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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.OWNER BUTLDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby aflirm undcr pcnally of pcrjury lhal I am excmpl liom thc ConrErlor' Ltcns Llw (tr rhc follo*i.8 ta$n (Ss 70ll 5 <br />Busine$ ald Pmfcsion Codc): Any Cily or Counl, *hich rcqlircs a pcrmir lo connru.r, rd, improvc, d.mlhh nr rcIln uy <br />(ru.rurc. fior ro ns i*u .c, rho rcqun r rh. 'l)pli.ut dr su.h lfrmt ro fih r si8ncd sl.r.mnl thol lEor shc is licctrrcd l}uuuei <br />ro rhc pmvtn'n\ ofrh Co.tacror's l-icenrd k* (Charrcr 9, ConmNin! wirh Selion 7000 ol Oivision 3 of rhc Busifts ..d <br />Pmfc$io.s Codc) or rhat hc or shc t.xcnrpl th.rcnoD ind thc basi! forlh. ollcs.d cxemprion Any violalionofscrion 7O:l1.5 by;ny <br />lnnlicanr tor !rElmir subjcch rhc lmlicanr ro !cirilpenultrolnor dtrcrhan nvc hunddddoll&s (35llo). <br />-1. <br />rs owncr ol thc nioFny, or my crqrloyes wilh w!3cs as rhct {nc ompcnsrbi, will do rh. sM* .nd rh {Mm i\ mr <br />inr..d.rl or ofcrcd lor sh (Sd.7O4:1. BudNs and PtoLsio.s Code Thc s Liccnr Llw does nol appl, to an owmr oi <br />rhcpmpcny who btrilds or iqroKs rhsmtr rJxl who &n luch w)d{ hnn*ror hcrslr.r $str8h hh or hd own cmplorc.s. <br />nrorAed rhat such imllDrcmnn @ d inrcndai or ofrcrn lnr $b lf. lllucKr rlE hitliru or nq'rftrnr t vid *ithin oE ,w <br />of.rnplcri,n. th. Owmr Au,ttr w,ll hrvc rhc bordcn or lmvidg lhd hc or shc dil mr hild or irrymrc l,\€ pmltny lor lh. pu4rc of <br />l.asownsolrhcpropcny.omcxclu\ivclyconrr!.linswirhli.cnscd.onrract,\ro.onnrudrh.proj.rr(sc.7044,Bu$nes <br />Md Pirf*sr,n Codc Th.Contdoi s\c Lrs docs nor rtplyio oowncrofprotc yqho huildsor in,)rovcs thcrcon. <br />ud *ho corrBck ror \ucn rrcjcc( wirh a ConlBcron 9 liccnrd lrnunr h rhc Conk&br'\\c Lr*) <br />_l an.xcnpi ud$ Sc.rioo_. B &PC torrhl\Mson <br />]{OBtrE&I..cOMfj&tA.U!]N <br />PECIASAIIAN <br />I hcrcby Emrm undcr lcnalry of lcrjury onc ofrhc t,ll,,*ing dccuftrion\ <br />-l <br />hrvc lrd s ill nuinhin n Ccdific,rc ol Con{nr b Scll ln\urc l(lr *orlcB comj*hurion. is ,ovidcd tor b, sorio. r?c{) ot rh. <br />Ukn Cod.. for ltE ,Erforrorcc of rh. uo* for which rhc p.nnil i! hsocd. <br />y' h cJnd w'!lnrinbin snrlc^ .onFn!,ri.n in.urancc. r\ rcquncd bySc.rnrnlTmorrhc tib.r Codc. ror rhc pdrornEk. or <br />/,'rhc*rlntr*hKl-rh\|crmiri.i..'r.dMlw.rlc,-,n,mFn\rli..nin\u'rnrccJri JJriFnnrnumt\ie' <br />-o LI <br />I ccnilyrhd h rhc pcrlonEn.corthc aork lo. !hi.hthnlEflnit k iss,cd.l shlll nor ctrfloy rtry pcrbn in rny mrnnc! <br />s s k, hcmnE sul,Fl h tlrc uorkclr conEn\al t'n hws of Culifuni3. rnd rsry rhr ir I \lr U {bj..r Iorht <br />woikcfi co'npcn\arioo pmvisions otScdnrn lT00 otlhn lrhn Codc.l rhrll, fonhwirh.lnnply wirh rho$ flovision: <br />WARNINC: Frilurc ro sm work.A comp.nsdioh .ovcmSc <br />civrl fincs u! ro onc hu.dr.d rhous.ri dollds {1100.m0). ,n <br />scclion 1076 of lhc t2bor Codc. inlcrcn and albrEy\ l.cs <br />h unh*tu|. and stull subj.d an cflrplortr to nininal rrMhts and <br />0ddnionlorc cosr olconrp€nsalhn. dom8cs ur pruvidcd for lhc../ <br />l2-l zZ /?-a"P*,-^ <br />DI!!A&II,IAIhrr.hyrlni utrd.rN htorrrju'y rhxr I n nrd undn rornion ofCh0frcr 9 (.omnEncin8 wilh Scctbn ?ujo) olDivhion l <br />of rhr 8u\inc\\ rnd I'nnc*nnNC.dc. x t n,y licotr* i\ in lnll,nrr ndcllrcr <br />(a <br />I hcrcby ol,innundcr lEnolryofocrjury th lhcrc is o onslrucli,n hndins ascmy ror lhc F.ftrtutuc or rh. wo f.rvhichrhisp.rmil ii <br />irsucd 1S.c.30)7, Civ. C.) <br />AETL&ANI..PECIAXAID! <br />I hsby,lim undcr pcnrhy of p.rjury onc oilh! followinS dsllralions: <br />Dcmolilion Pcrmih A\ti.\ros NotilEarim ltdcralRe8ulutions (Tirlc 40. Pd6) <br />_Rcquncd bllcr of Notif.urion <br />_l.cnifyrhd rh. radcml rgularions 68din8 dsh.ios r.mvaldc norapplicsblcb lhG rmjccl <br />_lrcniry rhar I hlc rcdd rhn.rplicrriotr orld i0rc rhd Lhc ahovc inlbrmrhn h cotrsr.I o8re roohply wirh lll Cny and Counry <br />onlhrnrc! cnd tj$ rclarlu ro builditrs co!*don.9d hercbyaurhonr rcrrsnralivcs o,rhi\ Cny rnd Countyio.nrd ulln rhc <br />rblc rnriotrcd l]n,pcny lbr in <br />Appllcunl or Agenl SigmluF ./ <br />O?Tr'h 5 hc.Y <br />)z/ P20 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Lile Satety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />lvleter Release <br />Rough <br />Service lvleter /I//L/ht( -4FINAL ry14U <br />Notes, Bemark6, Etc <br />R{..v OB-07-2015 <br />COMMENTS <br />,",", l).lL4 2alA conr,o"ro, <br />Pentrilee nnme ( pritro: