iy $ho b{ilde or irnpro!6 tlEon, aal vho dod su.h ${& hinB.lf o! hdFl t or lhrcush ht or hd 6s .mploy€6. <br />prolidedrhqr ruch improvmts d. ml i.loded o! olT6.d for slc. I I ho*6 s. th. buildins or imFovffil G $ld vithin on. ]@ <br />of.ompldion. th. ol,nr AuiB6 \vill hav. th€ bud6 ofFovin! rhar h. or sh. did ,ot hrild or imprcre rhc pioFny for rfi. purpos ol <br />I, as oNn.r ofrh€ trrop6l!. an cxclusrcly contactin! wirh licm.t contocro,s lo mnslrucl lhe Droj.l (Sd 7044, Bcma <br />ud llofcssen Cod.: Th.Conlra.loi s l-i.ensc Law do6 nol apply to an o rpr.ltny { ho tuilds or improves rhson. <br />dnd Nho contrack for such projds rv h a Conta<ro{s) li.m.n pnBU. lo ihc Conr,elor's t-iccdc La{) <br />I an.x.,rul und6SslioD-. B & P.C. forthisrw. <br />:waBK!8S:CarlfElrAMX <br />oEct4.86rIOX <br />t hqeby afim undF p.oahy olpsjuryon.6arh. aollosin8 d(ldatiotrs: <br />I havc md wiu maintain E C€nilicat. ot Co@r ro s.lar6urc fo! work6 omroslion, d l'olid.d aor by sdion 1700 o I thc <br />Labr Codc, for thepalonn cco|thcwort forwhichrh.pnth is issu.d <br />I havc ad vill mai.hi. work6 .o,npatsarion iBurance s r€quiEd by S<l ion 1700 oafi. kbor Cod€. for lhe P6lom ccol <br />rh. \o,L lo, qlx.brhtr lrmn tr srcti Mt sor[6'cunn,Nuon <br />ccotlsddlo lnutnntl iNurAnc. @id afll policy numb6 rc: <br />\\t o oo 314ro rf LD <br />I cdiiyth.t ifl rhcp6fonn0ncc otlhc wort lor *hich lht pomn is issu.d. I shdll nor mploya.y pdson i. a.y mthn.r <br />$ 6ro becoru subj*l ro thevods .o,npds.lion laws ofCalitomia, ond errd lhat ill should b..omc subjEl lo lhc <br />\rortc'co'np€erionrdvi.iocolsdionlT00oflhcLaborCodc.lsh.ll.fonbwilhcomplywnhlhosprcvisiore <br />WARNINC: Failur.lo sre wo!k6' co'np€nslioa covsas. ts unl,waul. md shall subj6l 6I,toy!r lo om,.al Fnahis md <br />civil li..s up ro 06. hundrcd rhous d dolls ($100.000). <br />'n addirion b rh..os ofcomp€asalion. d@g6 d pr.viddl forlh. <br />t <br />snlr n rLr7.,,lrr( r.,htrr,,Ll. <br />".,", tzl3llq ,-,,,r- o-$e <br />lri{ rtrnrna<ron <br />DEC!,AIAIIQtr <br />I nmby amnn undd penalty of p€.jury lhal I @ licss.d trnds Folision of Chapls I (comdcing sirh Sdion 7000) of Division 3 <br />of rh. Bosins and hof6sions Cod., and ny licdc n i. alll aor.c ed crel. <br />tu Acq{es <br />1rl <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDINC AGI]NCY <br />I hs€byamrm undd,En,lr, oip.4ury rhal rhft is a coNlrucrtJn kndinr atsa.,lot rheFaonn c. ollh€$ork litrrhichihi! pdnn i3 <br />issu.d (Sa. 1097. Civ C.). <br />Lends s NanE: <br /> PPLICANT DECLARATIOIi <br />I holby s,Im unda pe.rlry oapsj!ry o.. ol lhe followins d*lsal ions: <br />D€,nolition I'.mirs-Asb6tos Noifi calion F.dml R.gulalions Onlc 40. Pan6) <br />Requted L.lla of Norindion <br />I cd ily rhar th. acddal resularioN rcsddiDs dbesr$ r.doval dc nor applicablc io lhis pBj6t. <br />I cgl iry rha I havc 6d lhi. arplicarion &d slalc rh0l lhc above inlomdion i! .od.{ I alre 1o orply wilh all Cny md Counly <br />odinancB ad Starc Irws Ebrins lo toildinS conntudio( dd adlDrnc reprcslarivB o frhis Cny dd Couoly lo dl6 uFn lh. <br />(-"t 3l ({ <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steeli Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />I I <br />FINAL 2-lx u 12tt1.q6L*s*7 <br />Certificate of Occupancy \r <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Lc.dd s Ad&d: <br />- <br />abo\. <br />'nMt <br />ion.d propdy for iEpriioo purpn€ <br />{pDrc'n, or asenr sisr.,ure N- q{^.L-.^/]Qz!<a <br />"-.*.-."r,^"r, RhhC F\fl,tfion <br />I