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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DEI'ARATION <br />I hdby rrm unds Frny or Fiury tll. I m q6!F nD6rt Comds Li.ffi L.* ror 0!. tollowhs ,$$n (s<.7ol l t <br />Dui'd .rd Ptuldrio, Co{.)r Ary Cny or Cou , phkh ..quiE . Fni ro od(Mr. rftr. inprov., dnelLh or q., oy <br />li!.tBc Fii ro in igll.N. rlo r.qlid rlr +lt&r tor $h Fflr b nL . sisn d nrffir rhd lE or JE i licq!.d pdMr <br />to th. FvibN of rlE Conl,ladi Li!.rr.d t * {Ctt4r6 9, Co@fti.g *irt Seio. ?000 of Divi.b! ! of rlt BuitE ed <br />Prof.siod Cod.) d lhn h d nr ir 6apl lhsGtlE !d tlE t .i. for th. llc8.d aordi,L Ary vioLlion olsclion 70l l .t b, &, <br />.!pli..d for r pciit obje$ tlr Trltht ro..ivilF!!y of mr mr. d& fiv.ludrld &lLE (1500). <br />_1. - owE olth FDFry. d oy cqbt€ wit *ra6 ! thci .l6q.Bbq w & lt. wt..l lb-lde b rEt <br />ira.La d olbld &. rl (Sa.7044. B{iE -d PrDE b- C.& Tb r rj.u. L& &€ .or sly lo n o,c ofln.FlFly *lE hiLt - 4!E lbE d dD.b-r8iEt hi@Ud lE df6lEDlai lir d ta o$.qloyq <br />FDviLdrh st ilFocrdt G d irad 6 o&Gd &. rl. l( ho*!c.|[. boiLEt c ilFori.d a !& rtlir * trofsalb.' t O"E &!b wi[ hNtLhl& ofF@i3 rh t d $. di! br hdld a iqoE dE FDFry &.dE FrFCo, <br />-1..ollcoldEFq?tr. <br />n Gflit l, cod.ci4 *il li@.d 6dar6ro @dn<! 0r F!j.! (Se.114.1. E- <br />iil hlt i. Co<L: Ti. Co r*rd . Lk@ trr d6 Er +ly to d ow o,FoFrt wL b{ili 6r iq.o6 fta&,t <br />rd *to od.i. tu iet Foitrt ei! . C.d6d13) li@.d Frnd b t cdrrEd! t^ic try) <br />I dddt. 'r.ld ScriL .a tPC ftd0ulE'r <br />D.r. (,116 <br />M&itatl!}u8Els,lJlorlrl(L$altal <br />I lE.I\ rrli,,n trnlkr Fultt ol lEltrn.m of !h.I(nlN trl3 ddlvarFN <br />_l h.c .d sill didri . Caied. of cod..r ro sdf-left &. wtd @io@riri, . r.lviLd for tr Sdb. l70o of dE <br />lrbrcod..6.dt Ffdte of u.6t &. rtii rlE FEi i b.{ <br />-l lltE nl(l sill uinllin rc.i6r' o,qollio. iElluc ! ,lqiEd b, Se*ri 17@ onlE UD.. Co& tu tlE Ffdrrc of <br />lh. 6i fd drth liil Fnn ir iD.d My 616 @EF!ri, i,!ljj!E Ei, rxl ,olry unbq F: <br />11,1tr\ N, ,l{ - I.\pir6 <br />-lc.nirythelinth.F6ru.oflh.eortfdwl.hrbirFDnti*u.(LIrh <br />mrdphysyFeniruymF <br />e olo b<orc lubjan n' thc @rtd'@E!68dnn hs otc.lifomia .!d lsr rhd if I rlFuld baoe tuljdt to tlE <br />m 6' @mp@cion t'lirioE oascrion 1700 ofrhc Lrbd codc I shlll hnn*ih s6pl, varh th. Fovit6E.. <br />\\,lRNlf\{j l.rl,tr.roe.(n.\,r'1.'\.,trntu\rtrn,n\.'rsu'\unh\h'.nnd\l,rll$l,r((!n.1 t 1,,\.' n, rtr tr,,l ,$, "G r trl <br />,rrn,*s s lIs/,!',r,h.\trrl tn,r\ ut, !! otr. hu (t,Rt rt,fu\xnd dfltJ\ ttrl , h addhion $ rhc .on ol @npc!r.lio.. <br />sr.rrtr' \r16 nl rhr l.rl$' (n(t. trid.( rn(l ioin.l \ <br />9 ltz /,t r'7-'7-u(lf,tutgL:tt!1(rl]tt <br />DECBAAIIO! <br />I ha!t, .rtm uida pa.ty of Fjd, rb, I 6 licdr.d Fvihn olct r.d 9 (offiirg wnh Sdbr ,000) of Divirio. I <br />of rli BuiE rn Prefrrir Cod., -d Ey lt@ ir h tuI 6.a &d.ft.r. <br />azD/tt <br />CqIEBIIEAdJIIDIIGIGE'IcI <br />I lErty .fRr6 u!& !a.Ir of Firy rL rb! a . .ondudbn rril .sdy br ln. Ffottre of dE 6t ft. rtli fib FEi i <br />iEEd (S... ,O97. Civ. C l. <br />_l cqify t '. I bE ,ad tlt OCli.dio. od rr.I[ dE rboE inbmrbn ir .dnd. I .src to oi**y eih .ll Cilt ed Colny <br />,,,1n, \(.. n!\r . r.rt\ r.:.i EFe n6 of fii! Cn, !d Coud' lo u a Wo. llE <br />.bort Mrioi.d p@Fry <br />l\ff trrnr f' 1r. r \ r itr'. <br />= <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Com pressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled l*g,to> <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech.Q-1,4-a *{ lot <br />Final Test to ,'X?tt) <br />FINAL to-t(,-(1 W5@tD >/ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br /><=T <br />l6di. Alt* <br />- <br />aalcaltr.olarataoou <br />- <br />I hat!.t&d F.l, of Fju, @ ofo. trbrhr d-L.ic <br />D6tin Ml"^a!..o. radf,.riE t:.d.rl ?cadrld (Tu. aO, h) <br />!a <br />trtrotlftb <br />-f <br />Eii,,th t ed.!a!5otti &atu l@t ledtdt tL.odi'Fli.d. <br />-r a; <br />Meter Release