<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rouoh Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Meter Release I
<br />FINAL 'hlZulTt
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I
<br />owNlR tuulEn D8lcataTlolt
<br />I haltr.nm !.& F.l, of FiEy lh. I oadqr tmlt. Cone' tIE try forit blbvi.a E-a (s<rollJ
<br />Buind !d Pretu n. Co&): A,y Ciy or Corry wtih Eq!i6 . Fhi' ro 6E!ttu<r. .!a. iEprorc ddlit d qti !y
<br />nEcrqc Fhr to ir. i.uec & E$t6 rlE gpltd for eh Fon lo tu . rirr!.d iaat d lhr !. o. {. i lic6.d F,ud
<br />ro tt FviioB ol ttE CoEsld. Li.a!.d L.w (CtSd 9. Cffiiry wih ScriD 70(,() of Diribn I of tt &!i6 nd
<br />A!ftsiod co<l) d ttd lE n tE i. a.4r rHlo -d 6c t .6 for lh. dlr.d aqlFbtr Arr vbhbo of Setbi 7011.! br..,
<br />.prli@l tor . pqDil Dbje$ rh. q,pU@r lo . cilil padly of bl eE thD 6v. lundrld <bller (1500).
<br />-1,
<br />a .'\lc of EFFly. q f,y @plorG wnh *.a6 a llti bL 6,PaErn'l' wi! & dEwt d tlE *rdG i dr
<br />i, dd.d or oflftd for 1L (sc-7(x4, BBi!B dd AlLaioB cod.: IE comr-rrr U(@ t * &6 Fl .p?ly ro m o$c of
<br />thcFpdy who tdl& or i,g!€ rE@r .n xtE &. $h wrl hior.lf q haltor d@qrt ni' d lE oE oqL,r!..,
<br />FoviLd lna rod' n!(.ora!r'rd irolll.d(oEld 6.Ele l[, ho*w, tlE hrldq r irrylEd isu rihi,tr ]tot.oqki,! tlr Osc 8{ b wi[ h.E t E h,tu olFovits li. h or iE did Dt hild d irylr lh FDF9 6r lh F4... ol
<br />_1. Bol€ofin Fqary, e a.rai6t @mdiB widt lia..d.od-r6 ro.ornlar dE Foj.!6 (Se. 70aa. EuiB
<br />Ed hlinn Co&: Tt. Coltrxlor'r Lk.e tiw .106 Ei qly ro ! osE of FFry who tuilL or idpftva tha6n,
<br />.d *ho @nat lor Bt Foj*l. witlr . C.n 66(r) li.d.d rmrd io thc Co6.colr U.a6. t e).
<br />I m.rdF !,id s..riof, .B &Pc forthB,sn
<br />D.l. (nndl
<br />]&oaf,E8ti:-coi|lE8lallo!
<br />I d,fim ur& D6dly of ,cju.y o* of lhc folloring d*LtllbNl
<br />I tlE -d will Dii.i t Cqrih. of Co'!.d to Sdf-lle &. wro @rqrba ! FDvikd ror by S-tin l?00 olllE
<br /> Clde for ItE Ffo|!@. ol0!. F for *tict U. Fnh ir i$cd
<br />I h.E .!d eill uid.i! rqt6 c!q6db. i!s.e.. o ,!qui!d b, Sein{ !700 of {'. L&r Code 6. E F6rlEr of
<br />li. *dI 6. wtth liir FEi ir ir.( r,ry sqld .o@@riE iErc @i, .d ,oiE, BEta GAr. a d'{uTdcf T6f)
<br />-,
<br />Gdry ftlr i! rlE ,-fom. of dE ud f( vnth rhi. Fii ir iruG( I d!.ll ml olpby uy F$. in Dy .'.,E
<br />$ r ro t<!G $b<r
<br />'o
<br />ln. wt6 @lqdi[ L*r orc.[6rDi t <l ryE thd irI tudd beo,E rljEr ro tb
<br />w 6' orFudiotr FovirioB of S<rion !7OO of tlE L.!d Cod., I ndl. lonhwnh oDdy wnh fto* FovnioB.
<br />@tE s. ! sL$61 !'d ttrll obid d cnplors ro ditrii.l Fr!6.d
<br />civil fc up to oB huldcd rho6ltd doll6 (1100,000), in .on ot, dr,l8d B Fond.d lor ih.
<br />srrk)n 10ri, ffrlr I nlrtr qd a{ {roflErl a6
<br />uctdlirD-caEllAsrqaDECI.AAIIAtr I
<br />I .Irm !.da p6.t, ol[6)ury lhr I e [6rd urd.. Fovib! of Ol4 6 I (6E!tB![ eitt ScliD ?000) or Divirio. ,
<br />of rh. Buba
<br />f4.idoil
<br />co<r.. nd oy ricd. It b tu! rffi &d.f..t
<br />20
<br />cqrgalg&NlaDllc.AclNIl
<br />I 6r.rf6 u& F.ny olFiuryd[ tlEt i.6Grrri, ldlit ic, tu tb Fh.rc of 0E wt h. rlid lti FDi i!.t d(sc! c ).
<br />I ffiy &E u& Darty of Dci.y @ of t blbein3 dcbriB
<br />DEDlibtr PEEiEA.tdd Norifi.rb! H6d nGallrirB (TaL ,O. Pn6)
<br />_R.qui!d L,aE olNodd.rn
<br />! cdiry $r rlE fcd6rl EuLlb6 Esrdilu atd6 llmvd o€ od +dtlbL ro th! FlF
<br />t44 €dttlr I hE r-d ui.Frklbo Od rlE .bov. infodrbn ! c6<r I .sE ro co,Dply wnh .I ciy .!d Coum,
<br />od!rc r'.1 $4. L.E,rkiq lo rrtdir r.4r6drric of Oi. Cty -d cod, ro ana wo. lt.
<br />.!ow nEnio&d FoFr, h. i6p.dio
<br />^pdi.d
<br />d a8ar st nE
<br />b:
<br />WrQ?rfl
<br />t
<br />*",. ,[xf*r
<br />Final Test
<br />t-I
<br />+