<br />I hort, .Irm uida pa.l, o( Firy thr I e qqlgt tln {E Cofta6 ti(!E lry tor lt. e,lbwir r.dd (sc.mllj
<br />Bui!6 ...1 PDft..b. C.d.), Any Ci, or CoEny whi.t Equna . Fir ro @irtud. .ld. inotovc ddolhh or tti.l ny
<br />nlu<idq Fbr to hr iule.. rLo r.quiB rhc +plkdn for Mt Fnil lo fiL . .i8tr d rlraFl fir h. d A. a li.s!.d FErd
<br />lo rlE FDvirirN of tlE Coln'-rd r Ltat d lrw (OrF6 g. C.MCha wih S..rion ,@0 of Divnir ! ot tlE hliE |rd!tob.b6 co&)60u t 6 rlE i qaq( {E6oc a.lll. bn tu tt..Ie.d a.qlir Ar, 'bhb. ofsdi, ,0! L, by ny
<br />elic.n tu,. Foi $t*ttr{E .prli6r b . ovil Frl, or@r tuE tt- 6E lEndld &lld (t5@}
<br />L s ffi of th. FoFty. d 6y dployG whh *.s6 ! rkt eL omFlrioa *i[ & llt Er rd dE ildc ir El
<br />ifladcd or olIE d fo, sk (Sc.?04a, aGird ud PDf.ldoB Co.k Tt c.lfxld r Lic.a Lre &€ rcl eply lo 6 ogG of
<br />tlE Frdy eto hiLb o. tq..€ 0E!a rn efi. &-.dr Br him.lf d lE df or tlmurh hir d lE oM E4br!6.
<br />FrviLd rha *h ilFoGE$ & ior n.d.d cotu ft. iL I( ho{aq, dE tdldiDa c inF@i i -ld E{nb m rc
<br />of @Tgi,! rE ol,E &itlq *ill lrr rlE h!&r of FtiI dr lEd a. dd br hild d -q@ 6. !.Wq t $.F FGof
<br />l. s ow of rlE FoFry. 6 odr*ril *nh kdld .orn.t6 ro @.utuct dE FDill (Sa. 70a4. &rnE
<br />&d Piolaii Cod.: Tnc Conln.loi! Lic.G L.* dc nol .rply io a oMa ot proFly who brild! or inPtovd lhaon.
<br />.ad vho @dE1r f.r e.t Fjd! vnh ! C.lrEdo(.) ltas.d lotuar |o rlr codr*rdl tid. try),
<br />I E .'6,l un& Satbn-
<br />--.
<br />B.
<br />^",u()/La *-#t
<br />I h6tt, !a]m u(kr poIll, of Frury @ ofllE &lbwinS dal,r.IioE:
<br />-l
<br />he-.l eill nirdl. C.ri6...of C.Er ro Sdt-hE tu Ercr'c.rydri... Fovi.ldltu trs..*tr lnr ofttG
<br />rrtd C6d.,6.tb Ffr@ of tb 6t tu rltb lh. FDi i' -!d
<br />t te .d will uj .h *orld @in ,.!rl.rim iffi.. B rqon d by Sclbn l7O0 of 0E Lrt , Codc tJ. 0E Ffoffi. of
<br />rhc srk tq whth ttb FEil ir i$.d My wo 6! @nFErion isllft. 6ii &d Flry mbd Gr
<br />-l
<br />c6{t rnd m ln. pdfolffi of rlt wort lor whkh rhb Fnn i! ie.d. I .h.ll ml o$hy oy Fs. ir oy IllE
<br />s a ro b@G &ticl lo lh. wn6' cooFB lioi hr or C.Ifmi. dd rE th,l ir ! Jhuld bdoft &bi€r ro rlE
<br />6t6' @nF!.rio. FovilioN ol Scrion 1700 olth. L.tor Co.L, I rldl. Imhwnn 6nply wlh fion F!viri.6.
<br />w^R!l[!c: F.i!c ro gG rutd' 6@@.iE @!q.a. ir @lrftl -.1 fil rbj.d n .4b]a lo ciEtl tdL rd
<br />cMl &6 u9 ro oE ndH $d!-d &llr (tloo.@o). i! !.ldnin lo tln..r of ..l@bo' (b86. FviLd b' t
<br />t hanb,.erudrpdlyorFj'r,d. t 6 t .do& Foriror(Lrc9(or@it*ihs.Et 7@)of Dnih l
<br />ol dE Ai!. &.1 Ploli-rD Cod., -d D, li.c I h irl &c d ft.i
<br />colglllq[qll4ollclcAcl
<br />I hdlht tfii6 ulda pddy ot Fiqyrtr tlE ir . @nruditn l6dt .aEy hr ll Ffrre. ottu sdt &. ttid! Ob FEi i
<br />i$.d (Sc. 109?, Civ. C.).
<br />I hE*, rfti lidd pad, of pcjuy oE ol ttr blloeins dcb.tbu:
<br />D@oliriotr Norifi.nio. F.ddrl R.ruhioe (TIL 40. Prl6)
<br />i,.q'ril!d Lrra of Ndif.rin
<br />-l cd'1, rh. rlE Ldarl qubtbB.Ctdin8 abdc lEm!.]n Brt Slt bL ro rha FoF
<br />, .diry rhrt I lEv. rsd thn +plic.tDn ed n!r. rhn th. .boE infonlai.i i! c@6t I lgc lo @m!ly snh rI Cny .d Cou y
<br />ordiM6 Dd Sr.r. Llsrddins t. hrildins con{ndir! &d hs.b,rut ot c!.@l!liv6 of lhn Cily ad Cou y to dlq uron tlE
<br />.boE Gllion d FFry fn iE <rir FrpoG
<br />Alrlk ir o. A16l skErrc:-* rrlj/2p-
<br />rrmre uoroa ), A '21r r 7^r*<w'
<br />Waste & Vent I7t t7p M+W
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildinq Sewer l1-A ?).ffisr?
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Cladfier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent ,t-0.u b*&81
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Pipino
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rouqh Water Heater
<br />P{rap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service 14,bAl+-g
<br />\1 ,
<br />)bkfrta 7
<br />Lawn Sprinkler I' r
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test /,helz,t Dll+?'/
<br />Meter Release t / a4> a toist- trh
<br />FINAL
<br />s<r6. 1076 olrlE uhorC.dc mrdd.nd don,i a6
<br />'t4
<br />,L+10
<br />Water Service rq '/t
<br />q t>Nyl
<br />116t,t +t7Noles, flemarks, Etc.
<br />14t4", -tuet"o Q (1 fL w7 4fr