<br />I hd*r.,IEE u!d- Frhy or FrEy {r I 6 adrpt 8Dd th. coe-lon Li!4 ttw for UE folbetE lan (s€.t011.5
<br />B6in6r ,!d Ptof@ioo Cod.): Any Cn, or Coaty {ti.h Eqrirq . padh to @!dNd. .Xs, i6Fotr, &ooliri or iFn u,
<br />iru.rr.. Fbr lo ilr i.lJIN. .lo t qiiB rt {pli.d fo. Mh FDn rl 6k . .ra!.d rad!.d tld lt or rt ir [s.d ,lra.n
<br />ro th. Foviri6 of rh. Co .-rd r L..6..l t v (Ct4r6 9. C!i!,!GiiB wnh Sclb6 7000 of I 01lt. EBi6 -<l
<br />PIotBioECod.) d 0!r ltrt tqcq.t 6@Ddtt ld6rrt db.d qolFiE A!, vbhio! ofserir r0!l.t b, &y
<br />.f?lidr fo. . Foa sbjd. tlE rylitn lo.dvilp@lyofd lelhe 6G hsLd &tb. (35O).
<br />-1.
<br />B (ffi ofrlE FEFry, d hy 6plo)c wnh w!s6 r ft.n ob 6mFrd6!! wiu do dEvdt.i tlE lrisE a mr
<br />niqtd.d or ofis.d for.L (Se.7044. BuiE Dd PlDfr.ior Co.b TIE C.r!,*rolr Lta* Lry.b- mt +?ty lo D ow ol
<br />tlE FFy eno t!il4 r iqlE lhsE ..dwho d6{.t wL hielfo.lsrlaor tl@u8l hi! EIE oE spLyr...
<br />FDvid.drbd rdr n$bEl6-d iradd dofttd t rL lt idffi,tt hrildntrnqw6i$U* !bc){
<br />olqeki,.,l[.OsE bibcei[ bE llthr&ofFBiB lt Eca.(E n, hiBd iqoElEF!Ft,b.lbF,F.of
<br />_. l. a oma of0. FoFry, @ coin&liig vnh lics!.d oflratd ro cotrrrld ,E Fojcl (Sc. 70aa, B'!n6
<br />&d Cod.: Tn. Co.rdd r Lic@ L.w d.,6 El rrply lo o oms of FlFly who buildr o! i6prov6 lhq6n.
<br />&d *ho @tn-l. fd Bt For..r! wnh . colrn r.(, tiar.d Fed ro E Con*rd! troE lry)
<br />-l6aa!
<br />r&Selir-B e PC- forthit .6d
<br />Iht : OiE
<br />t ha6, .116 uda pcdy ofDditry oE ofdE blbvnta .bch.b6:
<br />-l
<br />t E &d ri[ onrit . cdriftd. of cor.d lo sdf-lE4 h. Et6 onp6&'o, a FoliLd to, b, Salir 3rO of tt
<br />L&r c.d., hr l[. Fft.r&.. of dE wr for lni:n d. F r i drd
<br />ANr r'.". -a *irr ...t. *orld iEl)ltE.. ! Ellird bt sdl ior rToo orlh. ttbor (hdq ror ftc p6rolfu.. or
<br />onFMhn iBffi. (&ir rn polty n6b< Ec
<br />aL.
<br />@aa4b tJto2rt?sj3 '*- o)[r/r-t
<br />_l .6liry rh.! in rn Ffo'll''c oarh. wod for wlth rhit pari i! irrf,( I rh.U mr @ploy Dy F on h uy EUE
<br />$ a b bcoE $ber ro tL *st6'onFsion Lu of Cdi6di.. &d {t* |llr if I thoult bcoffi &tt*r ro dE
<br /> o!'DqEdbtr FlvirirE otscibn 1700 of rL Ldd Co& I !b[ fdrtutb odply *nh $o- FEviriE.
<br />civil fh6 up to oE hor&ld tlb6.rd &lhr (1t00,000). in.ddtio. ro .od of ..nFNtion. &nled 6 FDvn.d for th.
<br />s.!rrrr r|rr!.lrl'r I .'l\! (i\lr. mmar .tril .it!,'c\ s r.r:
<br />r(
<br />lcE!trta-cqtrBAgqa
<br />I .l[m 6(b pady of p6iury Urd I o li@t d @da Blvib! of ctlola 9 (@l!]EEi!3 wit,' scrih 7000) of Divi.ion l
<br />of rlE BuiB ad Plsfdrios coib. trd 6y li.@ i. i! tull f.r &d cfr.d.
<br />:t )lutroz:lit&NmlEo4>tbr -.","*, /4+t *-
<br />I I'arly .rbo 'd. pa.Iy of FiEr otr A-! i.6e!di. bet {c, br lb Fft.E! oflt Et 5r Iitid lli FEi i
<br />i.'.d (Se. !097. Civ- C.).
<br />I h.rt, .eh cndd pa.r, of Fj{', d of th. folbvi.a &!bdbc:
<br />DoDlib! P6ni&A!t .6 ltorif.rir r.dr.l L8ulbB (TiL a0. h)
<br />-Lq{iEd
<br />Larq of Norif.rno
<br />-l
<br /><difyt|,inl.tdo.!ftldcDl.pplttbLrothiFor.d.
<br />[-Ll<ditrhdIt v. Ed ttli altrbi nd rr.or rh 5E nr6. b! i.6s1. t.8Ero..qt eiD.r ca]u.tco@ry
<br />o.tiGo -d 9r. L.rr (tit ro hildiia..d!dion rtdhritr.dldir.!F.. rn6 ofttici, ad C.urylo.da rF.t
<br />.tor E rb!.d FDFIy 6. i'lraiio!
<br /> or ,486' SigErw
<br />A\S"/^,., ozlglq
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release II l/-aFINALn/6/a/a6nra tr1W
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />lnsulation
<br />Lt
<br />t-