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DATE ID/SIG. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor It 4 Ir1 >t00afi n <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit)I <br />Walls (Rough)WMol | /'1 <br />brboel,Ceilin gs (Hard & Soffit Rough w <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)ti <br />Meter Release atu/A 'tr 6JI <br />Rough <br />Service Meter I <br />btuiln,FINAL a0 ir ,a,\ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNEI' BUILDl:8 Df, I-('ARATION <br />I hn l., tllm undq pcn.lly or pcJury ln l t dn .tcmpl from !n. Cod!.cloR l.icoE L!* tor rh., followins t.&. (S.( 70:l l 5 <br />Auh6r .nd P.oasi)n Cod.) A.t ( ny or Counry *hrh r.qun6 . pamit r. ..Brtu(1. rhd, in!.o!., .t rmlLh or Ep.n lny <br />slrudu.. Fu ro it! irw. .ko rcqurB tlE {pltml for 3u.h Ftu ro 6k r r'{i.n 3dffi rhr tt or dE i! lcqed F,n!,r <br />b ih. rm\irirB of ill ConUdff! l-k6!.d rr{ t(-h!tr- 9, (onlltri.r slh sdi6n 7()o ol ! of rlE B6itB od <br />Prcldirn! Codc) or rhll lE or {r n.rcmfl thstnom lrd lh. tGt aor th. .lktal .rani.n Anr \iohrio.ofs.<lion ?011 J byoy <br />applilrnr for rpmi rubjehth. ltplic..r to a.'vilp.6[yornor 'no'crhs nv. hu6dr.d doller lS50o) <br />l. B o*F of tlE FoFry, d mr dplolE qth *'.a6 a rh.i hk o,tpdsrhn. *i! do tlr * t!d ErndEirrn <br />idarLd n orcid lor $lc ts< 7o{-{, B6i6 rd Prof6riE Cc,. ri. Cofrrlor ! LiEa L^ rh6 d pb '. M orc ot <br />tlc FDFry sto hrik& q ir+rc\E rtEq rd $no dE sh sixt h'rolf or h*lfor rlrougfi fi! d hd os; mpby6. <br />prcvid.d thlt ruch inFovdat! e ml inlorbl or otrald for $L. lf, h.$66. <br />'tE <br />hiuins or unpro\qEn n $E whrtu on, yw <br />of.orphiotr dE o*M Bnil& win hr\r tlE hdar ofF6vi.s rhi lE or dE dd mt tndd o. in4.ov. fi. FoFr, t r tlE Frpo.. oa <br />l. asoq€ofrh. For6y. m .rcUsn.b.odr.dinS snh lic.nrn.onrdoR h odrud rlE FoFl (S( 7(}1.1. t61!r <br />ed r\,iiiir Co&: I h. (i'.rrlcroii l-ic.n.c I !w do6 not apply h u.wns o t po,tny u ho build. or ihprovd rhdon. <br />an! who o mk tu such Foj.d. wnfi . (.nrmlon i) lic6r.d punod I. rh. (tnlrador3 l-t.M ti*) <br />ldr.\mp' unLr SaiNn <br />D.t. ()'n.r <br />loaffa!:(autlitsallar <br />IIECIJ8AIIa! <br />I hqch) .mm unik Ful) of p6luR.rc oflh. nnlNt.t d..ladk!.! <br />I h.r.liduill ro'd.u . oacorsdr ro'lBur. ntrq 16 smrEnsdirn, s Ir!\idcd for b] sd'on .17(x) ot llE <br />lihr (i{e aorlnc F nrmanc. of rh. worl for f,iich th. pdmn i! ii$.n <br />I hrlc .nt wil! tu, .in *o.t6 conFEdion iNla. 6 r.qur.J tv S..rh. !7m olilE Lrh, co&. aor rlE Fa(,,rla. of <br />rh. \ort fd f,hth rna t isEI My so*d on{E n. !Mm. ..IE in Flt, nunts c <br />I csl,to lhd in rh. Ffomuc of !h. sort fu uhich rhir FCn" s s!cd, I Jh.ll mr d!h, uy Fsn h rrrndF <br />s N tr tEom. 3ut dr $ rh. *r*d .onpal'lion h*r .fcrlironn, ed rsE rh,l if I lh.uld tFom subjer b <br />'lEwo dJ conp@li.n rr.visioN of S.d io. 1700 df rh. Lrbor Cod.. I 3h.ll, fonh*i h .omplt *irh thoE pNvilioN <br />d anDlols r. mml FEhE .d <br />cnil fin6 up lo on. h!,rlEj lhouud dolld (tlfiJ,qx,r. in 6JJ mn to n,n. d.J.!*B 6 rrorid.d for lh. <br />S6-rtrn, nr6 ofllr I nlitr t.dc. 'nrn.srtr ar <br />D.,,,//'/'1-zo/? <br />I undd toaltyofFnjury rh.l I e'd e (com,mcin* rnh Sciio.7000)of Di$ion lr <br />ol thcIn6in6sa l'tuf6ioB(iJ., edny li.cnr. <br />'s <br />in full nnr. dxl.lf(rL-) - Zo/( <br />eu-/,3y€6. <br />or, /tJ <br />I hd.hy lnim und.r lqulty olpqjury lh!] lh* ir t <br />issu.d(s( 3c97. civ a ). <br />irn ldxlins !soc\ lor lhc psfo.rMc. ollhr*o* fortrii.hlh$ Fn'l . <br />AIILIC NLD'O.dAAI]A! <br />I hcrr ,trm und6 ,(!lty of psrury or ol rhl toll'qirs dfrlsd irn! <br />D.mhn,n Pmil^rtErc Norincdion F.dcEl R.Blld rns (Idl. 40. fd6) <br />R(|utr.{ Ldr( ol' Norrfi drn <br />I .d 'b rhd rh. tridal r+uhr ioB ..!edin{ atBror rdord d. nor r. rhi pmj*r <br />on &ld rd.lhd{r. hf.mdFn it.otrd I lsr k' omplj_ s'nh !I Ci' r tnd C.untr <br />flrn6ofrhtr(\rlud (indvro drE ur)n rrE <br />V 1L.,2-:?20 <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS COMMENTS <br />Sub-Panels <br />A/) <br />7/V,