<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under SIab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />ltleter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service lvleter
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />I hs.b llfm uda Fdty ot Frv.y rhr ! h d.r$ filn rlE Conn !6E l.t!E te tu rh. hllo*lE r<,n (S< 70!l t
<br />B8ind rtd Profisrirn Cod.) An) Cny or Coulr, $hi(h Equi6 ! Fn. r. 6rED.i. .n.. iiprore .tdmlilh or .qln iry
<br />.ru.ru.. ri" ro ir3 isuMc., at$ Gqona th. +pli.et lor $cn pon ro 6!. d !i8n.d nnml rh! h. or slE i lic6!.d Du,.,
<br />ro ftc FovilioG ollhc Co.rarofr LiMed Lr$ (Ch.pr6 9, Comc.ci.8 *nh Sdio. 7000 of Oiviri,n I of th. Buind ud
<br />Pr.ashn! ( o&) q thal lE or !n. n .rf,F llE.6om od lh. b.tb for th. llL*al .rmlplion. Ary viohlior of S..iion ?0:l I 5 b, &y
<br />.pplkr ao.. Fnil $bidl! llE 4?licDl lo ! ciil Fillly of ml mE lho fir. hrndrcd doll6 (l5oo)
<br />L s osE ofrh. FrFry. m my .nplq6 *nh c .86 - rh.r $L snFsFr *iU & ttE rsl rld rE rittE 6 hl
<br />idcd.d or olfdld rd d. (S< 7O!t. [\BIB ed ho6.r6 Co&: Tn G'dr.i('r I-i.@ t * 66 d +Ply to e ow of
<br />th. Ftrrdy *lh hlil(h or inFo6llEotr dd wh dE *t hlt tinslt or h6*ll or llFUBh hn or ha o*n dnplo)c,
<br />provid.d thr! !!ch inFovd1d! e mi inrqd.d or oln+d ror !L lt hola6, rh. trildi,B or imprnaaE it hld whhh oE ,6
<br />otcompldid, rhc Of,Td Build6 villh!rclh.hIdn ofFovnu thd lroCr drd ml hnE or fts1o( fi. FDFry n dE FtrFrof
<br />l. s.*Fof rh.FoFry, mBclunrly@mrlns *irh lEdE n.onr&r.nh otr{rud EFoFls< 70!r.&a!E
<br />!,rl PtDt*n co&: ft. Cont-oi: LE.M Lr* &E mr q,plr ro M o*'na o r Flp.rry sh t{il& or inF.rB lh(o(
<br />ed \n 6,rBrr tor $ch Fnj.t€{'nh. Codd6(,ltda.<l F66r t rh.cddrdors Lr.r lrw)
<br />I m.rc6pr uoda Scrion
<br />E0a5E5:lio!ttE!taua!
<br />DECIIf,AI]OX
<br />I ..,@)* rmm unrld FBh! dlFFr_ or oldE lollnsfs &<kdhE:
<br />- I hrv. rd *
<br />'ll mnnri , ( dr.fic . ol Congr ro s.lf'leE rr slrtd' .omFaniotr a FoliLd f.r try Sdrion I7(x) of th.
<br />taboi ('odc, for rh. FfollMcr o f lhc worl for which lh. lqnil n isucd
<br />I h.v. rnd eill drmlrin *orld .omtx@rio. iNur.(.. B Equtdl b, sd ion r 7($ oI lt lltrrr (id.. for lh. Ffolrre. or
<br />fi. $r'.1 aor whEh lhL Fnn ir isld M! sorl6 onpddion iffi. (eir rrl Flty nmtE c,*- 6t/lA7A CAv\'ZuALt+
<br />Poh()Numh( s :,1\L.<(Y1L? O(Z ^r"*,$I lp
<br />l.dilyth.t i. rhc pdformrm. ol rn *orl for *hich rhir Frmit Ls issu.d.I !h.ll not ploy ylrlon in rnyndna
<br />i' B ro ljdam. ebj.Tr !o rh. sn6'onF6dioD h*, olcrlilohia .nd +E lhd ill 3lmuld hcom st ..t lo tlE
<br />trorLd smFqrio. pro\tioN of sdion 17m ofrh. Ltrr (-o&, I tEll. fonh$ nh .omply u nh lhor FovLhB..
<br />WARNIN(; lililurc to su. sod6 mnFEa$n (n6i*.6 unbrtul. ad dlll $br..r dpk''d ro ainiMl Frlir m<l
<br />nn, d.m!6 a Forid.d to. rh.cHl lin6 up h orc hundr.d rhous.d do ll100.ixNr,. m .JJ nn k rht .or or
<br />I h.r.b\ .finn undd DcElr\ of D..tuN rfid I m hc.rsd un&t f ( lEris I (.omins u nfi s{dDn 7000) ol Dn ir.. 1
<br />of rh. aB'nd r.d Pmfs{B (-od.. dn m) lk.a i h full lorc rn.ft6''r
<br />4,
<br />o
<br />\^
<br />A Z
<br />^" \7 Yty \nl -=sv?
<br />CoNSTRUCnON I F{DlrlG ACF'\(a
<br />I hse+ rlluE undq Fnahy of Frjlr! rhtr thq. ii r srdrudnr lldiir isft, Lr rn FfolM. olrlr {Gl for *hkh lhir Fnil it
<br />isucd {S( 1097, Cir C.)
<br />I hs6y ifm u*16 Dolhy ot rdiuy oE of rh. tollo*i.s d.clrdions:
<br />D.mlirion PsmnlA3b6rG Norinci ion F.d6al ReuLl ir.r (TirL .l0, fu6,
<br />Rcqutdl L.rtE olNoiifr cnion
<br />I cdr,ty rhi llE fcdal csuhrnB ,!g&ting at totr rm\rl r. nor qlplEbk h rhi prbF
<br />Azt .-lt ,t', I tr,. ,oa ui Felicdio. in n.k th, rh. rlnr. i.rorhrion R1 I a(rr 'o.o,q'l!
<br />rirh allCn!.nd (i'unr)
<br />ord,mk6 rnJ Srar. I n\ s r.Ltn! t)6of rhisC r.,vl (tunt}'o d'6 uFi llE
<br />ahovc nmnon n F)r<nr ror
<br />\t,pliutrro' \xonl \ix il ,,. pl'laln