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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DEL(:ARATION <br />I hoeby affirm under pmalty of psjury thal I m excnrpl from the Contracto6' License Law for the follorving reason (Sec.70Jl.5 <br />Businas md Prcfssion Code): Any ('ily or County which raluire a ponil to conslnrcl. alts. improve. denolish or repair aly <br />slructure. prior to its issuace. also requirs the applicant for such pemit to file a signed statmmt that he or she is licmsed pursuant <br />to the provisions ofthe Contractor's Licensed Law (Chapt6 9. Commencing $ilh Section 7000 ofDivision I ofthe Business and <br />I'rofessionsCode)orthathcorsheisexernptthoehomandthebmisfortheallege<lexemption. AnyviolationofsetionT0-ll.5byany <br />applicantforapmilsubjetsthe applicanttoacivilpef,alyofnotmorelhanfivehundreddollds($500). <br />I. 6 owner ofthc proFEny. or my employffi with !vag6 6 their sole composation. rvill do the work ed the slnrclm is not <br />intmdeti oroffqe<lforsle(Se.TM4.BusinqsmdProfessionsCodc:TheCof,lractor'sLicenseLawdoesnotapplytoanownqof <br />thepnrpny whotrildsorimprov6th6@n.mdwhodo6suchrvorkhirnselforherselforthroughhisorhsownemployes. <br />providcd that such improvmots rc not intmded oroffqed for slc. lf. hoN66. the boilding or improlonflt is mld *'ilhin onc 1w <br />ofcompletion. the Orvns Builds rvill harc the hrrdo ofproving thal he or she did nol tuild or irnprove the prepqty for the puryr* of <br />sale). <br />I. d oN'nq oflhe propfiy, m cxclusivcly conlracting with licensed conlracloG lo construct lhe projd (Ss. 7M4. Buins <br />and ProfssionCode:ThcConlraclor'sLicenseLarvdoenotapplylomorvnsofprop€rtyrvhobuildsorimprovGthssn. <br />and who contracts for such prejsts with a Contractor(s) licssed pursuant lo the Contractor's License [aw). <br />I arn ercnrpl undfr S(lion B. & P.C. for this re6on. <br />Dste: Owner:_ <br />WORKERS' CONIPENSA'I'ION <br />DECLARATION <br />I hereby amm unds poalty ofperjury one ofthe following drlaralions: <br />_l havc md *ill mainlain a Ceflificate of Commt lo Self-ltrure for workqs comptrsatioo. 6 lrovided for by Section 1700 of lhe <br />kbor Code. for the perfommce of lhe rvork for which lhe pfinil is isued. <br />I have and will rnainlain workm compcnsation insurance. as rquired by Scction 3700 oflhe t,abor Code, for lhc psfomance of <br />the rvork for rvhich lhis pennil is issued. My rvorkes compensalion insurance canier md Jxrlicy numbo oe: <br />Caricn <br />Policy Number:_Expircs: <br />_ I cffify thal in the psfonnance ofthc rvork for rvhich lhis ponril is issued. I shall not ernploy any pmon in any manner <br />so as to betome subjccl to lhe workm'cornpnsation larvs ofCalifornia. and agre that ifl should beconle subjffl to the <br />workss'compmsalionprovisionsofSeclionST00oflhel.aborCodc.lshall.forthwithconrplywiththo*provisions. <br />WARNING: Failurc to sure rvorkm'composlion cov@ge is unlarvful. and shall subiet m anploy,o to oirninal lFnahis and <br />civil llnes up to onc huf,dred thouund dollm ($l in addition to of provided fur the <br />Seclion.t076 Codc. int16l and allomey's <br />DECLARATION <br />I heeby a{Iirm undo pmalty ofpsjury lhal I m licm*d undq provision ofChaptr 9 (commencing rvith Setion 7000) of Division 3 <br />of thc Busines md Profsions Code. md mv licse is in full force md effccl <br />l-iceilsc Number; <br />Ihdebyaffmund6penun,o,-,,o.n"',nffi*o.n*o,,,,*,,o,*"-fomilceoflheworkforwhichthistEmit6 <br />issued (Sc. -1097, Civ. C.). <br />Lender's N8E+ <br />"U,Kru. <br />APPLICANT DI'CLARATION <br />I hoeby allm undo poalty ofpsjury one oflhe following dsltrations: <br />Demolition Pmits-AsbGtos Notification Fcdsal Rcgulalions (Tille 40, Paa6) <br />-Required <br />Lelts of Notificalion <br />I ccfliry lhat the fed6al regulations rcguding asbestos rmoval are not applicable to this prejet. <br />I cdify that I havc read this application md state lhat the above infrrnnation is cor6l. I agre to conrply rvith all ('ity and County <br />ordinancs md SIate [,arvs rclating to building of this ('ity and Counly to mts ufFn lhe <br />above mmtioned propay for <br />Appliceill or Agent Signature: <br />I'ermilcc n{me (print)r <br />md herebv aulhorize <br />,,,"rdt fI? <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsu lation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Dnnryall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />I N <br />FINAL -?t -ta u+& <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />4L-t <br />l- t/^-rQ.l sr I t? /--vt ,,1 H -fiuhlrt ?-/)E-{yA)A,*tR9f) <br />-5- <br />4--fi- ta.arrp l\ 1\ / .ttu uJA< tst -T\) dr.: e Jy.l"#)(w)r'r_I P2-*hw4yru \t'u <br />T-0 OP'+T o MNq-\^hLL <br />IJ <br />)Or-}}ai-/-.tlOt ^