<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent ttlAlro t**8
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P{raplDrain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release I I
<br />I NAL
<br />>ltJ
<br />F
<br />N
<br />OWNEI AUIlt)Ef, DEITAiATI{'i{
<br />I horby .,lm u.d6 psrlry oaFjury lld I h q.6p{ fron rh. C.'nr&lor' Lta* tt* ,or lh. blb*irB taa ISc.7ollJ
<br />&Bind -d hotu$n Cod.) Ary Ciy o. Cody vhtb Eqsi6 . Fui to odD<r. .ia. ia.ov!. ddli[ d ry.i 6y
<br />lrrti.lE . ro ir. i$lec. .ho ,.qun. th. .prlt.,[ for .Bh Fon lo 6L . 3'rrGd nrqEn lll, L or lE ir ti6.d F rlrr
<br />b rlE Frvii,N of rlt ConErid r Livn d t w (clrds L Cffiins,irb Scrih 7@0 of Uvnbr 3 ot0E &!!B -dPofdiod Co&)dtha h.orrh i!aanfl d!6.lio6&dth.b6n for!.{ d6 ion. &y violrio!otselbi 7011.t tt!y
<br />Slad 6. . Fmi obian rlE .prlt.rn to ..ivil Frhy of d ,lE th- fr. hortu.L,[d (t 00)
<br />-1..
<br />o9cof rh. Fot6ty. d !r.qbr6 wti r{6.dEir -1..r46ii,!. wi[ & dE Er -dft nure i] Er
<br />ido.t d d olH ftr !d. (Sc.7044. BuiE sd Prokhnr C.<lc TIE C.rir-rq r Ll* L.e &6 rcl !!p, l. - o0G of
<br />rlEFrFry r'lb Eill d i+.o€ rlEa rn $,b .b6 rdr El hirlf or h,rlf d rhDuah hi c ic M qL,rq
<br />Fovid.d Ox ruch ilF.cEn! e Fl iiqx,.d rof&Ed tir rL. tl ho6q. dE hliUi.| a iryoqGr - FU *ihi! G tcofqpldi.rr dE ol,E hiSd sil br d! hir, ofFDvit nr li d t!. drd Dt toid d n +.!G &. FlFty ft. t[. F,FG of
<br />B*l. solcof rh.FDpaU mqdqiE co,n-rii8 siii licd!.d conrdos lo @d .r llE FDi-l 6a. 7044. Ellis
<br />ADlsin Corl.: T& Cotr'dd t Li.@ trw &a ar .prly ro - o*G of FoFr, *ho boildr d iEF!6 tltqaD.
<br />md *io or!r$! td st Fojar! enh . Co'!a.ro4, lt@.d Fl,,e b rlE affid r Li!* la)
<br />!o.r. lof
<br />t]
<br />lt,r t
<br />I h6.b, .mm undd Full! or Fjury on. ofrh. follown8 dclarlioN
<br />_l h.E lrd *ill rilri'. Ccri6.d6 of Co.ran ro S.lf-l,!e to. wl6 @rqo.rir. - FoviLd 6r !, s-rb,ln 0 of ln.
<br />rrbo. Cod., 6. dE Ffo.lrE oldE rqt h qndr rb. FDn i io.d
<br />,l llw rd vill ui'n.n E d o4@rbi iteff.. . ..q!id b, Serbo 1700 of da t lor Co& for tlE Ffolrlr. of
<br />tlE srt br *tth rhi. Fnn i! !b.d My wr6 @!q6rih iffi nb r.l Fli., @Dbq G
<br />1B cafit
<br />'lrd
<br />h th. F6lil.e orrlE 6rt h*h.h il . Fot ! t&.( I 6.! mt .qro, ey rEu in ey otE
<br />, .b b@c $tiel io tlE wro'@!pa!db. Ls of C.liforma sd.8E thr irl .lbuld tcoe tutj..l to t
<br />@t6 .@Frrbn Fori(E of setiE 374 oldE t&. Cod., | lul ftnhlil qql, -ii tlrr Foviic
<br />W,{RNING Fnl@ ro tu @*6 oopqriih 6vsia. ! dLwftL !n 3h.ll sbrei - 6!gbF lo cnini Frla -dcnil fi6 up lo c hd<H dbuted &llr. (ll0o.00ol. i! .ddliE lo 0E oi ot corplurio( dara6 . ForiLd ror UE
<br />seraon 1076 ofrh. co<lc lndn !n irorEr't *2.-s-
<br />-,., r o /. [.4 r LlEf,SirarEtrcrcr!!o&Do!
<br />I boltt .flao urdd pquly of Frr4y llll I n li€!.d uda iEviiotr or ch.ptr 9 (offiins wilh s*rbn 7000) ol Divilih l
<br />oa th. EoiE !n PrDli.iE Cod., .d ry li(!E i h tun i'r*t
<br />I bc*t rftD 'od6,@fyof Firy rh ltd! ir. oddiE {8, ei rt. Fe.e of lb6t t rti.lrtiFd a
<br />!E d (sc. 3097. Civ. c.)-
<br />L.!&'. N.Dc
<br />-
<br />I lrda ,6tl, otFju.y c of J! &lbsto .|.lrrbB:
<br />Dqmhion P6he^.hdo. Notfqrba r.da.l L.8d.i(E OilG .o. P.i6)
<br />-R.quiEd
<br />lal(
<br />t c6iry $r rlE 6ddrl csllriod Esrdins .tErd rE6v.l G or ?pli..U. ro th! FrF
<br />T}l
<br />d{i,@ !d Sld. trs Ehia lo hr
<br />rtov. IElb.ql FDFry tu uEFiih
<br />ihxv. r(In(!Trarnc ollhtr (
<br />'r\ rn,l ('ounrt L,.nrd utr)n rh.
<br />Appllorl o. Atdl Slt..luF:
<br />'nrt.r.l $i^,| tl,
<br />ro* lol. hrto
<br />IP,iEiI
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Roof Drain
<br />tll_\
<br />Etc.
<br />c ltt
<br />It'h/tD 4
<br />l
<br />I >)re>