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101103285 - Permit
Second St
1226 W Second St
101103285 - Permit
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Last modified
6/1/2021 10:51:53 AM
Creation date
6/1/2021 10:51:52 AM
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1226 W Second St
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SFR Alterations & Detached ADU
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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />ID/SIG.COMMENTSSITE-WORK DATE <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Su bf loo r/Ve nVI n su latio n <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Eneroy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />[\Iasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputv Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />r\, <br />FINAL U,\tf \1o Dk#b7 <br />Certificate of Occupancv <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />( )\1/N I,lR B t r I t.t ) <br />I hcreby affirnr under penalty of perjury that I anr exempt fronr the Contraclon' l-icense Law for the following reason (Sec'.7031.5 <br />Business and Prol'cssion Codc): Any City or County which rcquircs a p-rrnit lo construct, alter. irnprovc. dcrnolish or rcpair any <br />stntclure, prior to its issuarrce. also requires the applicunt lirr such prmit lo file a signed slatetnent ttrat lre or she ls licensed pursuant <br />to thc pnrvisions ol' thc. Conlractor's l.iccn.scd l,:rw (Chaptcr 9. Cornrncncing with .Section 7(XX) ol' l)ivision J ol'the Busincss and <br />Prol'essionsCrxle)orthatheorsheisexempltherc.tionrandtlrebasistirrtlreallegedexenrptiort. AnyviolationofSectionT03l.5byany <br />applicarrt flor u perrnit subjects the applicanl to a civil penalty ol'not rnore lhun I'ive hundred dollirrs ($5tXt1. <br /> owncrol'thcpropcrly,orrnycrnployc'cswithwagcsasthcirsolccornpcnsalion,willdothcworkalxlthcstnrcturcisnot <br />interded or oflered frrr sule (Sec'.7(]14, Business and Pnrfessions Code: The Conlraclor's Liccnse l-aw tloes nol apply to an owner of <br />thc pr)[]cny rvlxr builds rlr inrproves thcreou. arxl wlxr drrcs such wort hinrself or lrcrsell'or llrouglt his or her owtt employees. <br />providcd that such improvcrnents are not intcndcd or ol'l'crcd l'or salc. Il. howcvcr. thc building or improvcmcnt is sold wilhin onc ycar <br />of conplctiotr, the Owner Buikbr will luvc thc burden o[pnrvirrg tlurt lr or she tlid rxrt buikl or impmve thc pnrperty ftrr tlrc purynse of <br />sale). <br />_1. as owner of the pr)pefly, anr exclusively contracting with licensed conlrrrclors to conslruct tlrc project (Sec. 7(X4, Busincss <br />ard hulbssirxtCode: TheContractor'sLicerrseLawdrrcslrota;rplytoan()wnerofpropertywhobuikJsorimprovcsthereott. <br />and who conrracts for such projccts with a Conlractor(s) liccnscd pursuilnt to thc Contraclor's Liccnsc Law). <br />_l anr exenlpt urrtler Section_. B. & P <br />,,",", 11 18 \ l-0 L,0 <br />I hcrc'by allirm unclcr pcnalty of pcrjury onc of thc lirllowing <br />_l havean<lwill nnintainaCertilicateofConsenttoSell'-lruureforworkers'conrperxation,as providetl firrbySection3T00ofthe <br />Latxrr Corlc, for thc pcrformancc ol'thc work lirr which thc pcrmit is lssued. <br />_lhave:"urdwillnraintainworkers'compensationinsurauce,as recpriredbySection3T00oflheLaborCotle,titrtheperfirrmaltceof <br />tlrc w<lrk firr whiclr this prnrit is issucrt. My workcrs' conrl)cnsiltiort iltsurancc carricr arxl grlicy nunthc'r arc: <br />Policy Nurrrher: Expires: <br />_l ccrrity thut in thc pcrtilrnruncc of thc work tirr which tlris pcrnrit is issuctl, I slrall not cnpk)y any pcrson in any manncr <br />so astohccorrcsuhjccttothcworkcrs'cornpcnsationlawsol'Calilbrnia.arxlagrccthatif lshouldhccott*subjecttottrc <br />workers' conrpensation provisiorrs of Section 3700 of the Latxrr Code, I shall, forthwitlr conrply with tlrose provisiorts. <br />WARNING: Failurc to securc workcrs' comJrcnsrtion covcmgc is unlawful. antl shall subjcct an cntphrycr to criminal pnaltics antl <br />civil lines up to onc hundred thousartd dollars (Sl(X).(XX)t. in to the cost of'cornpensation. damages as provided for thc <br />atlorney's fees. <br />I hcrcby allinn undcr 1^-nalty of pcrjury that I arn liccnscd undcr Chaptcrr 9 (cornrnencing with Scction 7ffn) o[ I)ivision 3 <br />ol' thc llusincss and Profcssions Ctxlc. inrl nry liccnsc is in t'ull lirrcc and ct'll'ct. <br />Liccnsc Nurntrcr: <br />CONS1RI,'(ITION ],I.:NI)I NG A G I.]NCY <br />I hereby aflrnr under Juraltyof per.jury tlut tlrre is a constnrctiorr leudirg agerry tbr the Jrrftrrnurre of tlr work lbr which this permit is <br />issuctl (Scc. .1097, Cit'. C.). <br />Le'rtdcr's Nalnc: <br />Lcnrlcr's Arltlrcss: <br />APPI,ICA NT DECI,ARATION <br />I hcreby affrnr under penalty of perjury one of the followirtg declaratiorts: <br />Dcnxrlition Pernrits-Asbstos Notification Federal Regulations (Title .10, Part6) <br />_Required [-etter of Notification <br />_I certity that the federal regulatiorrs regarding asbestos renpval are not upplicable to tltis project. <br />_l certify that I have rcntl this application and state that the above inlornution is correct. I agree to conlply with all City antl County <br />atxlvc mcntioncrl propcrly lor <br />Applicant or Agcnt <br />l't rrrritrr nirlDt: <br />Rev. 08-07-2015 <br />1'P'ua*rr""V <br />t <br />purp()scs. <br />,*,,11 L{l'?,o?d,
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