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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS ID/SIG COMMENTS <br />UNDER GBOUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />I nterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq -r-2 k"t.1td <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />It/ain Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rouqh Plumbinq <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL -21 D lilJ:r\t <br />Notes Bemarks Etc. <br />o\INI]N EUII,I)!:R D*]I,C RATX)N <br />Ihfcht.lft rn d( ltM ry ol lcrjr! rh l nrclcilnrturnrhc(-dnr..rorrLiccnschwntrlhclolhq'insrca\on(s..70.115 <br />lhtrims rtu ln,ic$ir)n Cqlc): Afy Ciry or Cou y \[i.[ rcquirc\ r tnnir xi.oa{tucr. rlicr. nnp(,!.. tlcnx,li$ ur r['n Jh, <br />d .ru.c. tri(n b n\ is\urtrc.. rln' rquitos rh. ntr \!.hNnrirb lilc, \igncd {ir.mnt rlrrlEor dN i\ licctrrd ItrNrrnr <br />k) rhc Uorisi{'ns of rh. Co racttr \ l-iccn\cd l:s (Chnnrrr 9, (inntricicnrs {ih S..ri( l(xll) of Divisio. .1 oi rh. ltustEs d <br />.t'! lnr a n:mil{rtjccls rlr rt'rlicinrro rcivilpcrilryolnor lwc,lun liv. hurdrcJ dolh (5500) <br />-1. <br />as osM of rhc trorny, 6r my csployeca wnh w!3ca as lhe i. sk comFn$rio.. vil do 0r aut !d llE slrm@ ir bt <br />itrt.(h or.6cEd lot sh (5(.7044, Busincs .nd Pmacssions Codcr Thc Conn dols Lians L$ doci nor lpply t6 owmrot <br />rlE lmFiry 'ivlh hrihr n in+.oB E6n..Ji* uh mrt hin$tf ot lEmlf or ltmugh n,! or h.. oq cnplolt.3. <br />polid.n fid $ct idlowmm cmr hrcld4d or o,r.rd forsl..l[ hoErc( tla huilding or inqlwmnl is $Bqnhinorc Jtd <br />ofo,plclion. rlE OwNr Buil&r wil IEE tlE bu&n of pmvhg thlr lE or shc dil troi ttrild or in0ioE th. Flp.ny tor trE pu4bs of <br />-1, <br />&r o*ftr o{ rhc lisp6!y. m.r.l$iwly .onrlcring wnh lkc.cil codBdo^ ro ontud lh. Imj.ll (Se. ?041, 8!siN:s <br />ad PDfcshn Codc: Tn. Conlra.iols Lic.nsc Law dms not 0pplyro uowncr ofpmFrly who blalds o. imp@ve.lhercon. <br />and eho co racrs fo 3Bh roi{lr virh d PIBMI lo rlE C.nka.lmt LirnF L!$). <br />_l nn .rcnp! und.r 56r <br />lg,8$ESEl]LEUldlAtrON <br />DE(I.AI{III]N <br />I tcEby lffi rnundd l.noll,oap.riuryoEolihc aollowinS&{lonlions: <br />-lhr\c <br />nl $illNn Ain iCcniricllcolcoNenr ro scll lN!rc lo,*orkcs n,n|xn! n,n, as rolidcd ror btsccrio..lT0trofrlr <br />L,hrr codc.Io hc NrliJnrnr. olrhc so lorBhi.hrhct{fltr tGnrc <br />_, hrE and will minllin *orics comFc.srrion iisuBrcc. as EqriEn by S*rio. 3700 of lhc L!bo. Code. to, E t rfo'Me of <br />irNtr'rr...Ini.r nl |l,licy nuDhrr tr <br />4- <br />I &flify rhar h rh. pcrtorm8c ('f rhc wort foi whkl rhis p.rnil is isslcd. I shlll nol cmoloy an, lENn in lny ndnM <br />$ !s lo tr$m subj.ll lo lic w.rkcn'onpen$rion lu*s of Cllifornia. lnd astc rhar if I *hoxld 3ubjecr h thc <br />*o cn compcnqr io. pmvi\ions of Sccrion .l7l D of rhc Irtxtr c(xlc, I ll, ron hwirh onDl, wilh thos pmvnnrns.. <br />WARNINCT r{iturc to s{urc workcs' <br />civil lincs up lo one tuodrcd rhoumnd <br />Sccrioi 10766lrlr Libor Gd.. intcrcn <br />lirl. r.d sh,ll hFd rn .nphF ro aimi l pcEhi5.nd <br />rn rh. .on or om0cn$tion, dlms.s !s nrcvidcn for lh. <br />ITII;LABAUAN <br />I hcrcbvrl&r u cr ll..alr) oipcrjuryrhrr I anr liccnrJ undcr nDrki{'n.achsl,r 9 rronnri.iig *irn Sk_li)n ,un) .l Di!i\io. :l <br />ol rhc Rusitrcss Md PtufcssiorsCodc. tr,xl nrr li.c \c is h lirll nrc .trd cl li.r. <br />7 <br />,rrr,i-B <br />I;9NIIXIS TNIENIIINCIIiENI:I <br />lhc(bysffinnrndcrtf,nrlryofFrjuryrhdrrhcBk!co{fl.riontcndir8iecncyr'o.rhctcrrhrmanccolricsorkrorahichlhRFnnilis <br />n\u.d (Scc .109?. Civ. C ) <br />AIPITIAtrIDECLIAAUON <br />I ll1$yrfiinnu dcr plnally otncrjlr, olE ol rl'a follosnrs dalir$ions <br />Ddmolirion l'.rnrir$A\h.Nos l_cdcrul Rqnhrn s (1 [lc 4Ir, Pan6) <br />Rcqun.d b(cr ol Norino!htr <br />I c.nililhd lhc rL.d.rol rc8u br n,ns rcefdin8 asb.sos rc hHl,r. n.r ar i.nhlc to lhn Imjccl. <br />64*-u",'-' , *,.-.0 *i\ trDnri.n,ion md/iiiunce.',na srarc ra". rctau"r i" r','r,r,r. <br />is .oft..r l.!rc kr coqry qth 0ll Ciry0nd Counry <br />rpr.scn'rriksol'his Cilya.d Counlylo e.rcr unon thc) <br />*,", L3:@20 <br />rbn. rnn h.rch) rurhri2r <br />ahrvc mnriotr.d pmp.ny fot <br />Appliunl or ,{gerl Sitmtu <br />L^,J <br />IDATE <br />L iJl'. 'lJ'.{ <br />Water-Under floor <br />Roof Drain <br />Final Gas Test