<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.o\!NER AtrlI,t,ER Dr]t,C,\nAr-r()N
<br />I hcrchy rflnm uiJcr pcmlrt,,f Frjury rhar I i crcfipr f,on rtu Conr(t)^-\c Lrq ritr th.Iirll)wir8 rcr$n (Scc7{).115
<br />Ausinc\\ r d Piin.\\i{ Codc): nt ( iri or Counry shkh toqunc\ I t{irnir ro !{rNrrud. trll.r. ir.frorc. dcnn,lnh , Ntrir rtr)
<br />ro rhc leri{ids of ih. Corh.rr'{ l-i.c {d t,N r(_hr cr ,), C. nn.rns sirh Sc idr r(xr) ol l)ivtio. I ol rhc Btr\nrc$ and
<br />rplicrnr nn r'.irnirohjcrr\ rhr rppli.rnr ro rcnilp.nrlrtolnorRtr rhm fnc hundtud dollr^(35Ul)
<br />-1.
<br />ns os"cr oI lh. j,rot'cny. or ry clrlInorN\ silh sa-q$ ns lhct $lc c.flrpcn\rrii,n. $ill do llt s{rl url rrt itrrtrto i\ no'
<br />i, .iddl oronarcd ntr {l. (Sr..7tll.1, Burirr$. Pnn.\sior\ C(rlc Ihc (ir rtuktri l-i.ctrsc Lrw docs trot ttlrlyx' unowncr oa
<br />rhc pnrcny wtn blilds or ir.rimtc 6cB,n- ud $no des nEh so himsclrorhc6cll'o!$ncnrplortc\,
<br />Frvid.d rh{ {r.h im|ntr ornrs rE ftn inkflLal .r .ftcrcn for srL lt hoq.\ cr. rtf, toiu inE or in{inntmnr k $lt wirh$ otr )rri
<br />ofco ll)lcrk4rltrO{icrBuild.rsillhrvcih.hurdc..lpn,vi'rgrhdh(orshc il mr buiu or nrixtrr rhc |mFry for rhc nuryxc ol
<br />-1,
<br />as owncr oirhc pmFny. trn.rclusivclyconrrncrine wirh liccn*d contrcroF to con(rucr rhc pmicr lS(.7044, Au\inc$
<br />sn t Polsbn Gdc: The Conrmru s l"iccn( l,as drus nor aplly ro an osncr .a poFny wh. bnilds o, inprov.s lhcEotr.
<br />ond *ho co m.ts lor su.h pojcdc wirh, ConrkronO liccikd pursu$r kr rhc C.trlrrctoas Li.en* Laq)
<br />-l
<br />mcrc rpt undcr Sel
<br />()en.r:
<br />DECI.AaAIO!
<br />I hcrcby amrm ltdcr l)eelry ofpcriur) otu ofrnc aollo*inB drlmrions:
<br />hlrtr (itrlu. n,r rlt ltr,lo rtrc. ol rlN ]uk tu tr[i.[ rlt rEnrir i\ i\{rcn
<br />9rr'*"itul $ill nrinrri'r *ork.* c. rFn\rt ior ii{r ic.. sr rcqu ncd by i(,n lTm of rhc lihor Cod., hr lhc l)crfonnimc ol
<br />nqii.n inruhac .arhr ,nl Flky .unh.. 6c:
<br />fa
<br />-lccrliiythnt
<br />inrh. pc or@nccoflhcworkl'o.whichlhi\pcrnriririxsrcd.Ist0llnotcDplo,anrr.6oninonynEnncr$ as ro h.$tu 3uhjar ro rhc *o.lc6 odpeisario. h,s o, Cllifomi!. drd lsrcc rhli il I \hould tftoft subir, t' rrr
<br />sodcn conFnrdion lt,vhioor ofSe.lion:1700ofrhc htnr Codc,I ihnll. tonhwnh.omdy *irh
<br />'ho€
<br />pn,visnrns..
<br />WARNINC: kihre to scure sorkcr' o,npenslion .ovcmsc is unl0wtul. Md rhall slbJccl un cmtk,,tr l{, qioanal F.alrics and
<br />(ivil fincs up lo onc ttnlrcd th.usrnd dollars (Sllx).ujo
<br />Sc.rt,n]076of rh.lirr'r(i ..inrcre{andaiiody\lccs
<br />). i. ddnion ro rh. rosr ofco lan€cs as pn,vidcd tl, rhc
<br />0
<br />lJ(tiNSIILlQNl3rl(l08
<br />DECI.AaAI]TN
<br />I hcrhydfiirnnndcr penillyofp.rjurylhnl, 0n liensd undcr pmvnion ofChoprs 9 (co.rmrcin8 wirh 56lion 7Om) ofDivision:l
<br />of rh.ausimssa Pmf.\\ions Cdd.. rd my{ k i. tu ll for$ old .lTcct.
<br />,-,.",...,"", C'?rl ( I G
<br />coasrxulJr!.tNr[NDrxlilc[Nq
<br />I hcrby trfltr undc. pentrlryolpcrjurylhrl rhcrc n r so(rudion tndiB re.ncy rbr rhc rcrrornBncc or'rhc qor* i{tr thich rhn Fnnir is
<br />isrucdlScc .llr97,Ci\.C )
<br />I h.Ehy dlirnr utrd., Nnrrr y ol !.rjury n c ol r[c nlllotr nrr ddff i(rr\:
<br />I)cinliriotr Pcnnir$A\hc{os Norih. iotr Fcdcinl Rcsrhri(nx11 ['{). 1'n'6)
<br />-RcqurcJ
<br />lrrrcr of Nohi.arii,n
<br />4.""
<br />6"ri,,,"."
<br />ify rhtrr I hnvc.cod thkoDnl ic.rbn.nd sldc rhlr rlE rtnrc inro.ndion iscotut.l n8re rocomllysirhsll Cnyond Coonr,
<br />boihinS conslNclion. Md h.Ehy aullbriz. r.prc*nlalivcs .f lhis Cil y and Counly lo cnrcr upon thc
<br />obovc nEntioncd pmFny lor
<br />-,. \[30(?i)
<br />Water-Under Iloor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildinq Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarilier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Itilain Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rouqh Plumbinq
<br />Meter Release I
<br />FINAL 4/a/fr &-n)
<br />Notes, Bemarks, E{i I t/<J
<br />,.,., \tjo(zcr
<br />Ds,e Uiqflr (on,re.or
<br />I..nify ihd rhc r.Bxtrr ion\ k8dding x\n {os rcnr,ul!tu ior lprlk hlr r. rhi\ rrn&.r.
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Final Gas Test