<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer shq/t+,/D *4
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL a /1,q / t+,1.D.64
<br />I ha{t, .0t6 ur& FrIy of Fiury rhr I r d@F nlr dE Coflr*16 1t@ lr* fw rlE rolbwiq
<br />',aEo" tsa.n !l.J
<br />Euind .n hofein C.d.): Any Cty d C@ y rti.t ltq!i!. r Fhl to orirEl. dc. iriv.!G. d.tulLh M qi -yituad!. Firro ir ire.t Eqoisrt *'.drraerrh.ltordEaliardFfirn
<br />lo ltE FDviio( of th Conrcrort rtw (Ch!fl6 e. Comking wnh S.don 7000 of lrivirkln I ol rll. Bsil6 rlrl
<br />Prefcliod Co<t) d $.l lr or rE il dan! lhdrfton Dd lrE t-b for rhc dk!.d q@Fb.. Aiy lioLrior orscrbi 701lJ br 6,
<br />.p9li. ftr , FEn ol*!r. ri. .cpltrr io ..iv pdr,orbr llmdr fiv. hnH&lld(lJool
<br />_1. ! ffi oirlr Fop.ny, d Et dpbr6 shh e{6 B thd ,L @oFlriotr will & dE *qt .d tlE innc ! mti dLd d ofrltrd f6 rlc (Sc,70{, B!.iB ed ftDf6.io6 Codc TL Colntr.roir Ltar. L$ &.. d pply to b ow of
<br />ll!. F!Fr, sto hib n iFo€ tlE6 .!d doo rid, wt ttE lf o t.!lf d rlrlosh iir d lE sn 6pbr!... '
<br />Fovit drlri.l iry$ldcd iradalqoftld &..E t[ totcq. tt h rsd i'ryEqd I Dl,$tltbcrc
<br />olqAbii.lrE o\NE eilb *i[ hE dE hrdar olFolil r lnai.di.l6r hdd d itgot! tiE FFry &r rlE F,pcot
<br />-1.
<br />.o*ar ofilr FrFrr. r abiv+ odrdh8 eih li.d.d @trftnlo odrul rli F*n (56.70,14. &ri6
<br />,d FDAlCod.: rt Co r-rd'. Lilt tr*do. Er Dtro -orE ofFlFtyrh t{iLtd inF!6rlr.6i!dd x,lb @oi*r. fq r.Et ,ftiBlt sit r CodrEro(.) ltd.d Fdri lo fi. r Lr(€4 Le).
<br />I e .rdi mdq Sdi6n
<br />D.r. ()nnd
<br />trr r nxl.ii, ( oit rENs^ 11()N
<br />I un'jd Fttrhr otFju^ orc oIrh. nn[\rin! d(llu.rr'6
<br />-l
<br />bE d *ill ain-r . Carificrc of CoGlr ro f, ruta dip.dirl. . Flvial hr b, SeriE lr00 of rLt ho Cod. ir {E FIwtrrE of $. wt hr *ii.$ lh. D?rl ir ihEd
<br />I hN.d *illuin.h *oild od?6udbi itue.. i E+iEd b, Serim !r00 of rlE tior ('o<h. fo, rlE Ftol@roflll *qt tur stth $& FDn b i!r.d M, edtd onpdsii[ i {ri.r rir .'d pola, ru6bq n
<br />-l
<br />cditlt l in lh. Floffi of llE Mi( lor shi.h Ok pani t b$.{ l.h!llml @ploy.iy Fkn in.iy me.d
<br />D 6to b<nm r[q..l to rhc *st6'smFdrior hu or(Iifoh,.. !d.sB $r irLhuld bcoG rubd to rla
<br />Eta'onp.t is FvibB ofsalih l70o ot llE 116.. Codc I ldl. ldl$ih @nplr r'ah tlD.
<br />cilil fir6 !p b on. hondcd rhoB.d
<br />sdirn 1076 0frlE lim(.d- i -d
<br />-*(-t?-t1 ,,,,\\, ,'r 11,! \i ,,"'
<br />I hdtty.rftD 'odE F.ry of FiE, rb t E La.d 6&. F.riiD or(t{r6 e (@E4 *iU sdrbn l0@l ot Divii. I
<br />of dE E.* -d ?tof.do6 C.d.. .d oy ltc i b ftI 6e nd.{Ed.
<br />',.," \-\t-t1
<br />I tsrtyfr.
<br />'ndi Ddlrof Fjrryri. Odr i. or.tciE lda tc, i. dr F6.frt o{dr.Et e. d6da Fd i
<br />L!.d (3.c. !097. Civ. C.I
<br />I lE6, .eE uda Frxy or Fjuy .c or dE e,lbeias &.ldii(E:
<br />D.Dlib! P@n'&t 16 [..if..h f.(b.l Lldria Oib ,o. Pn6,
<br />R.q!t d L.n6 of Ndifi.ib6
<br />_l 6rat dr rlr &dr.l Erlhir Ei.diI! d..6 '!D!d rG id ndirbL 16 $i'
<br />I Glit lhr I hd! rad rlir @li..rion d {dc rha dE !bov. itrfoinrior . .or.d. I i*.e ro Nmdy i nh ![ Cir] lnd Coury
<br />ordmncs nml sr.t. Ld\s rdiili! ro r crr !$trrilr \ t\ (lrh s ( f r i (,rtr r l. r r!r uBrnrh.
<br />!t r. @rion6d proFry fd
<br />,",.4-18-llApplk.nt o. Atdt Shdrur.:r_ILrr:q L]ALT3CI.-
<br />I
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />I
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />l
<br />I