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ELECTRIGAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.own6-Build.r <br />I hcrc6y amm un&r pa0lty olpcrjury thd I m cxcmpt iom thc ContacroR Liccmc La* aor lhc iollo*insrcdon G6 7031.5 Bulinqs <br />Md Proa6ion Cod.): Any Ciiy or Cou.ry vhi.h EquiE c ro con*ru.r, ahr, imprcvc, dmolish d r.plir 4y sh.tu(. For ro ic <br />i6su&c., also rcqutcs lhc lpplic&lfor sucn pmit to 6lc asign.d italdcnt lhothsorshct lic.ns.d puduut to thc provhions of$c <br />Conlr&Lrfs Liccnscd kw (Chaflq 9, Cdnc.cins wnh Sccdon 7@0 of Dilirioo I of lhc BGin6 dd ProfBsions Codc) or $.1 h. d <br />sh.isqcmptihclclromuddtb6istdtl'.6ll.scd.x.mplioD.AnyviolalionofS.clionT0llrby&yapplicuiio!.p.mitsubj.ctsthc <br />appliMi ro ! civil p.nalry oanot norc th& fivc hun.lrcd dollm (t500). <br />_1, a owncr ofth. pbp.ny, or my nploy..i wilh w.g6 a th.n sol. comp.nsarion, will do lh. wort md fi. smdur. is not intcndcd <br />or ofi*d rd salc ( S* ?0...a, BBind ud P.of6sions Cod. Tt. Cot-&lorr Lic6s. L.w dc not apply ro e ow.d of rh. propmy <br />whobuilds o, irprcv4 thcr@. ad who do.s such {ork hins.lforhdclforthroughhk or hcr @n! providd tharslch <br />improv.mcnE e nol inladcd or otrdcd for sdc Ii, ln. building tr imprcvcm. is rold wnhin or. ycd of..mplcue, thc <br />Ow..FBuild.r will hsv. rh. blrdd oa prcvin8 lhal hc or sh. no! build or imprcvc for th. puDs. oi srl.). <br />_1, a owrcroarh. prcp.ny, m cxclsivrly.ont.cli.g wnh li..n5.d conractod to co.rtru.t th. proj.ct ( S.c 70aa, Buin6 ud <br />Prcf6sion Codq Th. Cortacld'u LiccEc L.w dos nol lpply to u oend oi Fopsty who buildr c imprcvB Uqcd, ed who <br />conrrds for such prcj*B virh 3 conr.dor(, licflscd puEuo! ro lhc conr&rors Li6sc L.w ) <br />_I d cxcopi ond.r S.crio.S &PC f* rhis r6on <br />WORI(IRS COM}ENSATION DECLARATION <br />I h.rcb, afilm und.r pcnaliy of pcrjury ooc ol $c lollNins .L.lmrions: <br />Ih.v. d *ill hrntiin. C.njfiqt of Coi56r to Sclf-lnsurc for wdkc6 comFisaioi. a prcvid.d forby S.ction r?00 oflhc <br />Labor Codc for thr p€rfmdE of thc wdk for which t. p@il i! i$u.d <br />_I h,!c md will nai.hi! wot6' cmpoiaion ituur&c.i 6 rcquiEd by S@tion 1700 ofthc Labor Co<L. ior fi. p.rfomocc ofthc <br />work for which $is p6f,n is inucd My *o.t6' @hpcnsarion insum@ csid ud policy numb.r sc <br />Policy Mdbe Expic: <br />( ThBi,4uon nccd nd b. @mpl.t d rf d. Fn is rd On. hundr.d dolla ltIoOItrld,,/1r..niry rr,r in o. porm-.. of* rc *h,ch tt,e pqh n urucd I rh.ll rd chploy ,bc.d. subj.d lo $c work6 ' cmpcnoion laws olcaliflmi,, ud asre <br />S.did 3700 of rh. L.bor Cod., I 5hdl, <br />G FaihE lo s.cuE wort.a' @mp.nsarion sh.ll8! M .frployd to sininal D.nalti6 dd civil <br />fin6 up to onc hlndrd thoqsd dolle (t 10q000),i.ol, dMag6 6 prcvidcd for $. Salis 1076 ol <br />fic Labor Codc. inlcrBl d arbmcy's f.s. <br />LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLANATION <br />I hfcb, afllm undd p.nalry of pdjury drt I h li@scd undct prcvisio of Ch.9ld 9 (commcihs wi <br />thc Busindr ed Profsids Codc, ed my licasc h in aull fore sd.ficc( <br />I hdby .llift undd pddry of pajury rhll th@ is . @ttucli6 lgacy fd tG FrfmaM of lhc dl fd which rhk Finn i! <br />islcd (S.c. 309?. civ. C.). <br />AIILTA!{IIDECIA.E{IION <br />Dmolition PmiLr-Asb..ts Norific.tion F.doll R.8!l.lid (Tnk l0, Pln 6)_ Rcquied Lrflo ofNotilic.rid <br />I c. fv rhai thl f.daal rctul{io.s rcrlrdhe <br />--1o * * ^ ** **,i, "*,'*'; ""; <br />6b6t6 rooval d. iot appliqblc b rhis pbj.ct <br />it coral I asre lo comply with all Oty Md Counry <br />odindc6 &d Srrtc La*s rcl.ling ro bui rcp.Bmladvd of rhis City ed Cohry to atfi <br />abolc hcndoicd prcp.ny for inlp€clion 2 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release EltrJrt <br />Rough FFR.I 2ntq <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL )ArvlL. t -4J, 29 l, 556, 667 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />COMMENTS <br />Lqdq! Add,w. _ <br />F <br />tl