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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG,COMMENTS OWNtsT AUILDET DI|I,CAI'A'III)N <br />I tstby rllm u*r Fd, ol Firy d. I 6 .E !l ton .lE (bdrra' lJN f.r fo. rrr follovu,! Eroi ls(.tu]I 5 <br />BBilB .d Pl!l-i'. C.d.l: tu, Cl, d Cdy irah !q{E . Fri r, cm{M, nE. 'nl'o*. &frnih d EFn &y <br />.lME Fiorb a! itrlle..L 'qpi. ilE +diu Lr lrn Frrd b 6Lr '3Ed in.r in{lEor.lE!lr.Md Duod <br />6 rh. fmvirhM ol E Co rEk 1,i...*n bv (Ch.Fcr 9, C.llwrcing lnh Sccrion TUxr oI Dirkion I ol ltE Susi** lnd <br />PDf.sDu Co&) a tlu t nr& i*4 lnslnor.d lE h-it n! rlE .ll!.d .r.ntrDo /\ny vlhrionorserih'70rl.5hyrny <br />.eplt !r fd. F,n -bFr rl'. Alirr ro.ciyll FElyol'd tu rIo liw hdilr.d d.rl'( (t1{r,) <br />Z- ** ",,u r,.*rr.d ny.n?btr- 'ih sF r nb oqEtrdn.. *,rr d., ,tr *ftt.d ft nEG r d <br />idqrLd doficql6r rl {Se.7044, Bu!!s.nd Pbfab CqL: Tll CiMcrol r , ttw .I$ nor +pl} tu rn om.r ol <br />rlr FoF y wtD hr&,r d itFoB rtEa rd wlE.16 r.6 Et hi,Bltor tlBll., rt@u3h hN u h.t oq.rirb)B- <br />Forit d rtd en iq$EEd! c !r h.!bd fiollrld li .t. t( lrffi. tll biur\r c irrrErd ir eld G Fr <br />ol.o.gtrix\rtolEBr4kr0h6tlEhtholFrrtfih(*di,rrhi i, ,lproE U. rmpdy d dr Frp.e oI <br />-1. <br />aor olrlE tlFlr, u*lliwly 6'di!a vih ltlns, @nrr-r6 !, lar(oct rlE pn,ial rsE 7o{1. au\iEs <br />.d h!&ircorl.: T& Cocrd''! Lile t r&..dqlyb5ovcolDrordyehohiLltorE mv. haor <br />dd etb odla rd rb Ftri{! ?it . C.dEr!r(, lrEd F!!ad b rll odrdol, lirM L,*1. <br />-I a:4,- t z <br />I h.cby rmrd unnn lt ryorporutdr.f rlr folb*ht dftldi,N <br />_l t r rd rill din b. Cdilir. olcdld b S.r-le ld k t6 .!qFd.r, .. FDvd.n to ftseri,l?0o of rll <br />Lrborc.ila 16 dr p66.dE oart Etto rit!'n pdair ir i4.{ <br />-I <br />h.E rn wi[ dirtrh r.rt 6 @r+.a!rior u$68, G Equid by i,n :rr0o of rh. lrtxtr C'od., for rE FfolllEE. or <br />rh. ldt rM whih lhn p€rmjr b ishl. My *dt€J erpadir. iMur.N cds dl Islry nun$cr &: <br />_l dir, d in rlE FrfordE of rh. *orl fd r/hth rh! F6ir ! !{ol. Lh.ll nn .npby &y p..s i. r, lM <br />s a r. lEoE rutid to !h. krrd o.Irdih L$ of C.lifonu. .,n .gE thx f I llDuld l*nc lbF b rrE <br />e.r6r' .!trp.Ms povir.B of s.r..l7(I) oirh. Lcu G*, I tBll, fqfiwirh NBply ritt rtd. FviriE. <br />WARNtrIGr fril&. ro r.4 wort h u,nridrbn srn8. ir u.Lenrl &l rhrll slbl.d u.trploF b ffiirn Frlbtmd <br />!Lv'l ln,.\ u0 h on. hundkd rhu\nnJ rrnl <br />snnor 1076.rrh. uh,(iir.. i .rtnrtrr <br />(lr(t,,orr0), ih rddi.n h rh. coi .lcDnf.nsario.. d.tu8.t ar provil.d for rh. <br />I I <br />I lEEby i nr6 urd.r FMly oI Fjuy rhd I m liar!.d uid.r FnBk'. oI cll4r6 9 (ommEi.3 ynh Sdbn nm) .r Oivilhi I <br />of llI Burc$ rd Prot-bE co&. rn nry lire ir u tuU foc rn .66t <br />l-ic.ff c cltsr_l]c.d. Numb..: <br />coltrSltgtoNlJ DllclcEltf <br />I lEEby .lfm urd.r D.rly ol p.rjury rhi rhft ir o onrtu.(irtr LnlI'3 rt.ry lor rh.'M. ot th. *orl tu' $hi.h rhi lEhn n <br />!'r.d tsc. Ir?. cir c ) <br />dITLICANI.DECIdEAIIIN <br />I hE+, rfh urLr FEhy ot F.irr, or ol tlE tullo*ot rLLr.risr: <br />t).mlnon P.rmn*tuh.ior Nd'fi.dDr icsutrbn! (TirL r0. Pd6) <br />-R.q0iFd <br />trtr.rof lkfkltin <br />_l_rr'D rh! rlrt Lnlrcgubrbr F3mlmg ah.{,(rm\rlir . rfilLJhk h' rlxItuE'. <br />.4 'd'It tt{t t hat. Et,t tfi\ rpnliuxr'un 6nl {d. rhd rh. !bov. 'nlorndon N.otu1. I r8Gtoonply wrhan (-ry rn'i counry <br />d$uLrt rd Stlk Liur Ehri,r3 to llu dry .oNhd in\ {l] lrEn, rrlnia EF!s' diE! of rhn Cir ui Co! yn,.ddulbnrh <br />!to\r rnrDrd F)Fny lir <br />Appli.!n(.r r(r SEMiUE -.J <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steeli Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framino <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Ir,4asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enoineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 3-lo-7n s.,/Lv) <br />Certif icate of Occupancy u \_-/ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Rev.08'07-2015 <br />u.", -.J/-Z r> <br />knJc'\ A'inr(: <br />,-.\