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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OwIlf,I IUII)ET DEI'AT TIOiI <br />I ui& piIty or pdjuiy rh, I m ddpi 6!n rh. Conl,..t6 Li6e t:* tor fi. followins ,a&n (Sc?0ll.t <br />B6itE !'d Protun'o cod.), tuy Ci, d Cood, *hth ,c$i6. Fni 'o <br />@'ErE. .lq. itrp.oE rbD[ d lF.n -,,nxlc Firro irt illtlle..Lo tqoi6rt ?diol for EtFni lo 6Lt rE,l.d nrdEl rht.!EorJEirlkd.d F@d <br />ro tlE Fpritiod of rlE Conrrtdt LkGM.d t w (Ctupr6 9. Com@i,g { nh Scrion 7OO0 of Divtbn I of th. &dt6 &d <br />Prlkb6 Co<l.t 6 6d lE or.lE ir adl9r rtE!6o6 &d rh. tGt 6. rlE.lls.d drnFin A!, !bhi6 ots<lin 70ll , h, o, <br />+rlicdl for r Fnil rubjt(|! [E .pglicDr lo . civil pcEty ot nol mr. tha fiv. lundrd &llB (t50o). <br />-L <br />a ffi ofrlE FoFrr. s Ey dploJa eith w.i6 a lh.t -t c!qdBdi!'. wil & d!.rst..l dE dErE i 6r <br />ir.d.d d o&!d 6r .l (Se.?044. &dE -d A!&nD Codc Ih. conncra't ria. Lr* &6 lEl ely lo & o*E ofrt FFry elD bnllairy!€ltaE.. nd tto.b-rdr 6l tiddf c ta-ltd dnqt ti d lE om.orlolt., <br />provid.d rhn $ch iDForffir@6l ira.t dorotu6r.b t( lr*c. rh. hiLti,! d ttqoqd i 5ld *irhi! om rd <br />of .d4bin ir'.o..E hiliE v0 h€ of Fwit dr t n a. iE lDl hild d aFlE tic lr'pdry 6.1i. F,FGof <br />-1..orGolll.FlFt <br />.6s.r!iEl, cor.siB *if li.d.d cod-t6lo.qatar rFid (S<. ?o44. oriE <br />.tn PtDbir Co&: Tn. Cofi...ld r Lic.& Lrw &€ rct .pply 16 E om* ol prcFry who b{il.L or i6po€ rh6ol! <br />od *tD @!rr-lt b. Et F!r.d. sih . Con .dq(, li@.d Fda b U. cdrnda r tiqE l,). <br />I dn.ranpl u.d6 S$r <br />D",1t Ub l?er <br />r)rrr\lr\ll(r\ <br />I h(.by r mrm trndd p66ny of p6ju.y on ofrh. fohwinB dehr tuns <br />-l <br />hv.-dwillui .b. Cqrifcr.ofcoo.n ro sdfle ft.6lGr'd|.rEdoa. FDviLd 6r t, scliri 3rm olth. <br />Ulor Codc for lh. FfoluE! otdE mtt fq $tth ttc p6it i! i!.u.d. <br />-l he.nd will mrinlrin rc*?r @mFolrrion iEumc. 6 EquiEd by S6rid tr00 of lh. t:tnt Co<t , for llE Fforlte. of <br />th. *ort f.r shit lli! Fmil i. iErdt My 6161 6,pssrio. irffi ffi d polty nutd G <br />Polty Nu6b6:_ErpiF <br />W mlnGT Fri&. lo E@ wI@' oqqlnion @vdgc u !iLr'6,1 rd tLll rt*.| a dipLtc lo ditrtd <br />.ivil 6c up lo c hndld ltoEi &lbt (tl00.@0), in ..!dnion lo E @r ol otr!.Erim. d&n{6 a Fo\ir.d b. t <br />S.(rrr rlrT() o, rh.l trlrtr( ( .. dcr.( rnd <br />IG L <br />[lcllSAIIo! <br />t ho*, .ftn ordE po{y of pa;.y rU t a te"a r.aa po*11". orftrFd 9 {ffiiry rth Scrir 7@O) of Oivirir'J <br />or rh. SuiE r*l Prot idrCod...dDrlt*i.ntull6E6d.lE l. <br />(IJ,|iI.BI(IAL!I;NIIIi(jITqI!(I <br />I hc'.]Jv llt,nrftlq n-rh! ofp.aJU'r. rhirrhcUi..on{,n knd !+d(v nn rlr.Fli'nnnn.ollh.$orl (r (hicl, r1lr rrnll b <br />'r$.ilS( l(x7. ( r\ ( ) <br />AIll.ll,ltur-0Ecu8Allo! <br />I or& Fdy orFlr, oE ofth. 6lb*itu (blrri6: <br />Ddfulnbr Pdil!-Artdc Norifdlio! F.darl Pcarlnba GitL 40. P&16) <br />-R.quiEd <br />l-la of tui6.rih <br />-l <br />Giry lh rlE Had ErUriE ,.Brdi.g 6tand ,qF[l .. .or {pli.H. 'o <br />lti! F.r.n <br />-l <br />c6tit rhe I h&r rad lhir plt a! nd fl. th. rlE .hor h&6trb! b dcr I .gc ro otrtly rih .ll Citt &d Cofly <br />odine6 .nd $4. L.w Ebit to hrildilg con rktion tn k.t!y rrtbri4 rqe ic oirhbCty.d Cor6,lo drtE i4.. th. <br />n /? f 1t' /L-2o <br />PI Q-"rr+,"ffiil$ 3 <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulatron <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL /.t2'2/,L (c ;/rzos'27 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />lnstallation <br />-l€tryU.illt <br />Fforfficorrbwlrl lt *tall!i. Fri r a$d I fiil d !ryb,.lyFn i!&ydl.E <br />s ! lo b..ont rlt,rd lo tb. $!*6 .onp@ioi b*! of C.lifohh. rd .ac rhr if I slbuld bc6r sli6t ro rt <br />Bt6i orydi{ FoviriE of s.ahn l7o orrh. L&. c6d.. t ftlt ftdh"th 6u91, eit lbc FwU@.. <br />-Lr.G <br />N6h.: <br />-