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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS , OWNER BI]ILDfX DEL<'ARATION <br />I hstiy rmm unds p.nthy of Fjury lh.n I m ampl from ih. Contlc1oE Li.* Lrw lor rh. hllo* n! (sqJol I 5 <br />tia'n< iln Eoteiio. Co&l A.y ('n) or C.u'n) $tth rqund a tEni ro otutud. .n6. inprole d.mli!fi or EFr my <br />rruclue rio. h i8 i!ue.. rlro E+i6 lh. qlPlirol lor 3uh Fmn lo nk r srsEJ {idE lhi lE or 3lE 6 lE.t!.d Frsd <br />ro rh. For6(dr of rlE CodBroa. Li.oi.d h* {( irfln 9- Coon.di.s wnh Selhn ,0o0 of oivilion I ollh. BuilB dd <br />Proldiom Cod.) d rha h( d ih. i amDr rk.nom 6d rlE h.6t tu rh..lLB.d dapiion tu, riol.rin of Sdnn 70115 brey <br />lrplica ror a Fmil subjeE lh. .rfliclnt kr a.ivil pdhy ol ml B{.lh& fiyc hui&.d (hlle! (1500) <br />l,6 o*G oftlE F.Frry, n! mplotG $th s+6 aoEt FLo,rFMion. will& rh.$ct,'d dE ndr@ u hr <br />inrdxLd or ofir.d fo. $tc {Sa.?04,1. BBind u'j Pn'f6nrN ( od.: tlE ( ot 6lo i t,t.E Il* dE d .r,pt lo o o*E of <br />rh. FDFrr * ln hrikk d i,qro\s rlEq id *ho dE sh hnt or lE*lao, lleush hit or hd oM dplor.6. <br />provid.d th.r s.h inFo\oE{! e rct i oid.d orotrold 6r sL lf. hor'@. ilE tlrlline n ing$gd i! nld wihn m rr <br />ol.onplrioi\ $. (\€ &illa uill h.E r hnk of Foring 0u tr or 3h. did ml hild ot trrprow tn. pEFty tor tl4ulInsof <br />l. ! dE of rlE lloFry. d d( co'r,*ins s nt lt.!.d .olnrdoR ro 6dn'd rlE FnJd (Sc 7044, 86'6 <br />lrl PNto i,ncDd. Tn co rdoiiLicrut * {bd mr.p9lyro morn6 ofFoFly u'lE buildror inprev6 rltd@6. <br />sd sho odd! for tucfi F!j.(* $nh. ConrB.:ro(r) lEd6.d plRu-n lo rh.Conldcroi! Lk.e le) <br />I 0n.rdnfl undd Sdron <br />Drr€ ()rner <br />\toRl(Erls ('o[rPDNSA TION <br />lll:gzr8dla! <br />I h(rh .mm utrds r6ab orFJUrynncorrh. rdbsins dabrEhonq <br />Ihi\.ard$nIm!,nrs!n!Cslificar.orConrdrkrSclflBu..(,r*qk.ohp.Mion.atr.\itr.lforb!Sdlior <br />l,tv ( od.. aor rh. Ffoffi. of rh. \o for sntrh rh. Fini' . Gu.n <br />I har c and q ill lrainlain { 0116' conr6.rsn 'Nuranc.. N r.rtun.d hy s<rion I700 of <br />'h. <br />L.txtr ( hd., f.r I h. palomMc. of <br />rh( rnrl ro, *hKhthu Fr! B eEl Vt \nIB' cnmncnsx.n '6u' lrl Fl(\ .umtEr e,-- .5kk bm?,-'saol'o,. I'nr. Fn,J <br />F.,,\,\umhd , 1ll1 oob r,,'tr6 . 6/t,?tzo <br />l.d'fr rh.t rn rh. |lrformm..of rh. wort for whi.h rhi! F nn is irs!.d, I filll n,l mphy rny paen ir oy @6 <br />$ 6 ro t tarft roti<t io <br />'lE <br />*0*6 o,rF6rion h$r oa(difomi.. lh, !f I 3tFuld lEoft rut er |o rrE <br />sorl6 corrFeii.n pbr isioB of S..lion I700 of rh. lrhr Code I dEll tonhtr ilt anpl:/ u nh rln* Ii.\ilita <br />$,1R\l\(j linue r) str'e \rrl.i <br />cn,l fii.\ uf h fn. hund'.d rhoE,n,l <br />\nrri l)16 0lrh. r,rrn r'!xl. dd <br />,",., , tl ltqt,q <br />otrrtnliir. sr@8. n unb*aul. .nd sh,ll sbFr e <br />d.llm (,, in ddhiln ro rh. Nr of onF6.r <br />aDlorn ro sinind pquni! od <br />Lnn. aErea a oro'aol ror rtr <br />.,/ <br />I <br />D[.( I rk\ ('\ <br />I h6rtr, itfm u !E p.rrXyof Fjur, lhl{ I o [c.G.d un<ld Fovbion oac&Fa 9 {con1lM(in8 wilh Sftion 7000)of Dirilion.r <br />of rh. &BilB dn Pmt6ir6 Co<tc. ii iy li6& i i! tull loN !d.lln <br />Bqlf {3X1?t <br />Irlt ,.,*-tL tlto ha-^, oL :'a3lto <br />ca![rBlcu0rLENDtlc-&cLl <br />I rrK*a lllrn und< Fulrr. of FJU j- rhn rhs. a a codrucr Fn l6dts isn' for rh. Ffol)Mc. of rh. trort tor Ehich lhis Fm( i <br />isu.d(Sa 1(!)7. ( ir ( ). <br />AtIl.IcAtfDt&trSana! <br />I hdlt y affm uod( Forlty of pgjuiy o,c oa rrE tollowins &cl&.r ioB <br />D.mlnion Pcmht-Astsrd Nolificarion lddl Rc8uhio.s (Till.40, Pi.r6) <br />R.qurcd ldrd oa Notifi.dion <br />I c6l,ry th.l ri. lqlgal r.guhtioN r.sdins .ibar.t ro(\ d d. mr @liabk ro rnts ,(jral <br />I cdny rhar I h.\ c r..d lhs.g'l( rh.!ho\. 'nt(!mnn'n Brord Idgdrocofrt'l\\ h all( ir!.nd (-ouor) <br />.rd'naoc6 Md Srar.lrN! rcbnnl kr huildii! cr[dru.r$n- and h6cb! !trrlft,r;.,.trerdN6 (rlrhr ( i! sd (-ounr! k! ard uIIn rh. <br />dr,r( ornrk,nal Ilnrld\ 1,, tr,rrE...rk,nN'Trrs <br />^ <br />or A*drsrrrrrtrr. * *t. <br />rrmr,rnrnerprrnr,,[ AU- <br />ll "-- <br />11fiSu Gnn? <br />,","' ,f tq I r1 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Roush q'/? 5//7 fr >,aZ /4 7 <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL ,rrQrwn I Wt"lh lWw" <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />--)