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--SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNEll BI]ILDER DET-CARATION . ]Iha.byr,Imu.ddpo.nyofFjuy$rIoddi$nofr0tColrt-r6LtaEr^forrlEfolh$inslt&n(st7o!l.t\t1 <br />Bui.d ad Prcf6br Co<t): Ary Cny or Couny *nah r.qui6 r Fni io ordrud. dlq. iryrct drElirh & E ., ,' <br />qiu.r6.. Firro,r3 inlldt,.lo nqsiB E +plt.n for sh Fhn lo fil. ! rign d rrdEn lhillo.3lEblkdE d F,ut <br />b rlE FlvibE of dr Codr-rM r Lko!.d L.w ((t!..ra 9. CoffiinB *irh sdior 7m0 of Dirnion I otlh. BU!6 &d <br />Pbadbd Cod.) o. d{ lE d {E ir ddtrF tha*.m !i tl' lor rlE.lLs.d daprioi Any !nhi,. of Sdi.n ?0ll Jhtoy <br />pli.6r for. FDiI $bjarr rlE +?lid ro . dvil Frhy of tur erc rhd fir. n!.d.d dollE (tt00) a <br />- -, l. 6 o$e ofrh. FoFry. or oy 6npb,6 wirh *.96 6 dEt $L omFsrion. siu &r llE sat .ld l,E lnarE k ml <br />iddrLd d otro.d for eL (Sc.7044, aci6 dd EDfshE Codq Ttc Co.n &br't Lr.e Lr* do6 mr {rPly ro d o*E of <br />thc F6Fry who hrikt or in{rov6 rhdm !d trho AE Mh *orl himclf or h*lf or lhreush hir or lE o*n ffl'ht6. <br />provid.d rh! rsh ihp.DEEnl n ml intdr,.d m olH ft,r d. lL tFnaG, rh. hilci.g or inp..\sEl it $ld w(hin orc )d <br />ofo"lpl6iol! tlE O^{q Bdilda will h.E tlE htr&! olFDvilB rhn lE or $. dij rct hiild or imFlrt lh. FsFry aor llE porlor of <br />l. ! oMd of lhc propaly, m coilr..luu $ilh li.o&d .ontado6 ro co.hd rlE .,q..l {Se. 7(x-4. t\!'nd <br />.d AD&sir codc: Th. Conteioar Licru L.* do6 nor lpplylo u own6 ofFop<ny who build! or imp.o!6lh6on, <br />&d *to co'rEl! tor iuch Foj.rll wnh. Co, ltdB.d Fmu,i ro rh.Cotu&roi! Lk.M lrs) <br />I h trdpl un& S6ri,n W$n86iattalttEdsaf]o! JlECUaArla! <br />I hd.t, .lfm undd Frnt of Frury om ofilE folb* i,S &<lrabB <br />I h.E !n wiu ridri. r CdifEn. of C6Mr h S.lf-lM ld qort6 onFBrioo 6 Forid.d lot !y Scrhn 17m of E <br />t bor Cod.. fr dE Ffqljl.@ of llE Ert li,r *ttn rlE Fhn ir iBu.d. <br />I n v. .nd Nill porl6 ion irourumq 6 r.qunc{t r,y Scr ion .lTm of rh. lrb.t ( od., ntr rhc FforltlM. of <br />llE $ork lor which thir Fnil i! is€d. My woild coFFronion iBurec cdin ad poli.y nrmh.r r.. <br />I c6rit rhn in rh. Ffollw. of tlE $ort lor Ehi.h thi! Fnn i! isu.d.l3luller anploy o, F$n i. !n, IDiE <br />o B ro ba.G $t*.l to rlE srtd'odpa6ri,. bs of c.liaomia ,'d.88 thi if I Jbuld bGoE rubjcl ro lE <br />mrta' omFldio. FririoG of Scrion l7m of rh. t t n Coda I Jdl. fonhunh @mply q nh fior Frir6 <br />WARNINC Fnlw ro :w rvtd onFurbn orGrsc i dlr*tul &d rhrll rub..i e olphF ro sim!,1 Fdis !d <br />dvil fE up ro oE hrnd.d rbB.rd &lltE (t100.000), in ddnirn lo ft. coc ot.onForio( d.trgd s Foril.d tu llE <br />Sdirn :1076 of rh. t tor Codc hGd !d .hrElit fc <br />OECIJAAI]A! <br />I @y dIm urldd Fulry of Fj!r, rh, I m li€lt d u.<!.r Fl6iotr of CIqFE 9 (o,ffiiry wnh S.dbn 7000) ol Divbion l <br />ot rhc Bdi6 !n Prcfdiod cod.. dtd ny licog it in tull foN lld cltftr <br />coNsttucllo LF,u,Nc aGENca <br />I hdlby .llm utlda !a!ny ot Fjuy rhr rlEr a . onrtudb. ladig .g6y h. $. Ffollrr. olrlE s,t for whkh lllil FDi ir <br />isr.<t(Sa 109?, Civ. C.). <br />A?IUI;AtrLDf4:IJBAIIA! <br />I hrdrytfrn!.d€FrnyoaFjlryoE olrh. follo*inB ion! <br />Dorclirio. PmnlAlb6rd Noific ion Fcddl R.subriotu {Tirl.,ro, Pdr6) <br />R.qut.d L.rld olNotificlrion <br />I .d ily rhar ih. f.ddrl r.luhioa Eledns f,itEd rdovrl e. nor mplicabl. ro rhG projdr <br />I cdily thd I h!v. rdd tht rpplk.rion sd itt. thi rh. !1[v. irfodll Fn is cord I lsrd to conrly * irh .ll ( hy lnd aoot, <br />ordue6 ad Sl.t. t s! chi,s ro Urildins codrucriotr,n h(cty iurho@. rcFendir6 olrhB Cny.nd counr,ro drd upon dE:x:ffiryw,_tu <br />P. lic re orLt): <br />,r/a1rk- <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loorA/enVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s u lation/E nerg y <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coal <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />-Filfib-t/rr\?-J.4[vn-\c) <br />Certificate of Occupancy \7 <br />J.loles, Remarks, Etc. <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />ran<lq . Add6 _ <br />Set Backs