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PLUMBINGNNSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DET,CARATION <br />I h@by .rm uidd padry ol pdju,y rhd I m qdpt 6!n rh. confuoE Lic@ liiw for dE followiry.s)n (s6.7011.5 <br />Bsir6r Jd Proa6ion Cod.): Any Ciry or Cou,ny which r.quiB o Foit lo 6nnsct, dta. ihprov., &rcli.h or EFir &t <br />iEucte Fior ro it! isuMa abo rqlun6 lh. @lic&l to.3ucn Fmn b 6L ! si8n.d ndml $lr tE or rh. ir licq6.d puNan <br />r rn FltrioN of ltE Conrrt is Lims.d Llw (ChlprE 9. Comdcing wth Sdlion 7000 of Divisio. I of th. Bci.s ed <br />Pmfsios Co&) or lh.l h. or s!. is dmpl rhs.fron dd lh. b.sL fo.lh..ll.8.d o@ptio. ary vioLlion ofsxlirtr ?011.5 by ey <br />lpplicml for s Fdn subj6r! tlc applic&t ro . .ivil p@ty of nor 6oe thn 6r. huftlr.d .LUN (t500). <br />l. s omd olth. FoFny, or ny dplorB wirh *186 s thcn $t conPdBdioi. siU & rlE wsl d, tlE ntuo@ i el <br />i,rtdx,.d or ofr6d for elc (56.70l:l. Bci6 6d PrcfBbE Codc TIE CoDrr*loas LicgE trw dod ml @rly lo e o*c of <br />lhc FlFty who hil& u inpro6 dE@!.d *ho dG sa! slr hiN.llor nsrlfor il[ou3n hi! n hE oM dplotq <br />prcvid.d rhd $ct imFl)\ElEa e m' idqd.d GofiEd 6r sh.l[ lblrt€. dE buildie or inp.$qd i! $ld winn! m ]s <br />of@nddnl! E oltrrd Builb vin haE tE hlna olF!@e rltd h. q {c drd @l hnld ft iry.oE tlE FoFly for dE F !!ot of <br />l. s omo ofrhc Fop6ty. m contra.linS wilh licaucd conlreloE <br />'o <br />onj(rucl llE FojGl (S{ ?044. &4in< <br />ad Eotusb. Cod.: Th. Co r.cror'3 LiccM L6v do6 nor.pply to aom6 oapoFiy*lE build, or inprov6 th6@a <br />Dd vho codncl! for sucn Flj-rs wirh a conldo(, licd.d puEudn !o rhc conFlcror'3 Lk.@ L!w). <br />I mcx@tr @(h SerioD . B. & P.C. forthit l@n <br />IOBTEIIICAMIIITAIIO! <br />DECIdEAUqB <br />I t6.5y .ftm uddd FElly otFjury orc ofth. lollowiig d..l&.liod: <br />-l <br />tav. ud will otud. r Cqri6cn. of Col@r lo Sdl-lEE fd m]ld @nFldioll a FoyiLd lor by Sdion 1700 ottnc <br />Llbor c.{,.. for rlE p6fol:]@. of th. mrt h. which rh. p6ni i Blcd <br />_I ha!. and sill @i.rai. sbrl6 conp.Ndrion insffie s r.quircd ty S€rion 3700 of rlE Llbor C!d.. for lh. pcfolruc of <br />rh. *o,l for whth thit ponil ir s!.d My vorl6 .ooFtdion i.suffi. @id &d polty !unb< Ec:o*, <br />te$gtg7tLPlt{ok-aJ - 2-?-, <br />I cdiry thll ir $. Ffomuc. of th. wo* for whth rht pdair i! isu.d, I shill.or orgloy s, Fson in sny nmdp B ro beon. subjd lo tt. sd6 Nmpotsdion hq of Crlifomia. ed ryE lh.l if I shuld bftoo. subjcl lo lh. <br />*ort6' @npostio. Fovisio( ol Sdioo 3700 ol th. L,!or coda I 3t ll. fonhwilh .ohply wnh rho* p.ovaioc. <br />WARNINC Flilu. to suc ert6' <br />civil fincs up lo onc hundtd rlDlMd <br />Sdii.n 1076 of6.Irt r C.dL inr6d <br />i! ulawtuL Md rhil subiet e dolols lo oimird paEllb dd <br />cosr..srlioG <t&nrs6 a provid.d fo. fic <br />DIKIdBAUq! <br />I hftby af[m o.dd pdally o a pqjury thd I m lc.trscd unds Foviliofl of Charls 9 lcoma ins wirh s.<rion 7000) or Division l <br />of lh€ Buind dd ProaBsiotu Cod.. drj ny li.ce G in tull aor.. ed .itcr. <br />corilBuqno rEdDllclcllcl <br />I ha!b, dIm uDd6 Fdry of p6luy $ar rhdc t a @nntudb. l6di.g !g6y fo, d!. Ffoiuc. of lt mrl6r*ni.hthn Fnn i! <br />Bu.d (Sc. 3097, Cir. c.). <br />AITUCA!.IDECIJAAIq! <br />I hE6, afim und6 Fnlhy oa p6juy o.. of thc followins d*lftlioB: <br />D.noliion P@iri.Alb6ros Norificaiirn F.dsd R.Suhlions (1irL 40. Pd16) <br />-R.q!t <br />d Larr ofNotificdbi <br />I cdiry $d thc a.d6al r.guhriore Essdins sb6ros rdoval @ iot q,gltablc ro rhi prcF. <br />-l <br />cdit tha I h.!c iad rhj!rd nar. tlla U. rlovc i.aomdion n corcr. I ds@ ro @d'ply *hh ill Chy .nd Co@t, <br />odine6 .nd sl!l. L.s Elrl$r to r.FG dis ofrhi! Ciry &d Couty ro ar6 upo! trE <br />abov. mcnln,n.d p'op.ny for <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbinq <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL f.c er 2Z/e/'/Fz6 t3O <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />APPROVALS <br />.".*.*' R -4 ), ' <br />tad6 s Addrd: <br />n 1^2.'!)