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ELECTRIGAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS own.FBuild.r Deleatid <br />I hcEby rf6m undd pMally ofp.rjury th.r I m d.mpt fom lh. ContrlcloE Liens. Llw lor lhc followil8 r.6on Ge.?03 L5 BuinBs <br />and Prof.lsion Cod.): Any City or County which r.qut6 ! lo constru.t, altir, imprcvc, dmolish ot r.pat &y stBctlr., prio. to ic <br />issumcc, also rcqunB $. appljcanr lo such pmil 10 ilc a signcd ltat n.nt rh.t h. or sh. ar lic.ns.d pursudt to $. provirions ol $. <br />Coirraciors Lic.iEd Llw (Chapls 9, Conn.ndng with Sccrion 70OO of Division I of thc Busind ad PrcfBsions CodO or rhar hc or <br />rhc is d.frpr th@aroo dd rh. bBis fd $. all.8.d .xnprio. AnyviolaliorofS.cliooT03l.5 byay applimt for. p.mrr subjrc$ tfic <br />applic$r to !civil p.nalty olnot morc thd filc hu&.d dolla (5500). <br />_1, a ow..r of th. prcpcrty, or my mployes wirh wa86 a sl. comp.nsdion, will do fi€ work d lhc ,tucru. is nor intcnd.d <br />or of.r.d fr salc ( Scc.?o4a, Buin6 md Prof6sions Cod.: Tnc Contr&lor'! Liqs. Law do6 <br />"ot <br />arply lo e oi th. prop.ny <br />who builds or ihprovA thcrd, &d who do.s such *ork h'm.lf or hmclf or droush hn or hcr own frploycB! provid.d that 5,ch <br />ihprovd.ils d nor ii!.id.d or offrcd fo salc Ii h@cvo, rhc buildine or imprcvdcir is sold wilhin onc ,cd of cohplcrio., rh. <br />OwncFBrildcr will hav. l]1. burda of provin! lhat ht d shc nor build or imprcvc for lhr pu'p6. ol salc) <br />_1, 6 o*id ol$c propcny, m cont&tins wirh liccns.d @nr..cros to consttuct th. ( S.c 7044, B6in6! Md <br />trcfsion Code Thc Co.trdort Ucdsc L.w d6 rot +ply to & oma of propaiy vho d ihprovB th@o , 6d who <br />co.rdls for such prcj.d! ynh ! C.Drr&ro(, Iim.d pu6u r ro th. Contr.crtrt 1i.ft. kw ) <br />I m undd Scclio. _,B &l C. id fiis Eaon <br />IaBIEBS_CA!4EELSAUO!_DESLAA{UA! <br />I hcrcby arfim und( pen,lry ofpc!trry olc oathc iollowing dccldrtons <br />I hav. dd vill maintain a Ccnifist! of CoBdt to Sclq.sw. for work E' compqsarioi, 6 provid.d for by S.ction 1?00 of th. <br />Lsbor Codc, for thc pc,{me@ of lhc aorl( for which rhc is issucd <br />_l have ed willmainlai. vrtcrs! cmpcnsarion isur&cc, a r.quir.d by S4tion r?00 otrh. Labor Cod., aor$r p. om&ccofrhc <br />work ftr which lhis pmit ir isucd. My workcE' comp.rsalion insuranc. csi.r ed policy numb€r dc <br />Policy Numbcr: Expn6 <br />{This s.crion n..d nor b. completed ilthc pmn is ior On. hundr.d dollm {$100} or I.s) <br />(h. pcrfom&cc of th. work fd whrch <br />l thc Labor Codc, I shall, ionhwith <br />.mploy.r to aiminal p.nalli6 ud civil <br />dolls (1100,000),in a<ldirion ro damagd a prcvidcd for lh. S.ction 1076 of <br />ttc kbor Codc, inl.Br d dlomcy\ f.d <br />I amm undcr p.nalty ofp.qlrylh.tI h liens.d und.rprovision ofChspr.r 9 ( <br />Prcfcsions Cod., and my <br />ltut !h6. is a @nsruction ng.gcncy ftr th. p.rfmancc olrhc wdt for which this pmit i! <br />Civ C.) <br />A.IILICANISDECIAB{IION <br />D.molilio. Pmir!-Asbstos Nor,lic.lion F.d!61 R.ellarons (Titlc 40, Pm 6) <br />_ Rcquncd L.tlf of Notific*ion <br />-l <br />c.,gJdiar ln. f.nml E8uld,oi E8edr8 <br />Zat q1,ty [,at t hzv. rcan $is .pplicanon Md lo comply wnh .ll Ciry dd County <br />ordinmG &d Srarc Laws r.lating to buildiog <br />abov. n.rlion.d prop.dy fs inrp.tion <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />f/ra_ ir !,;u <br />Rough ETD I ?ntq <br />Service Meter <br />0,556, 667 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Communications Cable <br />FINAL ;AMC B-43, 2! <br />-------f-----