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DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNTJR BUII-DDR DEL('ARA ION <br />I lffetry ailid uhdd p€nally ot p€rjury lhal I an e\€nrpl frcnr lhc Co r.doB LiccBe L{w for Ih. follosi,rs reMn (5(.?011.5 <br />Ittrsinss and l,lol$ion cod.) .y Cily or Colnly shich r.qni6 a p6ril to constDcl. .ll(, nnprcre. dmolish nr .efitr ant <br />srnrcrure. pnorlo ns isuanc€.0l$ rcqtrte the.pplicr for $'.h Fnnir (. lile a sisn.d ra'chot rhar lr or sh. k licms.d pu6u&r <br />lo lhe pm\Gions .f rhe conhctol'3 l-re.*d Ii\ (Chapr( g- Comracitrs Nirh s..1ion 7000 ot Division I .f rhc Insi!6s and <br />Prcl6sions Cod€) or lhal n. or she is.rdnpr rh6.fron onJ rh. bais lor rhr rll.!.d.$nprion Any iolati.n ol Sdion 70:l I t b, a., <br />aplli.a aorat]mnsunj<rsthe.pDlicanlloaciv'lpcn.lryoanolmo,erhanfivehun&eddollss($500) <br />l. as oNn( ol th. Irop.ny. or my enlloy6 wilh solB a th.n $lc .omlEnsd nin. \ ll do rhc $& a.d lhc nndurc h nn <br />inrm{jld dr o,le'ad fo, e1.1Sc.7044. Busin€ss and Prof*sions ( ode rhe Conlraciois l-icosc 1,0\v do6 not rpply lo an osn6 ol <br />rhc peps1, \lho builds or i.prov6 th6on. ed $ ho dG su.h Nork him!.lr or rhhurh hB dr hd o n employ.*. <br />prorid.d rhlr such im!rcvonols dc nor intdld.d n olId.d for slc ll hos6-, rhc buildinE or i'nFovdn r is etl \irhin one )a <br />ofcompldion. rh. (\h6 auiur \villha\. rhc b'nl6 ofpm\i.s th{ hc or sh. dxl6r t ld dr nnFor! rh. p!!td1y ror th. puqxrEoi <br />l. as o$.o olrlE prupdr, an cx.lusiv.lyconta(tinr {nh hce.scd . o,rracl o 6 k, consrtuct lhe pmjecl (Sr. 7(}1,1, BN!6 <br />.id Pbltsion Cod€r'rhc Conrracrois l-iccnsc Las do.s hor npplr ro anolvnd oi'propdly who btrilds or improvB rhdon, <br />and Nl'o cod.adsfDr chpojers*nha(.ntacb(s)lic€nsedpu6ua n, rlt C{nlradois l,icos tj$ ) <br />laoetempt u.derSe'ion <br />Drre Ownerl <br />TVORKERY COMI'8.\SAION <br />D!'EIAAAI]OI <br />I hdcby amm und6 td.ltyolpEjuryonc oalhc follo\rint ddmrioc: <br />Ihn\cad\villnAi.rainaCqlilic.rcolConsqrroS€ll.Insor.forsortmconrDgsrion.asDroridcnforbySErionlT00olrnc <br />tjho' Code rorlhcpgfomanc.ofthcrvork forstichrh. p6nn is issu.n <br />Ihr\e a \rillnrai ain\rorkds conrNDsarlon iNtr'.tr.r. {s <br />"tr 1. 'l fL1 .\l'i.l rl'h r crtr'r , )n.u I M\ {rrl,o, (('trr<, t(in,rr s+d< p;*t, <br />Po,,.,\u {, qob lt l1 <br />r.quir.d b!s(ri :17ff)oirh.l..ho' C.dc, lornElcrtunh..ol <br />nr. insurturc .a n ier dd Dol ic! trrnbd tuc <br />t 7{..,,-:l>+/.- <br />I Gliayrh.l in rh. pdf.nnn(. ofrhc $ark for shich rhis rErnril is ksucd. I shall nol o$loy any p.Mn in any [oncr <br />c, m lo LsonE subj(l lo lhe \ortsl .o'npMion los s oacaliionia, an isre rMr if I should b..on subj(' to n'c <br />\orkss compenslion piouisionsolSectn'tr l700 olthe l-,lbr Cod..l sh.ll, rodh$ nh corplr *irh rhokpm\bioa <br />wARNING: Failut lo *cue \rort6'.or.p.Mlio..o\cm8. is unla\lul. atrd shall subj{l arployd to dilninal penakis d <br />cilil fin6 trp ro dn. hundrdl rh.ue.d dollaE ($100,000). in ad lo nr (on olconrpenFrhn. da.aB6 as pRrrid€d for rlE <br />1{,76.|rh. I ilnr (.n. i' .rar ii,l <br />10 I s-/ t1 [ \,&0 <br />.J,"e *rr, s<i"" ruoor "ro*i"." rI hftby afim undd pa.lty of lsjury rld I an licctr*n und6tJl!\isiotr of( haEn e (corr <br />of lfi€ Busin6s oodPtuasioNCod.. and nry licdrsc is in tu ll liri.e dd ctt.r <br />ts <br />/tr/,+ Y x,,iz.rz*e <br />1"" r0 <br />I hocby rmm lndcr Frolryofrerjurylhar rh6€ is a co.slnrcrion l.nding agcnct lor lh. p6 ioil lrlr \ork ior $h ch thh |Enrir il <br />Bsued (Ss loq?. an' C.) <br />t.cnds s NaE. <br />APILI(;\NI DECLARAIION <br />Ihs$yafiinnundcr paahy oapBjury onc oarht aollo\nr* deldations <br />l)onohnrn Prarns-AslEstosNolificdion t-.ddal,al nrni Onk 40. P.n6) <br />- <br />R€quncd L.x6 ol Mlific.tiotr <br />I culily Oal rhe fcdaal resularioG r.sddins ab6los ronoval arc not applicable lo this pmjccl. <br />-+:+cdiry lhat I hlE rcad lhis applkalion ed sl.te lhal th. rt$v. infom.rion i! .oftdt I agre to comply *nh all cny md ( oumy <br />.dinanc6 6d sralc l.aNs Ehrins ro blildul.! co n.d n6eby .othonzc rqrdmrdi\ s oflhis ( nymd Connlyro dt6 Wonrh. <br /> nBi ioned t, otd! lor <br />\LZ.r^ y <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing i-fm-qgr {v>/ <br />lnsulation/Ene v <br />Drywall <br />I ,OT <br />I <br />Ext./lnt. Lath I U\<_-.' <br />Brown Coat <br />l\,4a so n ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handica p Req <br />De ut Final Re ort <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL <br />t) <br />rl s1 la -I /y>) <br />Certificate of Occu pancy I 15\(:-r, <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK <br />!i; el^-p <br />CJ/.,:a4 <br />K:lktq <br />It.wa <br />)tt Z,) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.