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G RADI NG{ NSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG COMMENTS O*nq-Builds Dcclmtio <br />I h6cby affim und6p6dty of pcdury thd I m cxmpt fm thc Cotrrcton'Limsc kw for thc followingreon (re.7031.5 Buin* <br />ud Profdsio Codc): Any City or Couty which requirq a pfinit to cmstuct, altd, improvc, dmolish o rcpair my smdurq priq to its <br />isswc, also rcquirc lhc Epplimt for such pcmit to filc I rigsad statcm@t thst hc 6 shc is lic@cd punwt to thc prcvisioN of thc <br />Cmtr&tor's Lictrcd [;w (Chapts 9, Cm@cint with S@tion 7000 of Dvfuion 3 of thc Buincs ud Profcssim Codc) o thar hc or <br />shc is cxmpt thacfrom ud thc buis frthc allcgcd cxmptim.Any violation of Scaion 7031.5 by uy applicmt ftr apcmit subjs$ rhc <br />applicut to a civil pcnalty ofnot mm tho fivc hutr&cd dollm (S500). <br />_I, u omcr of thc popcrty, or my mployce with wagc u thcir solc compasation, will do thc work qd thc structurc is rot intadrd <br />or offacd fc salc ( 5*.7044, Buind ed Prcfsim Codc: Thc Cmtr&tor'J Limlc Law dc not apply to m mr of thc propcrqr <br />who builds or impove thaon, md who dm such work hiruclf q hmclf a through his u ha m mployc, povidcd thrr ruch <br />imprcvmaE e not intm&d or offcrcd for salc. If, hwcvd, rhc building or imprcvmot is sold within onc yo of ornplaion, thc <br />Oma-Buildq will havc thc budcn of prcving that hc u shc not build or improvc for thc purposc ofsala). <br />_1, a omc of the prcpaty, m cxcluivcly conracting with lifficd contrEtoB to msEuct thc Fojcct ( S€. 7044, Buinccs md <br />Prcfsim Codc: Thc Contmcttr'r Liffic Law dc not eply to e M6 of prcpaty aho buil& q inprove thm , ud who <br />cfftr&ts for sEh prcjds with s Cmtrelo(s) limscd puut to thc Contrrctor's Limc ljw.). <br />{--" <br />m exmpt for thisq\0 l+ <br />I hocby ef6m uda pcnalty ofpojury onc <br />I I hsvc md will minuin c Ctrtifiet of Coroat to Sclf-Iffm for wukm' mpsruation, s povi&d fc by Sction 3?00 of thc <br />I Labs Codc, ftr thc pcrfmmcc of thc wqk for which thc pmit is issucd. <br />_l havc od will mintain wqkm' ompaualio irolme, r rcquirc.d by Scction 3700 of thc L{btr Codc, for ttrc pcfomacc of thc <br />work for which this pmit is isucd. My workm' compcmatio insumcc mia md policy numbo uc: <br />Policy Nmbcr Expirs; <br />lttrissction *l*;- <br />I catify that in thc pafme of thc wo,rk f6 which thi! pqmit ir isuc4 I shsll not mploy ay pcrm in my mana !o a !o <br />beamc rubjct to thc wortm ' ccrpcnratio lsws of Cilifmia, md agru thu if I rhould bcmc sbjet to thc wortm' <br />composation ofScction 3700 ofthc Labq Codc,fonhwith thosc provisionr.. <br />WARNING: Failwc to sccurc workcn' ompcnsation unlawful, od shall subjcct m mploya to ciminal pendtis md civil <br />finc up to mc hmH thmd &tlm (3100,000),in additio !o thc c8t of mpaEEtim, dmagc u prcvidcd fa thc Scctio 3076 of <br />thc Labor Cod!, intacct sd attomcy't f6, <br />LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLAAATION <br />I hacby affim udo paslty of potjuy that I m lictrcd uda provirim of Chaptcr 9 (comacing with Scctioo 7OO0) of Dvisim 3 of <br />thc Buins md Prcfeim Cod€, ed my lic@e ir in firll fmc md cffct. <br />Limcclu- <br />p- <br />I hrcby afnm udr psrslty of pcrjry that thm <br />i$ucd (Scc. 3097, Civ. C.). <br />lads's Nmc: <br />agacy fc thc pcrfomme of thc work for which thi6 pcmit i3 <br />Lmdq's Addrdsl o <br />A}PLICANT'S DECLARATION <br />Dmolition Pmits-AsbBtos NotificadoD Fcdaal Rcgularions (Titlc 40, Pan 6) <br />_ Rcquirrd Lett6 of Notificario <br />_I ccfiiry that thc fcdaal rc8ulatiffi rcgrding Ebstor movd rc nor applicablc to this projccr. <br />- <br />I cstify that I hsvc rud this application ud stst6 that thc sbovc iofmatim is coftrt. I sgG !o comply wirh all City md Cmty <br />ordinms md Stat Lsvt tclatin8 to buildinS constuotim, md h@by authoize rcprcmtativa of this City sd Comty to m&r upor thc <br />abovc matimcd prcpcrty <br />Applicut or agmt <br />I Pmincc nmc (prinr)r <br />Purpo66.q '0// y' <br />Preliminary Soil Report <br />Excauation <br />Fills <br />Sub Drains <br />Buttresses <br />Soils/Geology Report <br />Contractors State of Comp. <br />Compaction Report <br />Flood Drainances Cert. <br />Paving <br />Sub Grade <br />Aggragate Base <br />Water Test & Seal Coat <br />Asphalt Concrete <br />Soils Eng. Cert. <br />Rough Grading Release <br />Final Civil Cert. <br />FINAL 9-tz-tt JJ.d6{@D /p -fanrrr <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />\