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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Su bf loor/VenVl ns u Iation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsu lation/Enerqy <br />Drvwall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />I /t l;. <br />FINAL iLlt?-'k r d)f '4Y6-l <br />Certificate of Occupancy I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrchy attirm undcr pcnalty of Frjury that I am cxcmpt hom lhc Conlracbrs' Liccnsc kw li)r lhc litlktwing rcasrn (Ss.7031.5 <br />Busincss atrd Profcssior Colc): Any City or Coutrty which rcquircs a Jrrmil to conslruct. altcr. impnrvc. dcmolish or rcpair any <br />stmcturc, prior b its issuancc, also rcquircs lhc applicant lirr such Frmil lo I'llc a signed slatemnl that hc or shc is liccnkd lrursuant <br />to thc pnrvisi()ns of thc Contractor's Liccnscd Law (Chaptcr 9, Commcncing with Scction 7U)O of Division .l of lhc Busitrcss and <br />P(rlbssrcns Codc) (rr thal hc or shc is cxemlt thercfi()m and thc basis fbr thc allcScd cxcmption. Any vi(tlation of Setittn 703 I .5 by any <br />applicant Ibr a Frmit subjccls th€ applicatrl k) a civil pcnalty of not morc lhan fivc hundrcd dollars ($500). <br />_1. as owncr of thc property. or my cmployccs with wagcs as thcir solc comJrcnsalion, will do thc work and lhc structure is nol <br />intcndcd oroll'crcd lirr sale (Scc.7044, Busincss and Prol'cssions Crxlc: Thc Contractor's Liccnsc Law dtrcs not apply lo an owncr o[ <br />thc pnrpcrty who builds or improvcs thcrcun. aml who drrcs such work himsclf or hcrsclf or through his or hcr own cmployccs, <br />prlvidcd that such improvcnrcnts arc mrt intcndcd or ollbrcd lirr salc. If, ltowcvcr, thc buikling or improvcrncnt is sokl within onc year <br />of complction, thc Owncr Buildcr will havc thc burdcn o[pnlving that hc or shc did not build rlr improvc thc propcrty lirr thc purJxrrc ol' <br />sah). <br />_1. as owncr ol thc propcfly, am cxclusivcly contracting with liccnscd contractrtrs to conslruct thc pnljcct (Sec. 7044, Busincss <br />and Pnttbssion Codc: Thc Contractor's Liccnsc Law tklcs not apply to an ()wncr of proJrcrty who builds or improvcs thcretln. <br />and who contracts lirr such pro.iccts with a Contractor(s) liccnscd pursuant to thc Cuttlractor's Liccnsc Law). <br />_l am cxcmpt undcr B. & P.C. lirr this rcason. <br />Date:0wner: <br />wonrcns'coltrums <br />DECLARATION <br />I hcrcby all'irm untlcr pnalty ol'Jrcr.iury onc of thc lirlkrwing dcclarations: <br />_lhavcanrlwill maintainaCcrtiticatcofConscnttoSclt-lrrsurctirrwrtrkcrs'conrJrcnsation,as provirlcdtitrhyScctittn3T00ofthc <br />Latxrr Crxlc', Iilr thc Jrcrlilrmance of thc work tirr which thc prmit is issucd. <br />kr havc and Scction 3700 of thc Lahor Code, lilr thc lrcrfirrmancc of <br />arxl Jxrlicy numbcr are:wrlrk lirr <br />l'olicy <br />_l ccrtify that in thc Jrcrlilrmance ol'the wrlrk tbr which this pcrmit is issucd, I shall not cmploy any lrcrs()n in any manncr <br />so as to bcconrc subject to thc workcrs' compcnsation laws of Calililrnia, and agrce that if I stnuld bccomc subjcct to thc <br />workcrs' comJrcnsation provisions of Scctkrn 37ffi of the Lahlr Codc, I shall. filrthwith c<lmply with thos:c pnrvisions. <br />WARNTNG: I;ailurc to scurc workcrs'comgrcnsation covcragc is unlawlul, and shall suhjecl an employer to criminal Srcrraltics and <br />civil lincs up lo onc huntlrcd thrtusand dollars in addition to thc c<tst of comJrcnsalittn,as pnrvidcd tirr thc <br />Scction -]076 ol'thc Latxlr Ctxlc. irttcrcst and atkrrncy's <br />DECLARATION <br />I hercby aflrm undcr pcnalty o[ Jrcrjury that I am liccnscd undcr provision of Chaptcr 9 (commcncing with Scction 7U[) of Division 3 <br />of thc Busincss and Prol'cssions Code, arxl my liccnsc is in ttll lirrcc arxl ctl'cct. <br />Liccrrsc Nurnbcr:<- <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY <br />I hcrcby atftrm undcr lEnalty of lErjury that therc is s coNtruclion lcnding ogcrey tbr thc [rcrlbmcc of lhc uork for which lhis lEmit is <br />issucd (Se. 3097, Civ. C.). <br />l-cnrlcr's Namc: <br />[-cndcr's Address: <br />APPLICANT DECLARATION <br />I lrcrcby atlirm undcr pcnalty of prjury one of thc lblkrwing declaralions: <br />Dcmolition Permits-Asbcstos Notil'ication Fcdcral Rcgulations (Titlc 40, Part6) <br />-Rcquirctl <br />l,cttcr of Notilication <br />_l ccrrily that thc t'cdcralrcgulations rcgarding ashcstos rcmoval arc nol applicablc to this pnrjcct. <br />statc that thc abovc intirrmation is corrcct. I agrc.c to comply with all City and Cttuttty <br />hcrchy authorizc rcprcscntativcs of this City and County lo cntcr uJxln thc <br />atxrvc mcntioncd pnlpcrty for <br />Applicant or Agent <br />Pennitce n&nlc <br />lo <br />)o1 <br />t <br />o,,". 4(o/zo,?o