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BUILDING. !NSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE !D/SIG COMMENTS OWNER BUTLDER DELCARATION <br />I hercbl- allirm und6 penait) of perjury that I m exempt F,onr the Contraclo6' Liceroe Larv for the folklving rca{n (Se.70l 1.5 <br />llusinss aod Protbssion Code): Any City or County which requirG a pmit to conslruct, alto. improve, dmolish or repair any <br />struclure. prirrr to ils issuace. alsc requird lhe applicmt for such pemit to tile a signcd statmenl that he or she is liceNed pmudt <br />ro the provisions of thc Contractor's Licensed law (Chaptq 9. Commencing with S(troo 7000 of Division 3 of thc Busins rd <br />ProfessionsCodeiorthatheorsheisexemptthqelromMdtheb6isfortheallegedexonption. AnyviolationofS<tion703l.5byany <br />applicant lor . pflnit subj(ts the applicant to a civil penalty ofnot more than five hundred dollars ($500) <br />-- i, a orvnq ofthe pmlErty. or my employc wilh rvagc ru lhcir sole compcnsation. sill do thc work ild the structue is not <br />intmded oroffcrcdforsale(Se.T044.BusinessodProfssionsCode: TheContractor'sl-icffieLawdoesnotapplyloanoMerof <br />lhcpmpql) whobuildsorimprovcthq@d.ilduhodo6suchworkhimselforhoselforthroughhisorhoormemploycs. <br />providcd that such imprcvqnots dc not intmded oroffrel for elc. If. howdq. lhe building or improvml is rld rvilhin one )s <br />ofcompletion. the Oums Uuilds will have the budm ofproving thal he or she did not build or improve the prcpqty for the purposof <br />slc). <br />_.l.aso\wsoirhepropmy.ancrclusivelycontractingrvithlicenscdcontraclorstoconsrudthcprejet(Scc.7044.U6in6 <br />and F\ofesronCode:TheContractor'sLicertsc[-awdocsnotapplytomownsofpropcrtywhobuildsorimprovesthscrn, <br />and who contracts for such projects with a Contracto(s) licosed puEumt lo lhe Contractor's Liceme Larv). <br />-l <br />m excmpt undq Scction-, B. & P.C. for this r6on. <br />Dnlc: <br />WORKERS' ('O]\IPENSA'IION <br />DECI,ARATION <br />I hcrcb) alTlrrn undcr pcnalty of pu jury one ofthe lolkrrving declaratirxrs: <br />_-.1havemdrvillmaintainaCenificateofcoNottoSelf-lnsureforwork6 compematron.a providedforbySelion3700oflhe <br />Labor Codc. lirr lhe pofonnmce of lhe work for which the pmit is isued. <br />*"[and *,ill maintain uorkers'by S(lion .1700 of lhe Labor Code. for thc pqfomacc of <br />fcr which this pmnit is rvorkqs'cmis ud <br />,*,",,fu Lrg1|ifu5 <br />Expircs: <br />I shall not mploy any person in any mmnc <br />so m to beccme subjcct to the workm'compensation larvs ofCalifomia. ild agrcc that ifl should become subject to the <br />wolliqs' con4)msation provisions ofSetion 3700 ofthc Labor Codc. I shall. fonhwith comply with those provisions. <br />WARNINGT Fhrlure lo secure workss'cornpsalion coverage is unlau'ful. md shall subjcct m qnployq to qiminal tmltie and <br />civil fines up to one hun&ed thousd dollm ($100.000).the cost ion.for the <br />Secli(rn 1076 of inlcresl and athmey's fc6. <br />I hoeby affirrn unda penahy ofperjury that I dn 9 (commmcing with Setion 7000) of Division l <br />of the Busins md Profesions Code, md my full force md effet. <br />I hcreby afhrrn urder penalty ofpsjury that thqe is a <br />issued (Se. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />ijnder's Name: <br />lending agmcv t hc po fornrancc of thc tvtr k fur rvhich this lu nrl is <br />APPLICANT DECLARATION <br />I hqtb,y afEm undq poalty ofpajury one ofthc following dwluations: <br />Demolilion Pqmits-Asbstos Notincation Fcdqsl Regulations (Title 40, Pan6) <br />_ .,Required Lctt6 of Notification <br />_ _-l cqtify that the fcdoal regulatiom regading abestos rmoval de not applicablc to ihis prcjst. <br />-U(cdiff thal I have rcad this application ild slatc that the above infomdion is corcct. I agre to comply with all City and County <br />ordinancs ilJ Slale laws rclating lo conslruclion. ild hqcby <br />abovc nrcntioncxl prope(y for <br />/\ppli(atrt or .^gent <br />T-Pcr milrr namc (print): <br />of this Cily ild lo upon the <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall I <br />I <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 74b-Z0zo Ctv) <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Owncr: <br />Lends's Addr6s: <br />J)&t