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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owl\lrn BUturEt t t!€ R noN <br />I |tolb, .tIiE rlda F.ry ol Fi6y Or ! & q6S i6 $. Collrd{ LicrE t:r blorit tu (s6.7,!1., <br />B6irE ad Prefcdd Co&): A.y Cay 6 Coldy sttt ..$ris . Fli ro @rirrd. trE i.+ovi. <r@& 6 ,!Fi ,y . <br />terair!, Fir !o in iq&., tfo EquiErt {pltld b,*tFEnlo fu r.ii!.d rr(-d thr h.6 ic i li.6.d Frr.d <br />b th! Fovih of th. !ien..d t w (clryta 9. CooDdi4 *th S6lio! ?04 of Dividoi I of th. B'Bi6 Dd <br />PNft!.ioB Co&) or |}.r hG d tlE i qdpi !tat&@.!d tlE b.ri tu rb. dks.d d@Fbi. Aly vioLtbn ofscdbn ?011.5 by ey <br />.pplir. for . Fdn rhalt tt eplb&t lo . civil Ddl, of bt @Etd f(.lan H.tourt (1500). <br />lZ. ! G ordE FDFry. d 6r.410)6 uih rB..llEi -Loqd!.i!G $!6 th Et d !r thde i lbl <br />eaitrl ddH e. d. (Sc,0... &liEod h!ft-ircods Tt co'n cd.' tiE* i*do-d AtiololGoflt FoFt, *b hdkr d irryn€ tlE6.. -d Eto <t6idr *tt hic.if 6 t6*lf d rl!q$ hb d td 06 4br.6. <br />Fovilldr'r Mt nrylvdr G d irad.d 6 ofrld 6. .t lt lbe6. tb tdilit d iDporad a -! *thn c )c <br />ofotr9labr t O,c turid wiU hE 0'. hrd6 of Fvilr {! t dlt (B 6r hilt d iitF* th. Fordry turt F!F..of <br />l. d ffi ottlE FDFy. @ acrriEl, @fir.r6a whh li.6.d .06-16 ro sdrud rt. Foin (S-. ?0L. &c <br />.rd hlte Co&: TIE corrtda r LiE. L*.b6 @l +tly to ! o*c olFDFry wb hrildr d inpoq lt EE <br />.dl sto od5! F!ii.dn. codEdt,lis.d F,rd lotlrcod.-la r LilE t-) <br />ZO "r1lo,-lr,rlrBflt( <br />I ha.t',.mm udd of Fj!ry oE 6lth folh*inJ dcbr.lirB: <br />-t <br />b€ !d *iU didit. Ccri6.a. of Coc. to sdflEr fo. Eto dtrFlrix\. FoviL, foi bysalta l?00 orlrE <br />L&r cod.. ft. t Fbrc of tt 6rt &. ,ntll 0E prDt i h!{ <br />-l h&..d rill il.h wdto' oer6aio. toJrec. ! i.quild b, Serin l70O of r,E L&r Code 6. U. Ffo(l,]dt of <br />lh. wt tu rtth rhi! Fan ir io.d My wqla @mFldk o nlule. air !d polry idbd e <br />i! dE Ffolrls. ottlE wod 6. rtih lhb Fon ir isx( I r|r.ll ml apb, e, FD! i. 6, !l.!E <br />of cdif.nir, ad.rxn rha ilI rt old h.@G ali.t ro d. <br />rbd Co& I slrlL turdvirh 6lqly win lhoE FDviriod. <br />aqe! b rh. $rxid'@,IP6.nbn Lsr <br />wAtrNlNc: F.ilrft lo gG erta' oEp@aion ovq.3. b uLstuL rxt lll BbjEI & dploF lo oimi!.l rol.. !d <br />civil fi6 !p to oa hednd rhorrd &,[G (tloo.q]o). i! .d<lnir ro rh. .oi of olq@dioa dur] . FDvn.d tu $. <br />s<rnn t076 ofrL L.Do. codc. latr !d ddEy' <br />^*,la,halzo ^o*. <br />'T/u-r,"L--/^4/au <br />_.___TVnT_ <br />' ucEdsE-cufirArloa 'llcL8Arrotr <br />I bdtbr rf,Li nd{i p6.lly of pGjEy thr I @ li(dd er& F.viba of Cl'orr 9 (@orE ns wlh s.cthn 7000) of Divitbo 3 <br />of t EEii.i&d PE&rd.6 cod.. nd 6yltag a h tul lirc-dcf&<r. <br />colirBllgllr&.lElDtlicicllcl <br />I bc!b, dIEn uad6 of Fj$, d( lnq! i . @dodbr lodiE .sd, tu 0E Ffo!t!4c otth. $qr fi{ stth lhit pdtnr ir <br />i$.d (sc. 10c7. civ. c.) <br />AID,,ICAUI.IICI.aXAIIO! <br />I hEgr,eE urdq, ofp6jlry @ of6. folb*iry.L.b iE: <br />D@hbn P6eiE.^ No(ificrio! r.ds.t R!8lltliE Onb a!, P!i6) <br />-R!$iril <br />klaoat{otibbo <br />+l cariryd'. t!. Edadqllba E!t&a llEv.l n d at i&lo da Fi* <br />/Lt*r;ty,yt*n,att*rlirb.dia.dr dE.tortb6.iriE adEl.I {rcb@4lyrnidCayedCo{ y-ddil.s6 id $rG t w r*ir ro ttrildjls codrElb& nd h.ray nlbrtltF..naiE.frti city d couty r. .dr '+o!turho!. morhncd F.pdy for inpd <br />Apd'.rnr or <br />^ror <br />s'!mlu,c o /r\) <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residenlial Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. i t-,/r /,c u,^M4r I ) <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release I <br />FINAL ,/r/r/,14 Or/ ,.lr14l u// <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. I t L-H ,/L.. <br />Type I Hood <br />4 <br />lj@ Nub(: <br />- <br />"rr^-( *" IWlLn.