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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTSAPPROVALSDATEID/SIG. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safetv /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under SIab / Floor tl <br />Bonding I Grounding I UFER tzt lo Dfftrz 7 <br />Transf ormers I <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners Iolk)Roof Top Equipment t7l UTVT 7 <br />Factorv Wired Unit I <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Roush) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh)lt <br />Meter Release 'D|Y,E-2 7 <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter ,l <br />FINAL lz-t lol-1.,') bll^*ry <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.t / <br />OWNE,R B UII,DIiR DI,LCA RATION <br />I hereby affnnr under penalty of perjury that I arn exempt fronr the Contractors' Licensc law for the following reason (Sec.7031.5 <br />lJusincss and Prolbssion Code): Any City or County which rcquircs a pcrmit to construct, alter. irnprove, dcmolish or rcpair any <br />structure, prior to its issuance. also requires the applicant for such grernrit to fih a signed staterncnt that he or she ls licenscd pursuanl <br />to thc provisions of the Contraclor's l,icenscd Law (Chapter 9. Commcncing with Section 7UD of Division 3 of the Busincss and <br />Prot'essions Code) or that he or she is exenrpt therefrom and tlre basis for tlre alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any <br />applicant for a pnnit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($5tttt). <br />_1. as owncr ol'thc. propcrty, or tny crnployccs with wagcs as their sole comlrcnsation, wil! do the work and the structure is not <br />interxlcd or offeretl for sale (Sec.7B+. Business anrl Profcssions Corlc: The Contractor's License l-aw does not apply to an owner of <br />the property wlrc builds or improves tlrcrerrn, aurd wlxr does such work himself or lrerself or tluouglr his or her own employees, <br />provided that such irnpnrvcnrcnts are rmt intendcd or olTerc{ for salc. If. howcver. thc building or inprovenrcnt is sold within onc }car <br />of completion, thc Owner Buikler will have the bunlcn of pruving that hc or she did not buikl or improve thc propaty for thc purpose of <br />sale). <br />_1. as owner of the propeny, anr exclusively contracting with liccnscd contractom to construcl thc project (Sec. 7044. Business <br />and h,ofession Code: The Contractor's Licerrse Law does not apply to an owner of pro5rcrty who buil<ls or improves lhereon. <br />and who contracts for such prcrjccts with a Contractor(s) liccnscd pursuant to thc Contractor's Licensc law). <br />-l <br />anr exempt under Section-, B. & P.C. lbr tltis reason. <br />WO RK I.]ITS' COI}T PIiNSATION <br />DECLARATION <br />I hcrcby aflirnr undcr pcnalty of pcrjury one of tl'tc tbllowing declarations: <br />_l have alxl will nraintain a Certilicate of Consent to Self-lnsure for workers' conrgrcnsation, as pnrvided f<lr by Section 3700 of the <br />lahor Code, for thc Jrcrfonrurrcc of thc work for wNch thc perrnit is issucd. <br />_l have alrd will nraintain workers' conrpensation insurarrce, as required by Seclion 3T00 of the l-:bor Code, for lhe performance of <br />thc work tbr which tlris prnrit is issucd. My workcrs' conrJrcn.sation insurancc carricr urd prlicy nurnbcr arc: <br />Policy Number: lixpires: <br />_l ccrrify that in tlrc ;rcrfornuncc of thc work for which this pcrmit is issucd, I shall not cmploy any pcrson in any manncr <br />so as lo bccornc subjcct to thc workers'cotnpensation laws of California. and agree that if I should becorrc subject to the <br />workers' conr;rnsation provisions of Section 37fi) of the Labor Code, I shall, forthwith conrply with tlxrse provisions.. <br />WARNTNG: Failure lo secure workers' colnpensation coverag,e is unlawful. and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and <br />civil fines up to one hundred tlxrusand dollars ($100.0001. in arldition to tlrc cost of comgrcnsalion, dannges as provided for the <br />Scction 3076 of the Labor Codc, intercst and attorncy's I'ecs. <br />LICENSED CONTRACTOR <br />I)T]CI,ARA'I'I()N <br />I hercby affrnr under pnalty of pcrjury that I anr licensctl under provision of Chapter 9 (conrnrncing with Section 7000) of Division 3 <br />of the llusiness and Professions Code. and my license is in full force and effect. <br />License Class: License Number: <br />CONSTRUCTTON LENDING AGENCY <br />I hcreby aflirrn undcr pcnalty of pcrjury that thcrc is a conslruction hnding agency for the perfiormance of the work for which this pcrmit is <br />issuetl (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />[,ender's Name: <br />[rnder's Addrcss: <br />A PPI,ICANT DECI,ARATION <br />I hctcty allimr under pcnalty of pcrjury onc of thc following dcclalations: <br />Dcnrolition Pcrnrits-Asbestos Notification Fcdcral Rcgulations (Titlc 40, Part6) <br />Rcquircd lrttcr of Notification <br />_l ccrtify that thc fedcral rcgulations regarding asbcstos rcmoval arc not applicablc to this projcct. <br />_l certify tlrat I luvc rcad this application and statc tlrat thc atxrvc information is correct. I agre,c to comply with all City antl County <br />ordinances and State [.aws rclating to building construction, and hcreby auttnrizc represcntativcs of this Cily and County to cnter upon thc <br />above rrrcntioncd propeny for inspection purposes. <br />Applicant or Agent l\^r,.. <br />Permitcr namc (print): <br />08-07-201 5 <br />t2) talu