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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS (r\\\lRBt ll t)tR t,t I ( \R\t()\ <br />I u!& Frty of Fiuy thr I n a@F 6u rt Col,ld6 LiEB L* 6r rln blbwilg tu. (Saroll , <br />Buin* ald PrefBDi co&): Alt Ciy or c@ry *tth rcquG . FEi ro @iiul. .lla. ntp.!v!. datti|l! or EFi ny <br />nodEq Fn( ro ilt iM.. &o E+i!E rhc ?plkx,n tu $Gt pqili r. 6k r is..d ndaEn fid l! d dr b licd Frylr <br />ro th. FDvbioN ot6. Conrrloi! Li.6!.d U* (Cll4rs 9. Commhr wnh Serioi ,000 of Ovilb. 3 of rh. l6iE 4d <br />ftll{bB Corb) d lbd U or ilE i adF rhE6,or .!d rh. t-i! for aaiFbr An, viol.lbn ofserbn ?Orl.5 tt iry <br />rrrliclll rDr . Fin lbicl. tL .Flirtl to..itrl paBlryof 6r nm ihe frc lu(H &ll8 (1500) <br />l. - ffi of d'. FFy. - nystpbra wlh s.t6 - dxi DL @rqdi,.. eil6lbEt -dtLlrtdE. ml <br />arddd d oFa.d fd r.L (Sc-70,L. BaiE rd lroferi.t6 Corl TIE Connad ! Li@ te d.6 i.. nd, lo - olG of <br />rlr FoFty wto hili d !rFo6 oEu. .!d wno do6 rd Et hitulf or s thrcoih ni. d ha om .qLlra. <br />Fovit d$.r sch inFDErd! GDr irrd'&ddoftird for.le l[ biildil8 or tn9llElEr bEldwihbo J6 <br />or@rlpllio.. th. O*E B{id6 wil hrE 0r hrtbr otFovnE tn lE o..lE dil el hdd 6 irglw 0t FlFly br tlE Erp...of <br />_l..@ofrn Flfaln d a.r.idy orl'-riB wii lid @ .36 ro @6!.r dE FoiBt (Se. 7014. Ert{E <br />rn hliir Co&: Tlr Co rrrd r Li.@ Lle d6 Et Eely lo n o*E otrorary rlb bcil(L o ioD.o6 ilE6c <br />.!d rlD @nar. ftr eh <br />'.oin! <br />*nh . Co,r'xid(, lia.d FJE-r lo d' coirdorl Li@ Lw) <br />I m .roF u,i< Sdion U & PC forrhsr.M. <br />Orrd <br />ItantrEas:ca ffltalla![!cld8All!l! <br />I ls Fdry ol Fr,r+ oE oltL tolb*lg drhi'B <br />I h.r .rd sill rirlh . Cdiftr. of ColEr ro SdflEs &. wld .o pdiih. ! FdLd br b, Srrih lm oldr <br />L.t . c.& li. tlE Ffoite. otdE wt ft. $.tth it FEi ir ie6d. <br />-l h.v. .nd will h!inl.i. krtd codp.E hn imurd.. a r.qun d by SErion 1700 of lh.llbor Cod.. for fic Ffdtue ol <br />ll! h lm x,hth lhi Fhn b ir!.d. My wnt6 onFudih iluft. 6ir ,n poky ndb. 8.,*, Aq- <br />",r""r.,^*,C16(P(*.(9--3t-Ll. <br />Lrfdiry rha i! $. pcro.i!*c of 0E *ort fut *,iah $t Foi n bu.4 I ddl @r opL,y oy F$. in ey lME <br />$ s ro hGoN s6jal ro th. *vr6'omF!:rion lr* of crlirohi.. od.aG rhd if I dbuld b(o@ Dbjcr ro tlE <br />E,t6' odFs.rion prnvtbd of Sdioa 1700 of lh. lrbor Coda I ftlL 6ith*ii @r!pl, wnh rb. prlvgiod. <br />wAR INC: Fnlw lo Eu. wi6 @op@rih otqrsc i uL*tuL tn ddl lbixr . ql9hra lo ai6id F.l6.d(Mt 66 w b oE hlxH dbqd &rllrt (tl@.000). h rrtdir-! b th. @i of d6.86 . F\id.d fu ir <br />Sdlaon 10?6 of rll trt6r Cod.. dat, &d ddtr'. fc <br />- ?-2 <br />r.rt rrir,rrZorrnrr rrrn <br />t,L(,l-ua\ I tot <br />I hd*y .Irfr uidi F[!y of p6iE, ltr I n [.d 'E& FDviiD 0l(r$6 9 (@ffinB wib Scrb! 70@) of onibo ] <br />of lh.&EiE!d Prolt i,n Code .d ny ltqc i n tul br r'.1.ftd. <br />tx*ct^. / 2 '7 <br />wtc, /r2-/1 -2.a <br />b g?f3s? <br />CqIsIf,UqIIadlIEDIGIGElCI <br />I lE*!.IImEr& poll,olFiuyti. rlEr i.6'rn-ih ldiltcy tu rt pr&.nG.oflh.6r b, *iitft. FDa i <br />ud (Se lo9r. Civ. C )la(b. N!E: <br />AIIIJCANI.DECIjEAIIO! <br />I i.6, .ltE 'r& F .ty of Flay oE ofttE blbeiri debibB, <br />Oa.lnbo Poril^.b.r6 tlo.i6crb. Fqb.l R4ltir (Tilk lo. Prt6) <br />RGqliiod l!16 of Norifcrbn <br />I cdib lhd lh. f.dd.l mgu,atioB rqradiry abdor rmvrl e€ mr +plic.blc b lhn pmlal <br />4^r,n h6,. rad rhir .rDlr.rion ,!d i..ld ro e'npl, shh.[ cnr..d tuunrt <br />rclr6ddA 6 .f rhn ('nr !n ('ounr! ro 616 uBrn rlE <br />n /,2-t Z'Lo <br />1,, <br />Apeldrl or Ardl Sknlur: <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Rough Waler Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />P-trap/DrainLine l//A- <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipirlg ll'l>d rLc_'tz4 <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL /-zr-zl lZ C/r,./€lts ry4 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />EZ <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line