<br />APPROVALS DATE tD/srG.COMMENTS (r\\]\F:R Bt Dt:R trt.t.( ,\R \ I l(rN
<br />I hd.ty !0tD un k FrXy ol Fjury lhd I m ddF n 6 rlE Conrrlo6 Lt.* !t* for rhc follo*nS r.e. (Sd.7Ol l., r
<br />A6iE. rd hof6i6 Cod.)r An, Chy or Colny *hth rcquiE . Fml 16 6,rrkr. s. irryove .kmli or tqn -,,!.rur. Fs ro in illl-e .Lo E+iq rlE +dtd tu *h Fri ro frL . ntld fiaE! rh. h. d dE a la.d!.d Frur
<br />ro llE Fovi.iE of tt Coil'-rd . Li..6.d L.* ((lr.116 0, Comtri.g *it s.dbn mo of Dn nbr ! ol llx ${ri6 Dd
<br />lDfa..bD co&) or dlr lE c.lE rqoF rls!6on ild rlE h..t for rh. dLr.d.raBbn. Any vioLlion of s*ltu 701l.t b, hy
<br />.!?liul 6r. Fhn rbrdr. rlr .pplir r ro. dvil Frl' of ml tuE rhe fiE hsdEd &1116 (t5001
<br />l. - l'*E oft6. FlFlr. r Ey a+Lrr€ *itt s..a - llrt -L orpa!.i4 will & llE *st .i llt nidc . rbl
<br />ira&d dotrcnd fdrL (Sc.t(,aa. &,iEid Pbft-idco& Tn Co,lr-la.LtlEtr&..d4b'loDosGof
<br />rh.FFry *tb h,il.L d i'qoE tlEor !n "tu d6 E i mn hinElf or lE*lf o, threu8h ht or h6 o*, dplot6.
<br />Fov!Ld U.r Mh tiFD6r r G Dl iraliLd dotuld 6r d. l(,br!€.llr t{iltut tr itrp.!\sEr ii $ld qihh w rtof..qlain dEotE EuilE *i[ t.EiEhdnofFDvt rlEcJEdn'blbiUdiq,Dwt!FlFrytrrrEFrFGof
<br />l. a olG oa'hc FlFry, m *lNiwl, ..n'r-rn!B ehh li..B.d odrdoE lo oinrud llt I'!F (s( 7o.l,t, lld'.6
<br />.r!d Co&: Th. Conrdor'! Li.@ Llw &6 mr rp?ly 16 D osr6 ofFoF.l, wlb hril& or imrrorglh66n,
<br />.d r'lD odrrar 6r ut Fltxrr wnh. C. r-rnG) liGu.d pl,rrr lo rh.Conr-ld r Li!* l^)
<br />I o .rmF uild Sd.n , B &*uu-q
<br />I h.tb, tlIm untld Frly of Fjur-odof rh.6lbu !B dclrfni(ld
<br />-l
<br /> ud will Mi .in . Cdrilicn. of Colel ro S.lll ur. lor *.{d smFuion. ! F.eidd lor by Salirn 11700 of llE
<br />Ldo. Codc lu rh. Ffoffi. of In rdt ftr *itn llE Fnn i, isu.d
<br />I h.E lxl will uin h mrto mnF!.b. i,Elj,ue - rquiEl br S<lior t?00 of llt Lrbor ( orli Gr llE Ffdr,'et of
<br />llE wt for *hth thi FEi i. irld My *ut@ onFrrir iwlftc ffi6 .d polry nunbd .c:
<br />-l
<br />cdriryrhlr in rfi. Ffotu. of rh. work for whi.h tht F.hir i3 isu.d.l slullnor dpl6y Dy F on in any nMF
<br />F . t6 bc!re utid lo rlE *drd' @np6rrbn Ls of C.liromr .nd ir lhi if I tlsuH t (om {ti6l lo lt
<br />mdd' drFrabn FDvirioE oasari6lrm of
<br />'lE
<br />t bd Coda I adl. t(rlNilh sndy *nh lEt Frliod
<br />cryil tud up ro otu hundd rho@d dolL. (1100,000). ii .ddnbi lo (mrE€rnrn.*6 r flotid.d lor lh.
<br />Sarbn 1076 ofrhc lrtd Cod., dn6r. ri r!ori.r'! Eq L
<br />I h.t!, dfd un& d.h, of Fjuty rhd I e lid ud& Fovii!, of (1 f,6 9 (o'lll4i.g $nh S<rih 70@) ot DivniE l
<br />of llE BoliE -d ftDti.E C.d., rd Ey ltc ir i' tull 6r rn dEd.
<br />cquual]ll,lqlJ.Ellllclcllct
<br />I hd.!, .rh urid Da.ty of Fjury rhr rha! i . @lrtu rion ladir .3ct fd rh. F6ll1re olrlE wr tu *hth rhi Foi i
<br />i.o..l (sd. !09r. civ. c. ).
<br />I ta6, .etn ut& pa.r, .f Fr4 oE of {E 6lb*ir'r .Iih.rb6:
<br />Damliliotr P@ill^lh6tor NolifE.rion F.dsd R.$hhB (Tnk 40, P!16)
<br />-R.q[i!d
<br />L,aE of Ndii.rin
<br />- I 6rit lhr rh. fdt6.l ,qulrb6 Egrdanr d6rd rGfur.l o. hr .prlr.bL ro rhir Foirr
<br />i
<br />Waste & Vent s (t ra {c3}
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor I I
<br />Building Sewer tr B ..\c)t
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P{rap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release ,\
<br />-)-
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />s
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />tr+*s.,. (or\t\\ultl
<br />,qr