<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas T6st
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />otttf,it BUtLt Ei Dtlrcan floN
<br />I hdtlr.Ilth u& rdty of pajsr] fir I m aa$ 8n tlE codrrrd Li.qG t s fq tlE (llbwt's lq5i lse?0!1.,
<br />bind .d Profttin Co&)r ,l., Cny d Cd,.y wlrth Eq{iE r Fna lo o't Mr .16. inptoE darcli.h ff qli -,
<br />durEq Fir ro r! b.udq rrlo GplE rhc +plic. fo! uh Fnn ro ft . risnql nrqrEt rhi li d r& i! lki-d Frra
<br />ro rh. DrDvnis of rlE co lsrdi Lkd..d ltw (Orfl6 9. cffiing wirh S<riE ,@o of Divih I ol d! EGin r rd
<br />PrcfdioB cod.) or d''l lE c dE i d.ni lhali.n !n dE h.i L lh. tlt |td 6dFih. Aiy vbLk ots<rs ,0! 1,5 by ey
<br />rcli..d 6.. FDi $lrii! rh. Alicnr 6. ciril F6.Ir of Dt imlh& liv. h!.dr!d &U-t (1100).
<br />-1.
<br />6 o$G of lh. FoFry. ( Ey .npbr6 uilh w.ga 6 llEt FL onFrrion. *iI d. llt $si .d {t rndG a tr
<br />i,tqd.d orof6!d fd.l. tsc.704a, BEin '.nd PtDftri Cotk TIECdr rd.LilEt edE|El4gryionorEof
<br />rlEFoFr, wto h,ib ( iry!6 iEer .d *,lD d6 xt {t &elt u lEr.llor lLlu|n hir tr hd oM dplo}G
<br />Forilql thr lsi i'ryoEGrt E Dl i.q!.ld c otuld t[ rt l[, h.$!E. lh. bqitdit| d irprnEen i! $ld eith @ )dofqtplrio( 0E OrE Brilb wil hE llE h,rlo olFovilB d!. lr d tE did d hild d imF$! dr FlFiy 6. llE F,Dd of
<br />l. . NE ofilE FEF,. !r 6.lundy coir*rht rnh k.nr.d @lnff6 to coMtu<r 0E Fojd (Sc 7olrl. BGlr
<br />ord Probin co&: Th. conrdoa. LkC@ Lr* rla mr qgly ro . o$c oa FlFlt sio t{i(n or inF.t6 lhrorr
<br />rd etE onrxrr fd ai FDtdr wnh. Codrdo(r| liE!.d F Erlo ECodr|siLifft w)
<br />-l
<br />& qdpl ulda Sdba
<br />lIllAAE85:g<EMAIq!
<br />I ha.$y .rm und6 porht olFju,r oE ofth. lolb*iq &(LrriE
<br />I hE -d willuioru r Cqrifarc ofcolEar ro sGla-lBuE 6r *!rta onFlrhi! ! ForiLd to, !, scrbn lr0o otrlc
<br />L.bd Codc ln $. Ftotltre of 0E Bdt for *ti+ rh. FDi i iqr.d.
<br />-lh.e.dsilltui rin wort6 onF6.rbn i6l]le., r r.quir.d by serhn llm of
<br />'h. t,thr ( or!., f.r lh. Ff(tlrlrcof
<br />llE 6rI for ehkh rhL pa,rn b ioed My s.*d .ohF rbn idlrc 6F i.l Flty nunba rc
<br />-l
<br /><!ify tr b rlE Ffolll1.e olttE rort fd whth rlir Fmn ir iual. I dtll nol dph, lny F$n in d) nu6
<br />$ at6 h@ft rlticr ro th. wtd of,Fsdhn L"..fcrlitlmir lld rE rl'r irl n$!5 t<oc dtid r. rlE
<br />ertd onpd&riorF.vi!io6ofseion 1700ofrlE ltld Cod..I d.lL ldhsthNtr t*ihrlI.IFrni.6.
<br />.Lrtut .'d tirll sbj.rr , oploF b an d FElb -.16il fiB up ro o* hu H rhoeid &'lLt n t! rlE 6i of comFurion. d!m!a6 a ,ro\ id.d 6r llr
<br />DrcraSAxIa!
<br />I hd!b, .ftD ulia pa.ly ot FiB, lh. t G ldd @(b Flvth otc|ltFn I (@didtci'r wth s.dbo 70001 ol Dnhi@ !
<br />ol lb&iBld Pro&id cod.- nd Drltc i b i 6cd.fi6r.
<br />?3 6/73
<br />I hdlby lmm u.it r F,ty of Fiut lhi odt(lb. laiiB *c, for rlE Ffd'rc olllE rs* i{ rtth lni Fnt i
<br />ta.d {Sc. 3097. Civ. C. ).l!rlr'. N.rc:
<br />AIA4ABLD!g'8AIIA!
<br />I H, .ftD !.& pa.!y of Fiury m of rlE folb*hg daeri6:
<br />Dabhb. Pmie^lt 16 Norifrdba fcddl R.robbB (11L 40. r.n6)
<br />-R.q!i,!d
<br />alrlr of Ndi6.rin
<br />,- \nh rll( irt ind ( o(ly
<br />y ud ( ou'n! 16 drd t4 n0r
<br />- I .d'rnd t& ftd-d i$lrli.d qrllil. !h.ro. lmrd e iot aplE.blc rc rht FliEr
<br />-
<br />lr-,y'* , ,.*,-o f"..-,icrbi rn dc $.0E .toE iiton ih.dy.d.Ir.crootd
<br />ddr&a nd 9.c t:{ El.aro h|ild,| olIr!.ti'o. .d hatt, lrlEris EF!..drn a of rhi. cn
<br />do{ Ab..d EDFry tu Lo}bn DtrF6.
<br />^l-.^-7***\f- -
<br />D.,.,-, ^-,, { "tt.e__Aa-*-
<br />o4J1'/>
<br />TOP OUT
<br />t lblu Dft+<