<br />I h6!by.rtu und- Fony of pcjdy ttr I6anql 606 fi. Cod'*td lioBtetu lh. folt*i.a lm (sd.?oll.t
<br />EGn $ r'd Prefrbn Co<L): Ary City 6 Colny $.ftn Eq!i6 . FEi ro 6!iru.r. .[6. idpwc &r'ht or rlFi ,,
<br />3n!.ru., Fio! lo il! i.ue., .bo Fqsfa tlE q?licd for och F6n to fiL ! rit .d nno@l ll'd lE or rE i li.a!.d pldir
<br />ro rh. Fovnid of tlE c. .*1d! Li6!.d r.w (cl'4rd 9. comcrir8 pnh S*rba 7000 of Divirio! I oi $. Bcir6 .lll
<br />lDft-bo co&) 6$r n d.b. it aaDr rHnh&drltb.i.l lh..llscd qa6b.. Any vblaionofsdi{ ?0!1., byoy
<br />+pE.l! e,. FEn eBlr 6.
<br />'P[..
<br />to.civilF.lrord DErtr rp.lur.H.ldlld (!5m1.
<br />-1.
<br />r (]xc olrhc FoFty. G @t.trplot€ sth w.e6 ! {r@ -k @EpoErbr wi[ & lt! wt id lb rinc b @.
<br />i'ndihd n ofad ft,. rl. (S- 7044. Bdi6 nd ItDfrsiE Co& Thc Co' LtqE l& &6 tDl rpl, to ! ow of
<br />rh. Fopqry eto hqilll d irI&E ilEEr. Dd wlb &6 rd! $ul hilell or noxlaor lhEudr hi! .r lE ou coplott .,
<br />Fovid.d th.r qd it4.o6cued trd Gofra.d tur.t. l[ io66, rt bildi,U or iltr.ffi'.d !-ld{ ron.}6
<br />ofcnpldiE 0EOWE B{il,a viU bw t}r har, ofFwiS thi lE mdE diler h lo. i!'FoE 6. FrFl, ft. !E FrF.of
<br />-1..o*Eottt
<br />FnFry, d d.raiEly odr-riB ri! lid.odadlo Ndan lb For6r (se. 7Xr. E.i-
<br />,il h!4ai! Cod.: TtG Cor .Idd! LkG@ l* do€ or @ly ro -ol@ of FaFry rlD b{ilr! d i'ryroc UE6n
<br />.rd *.lD @d-l. 6r Bh Eoi.d! eih . c!rmcd(, li.d.d p@utr lo rt Corndd! Liw t a).
<br />lrrr. O.rd
<br />.lllrarir8!:(all&l-salt(l!ltEgJaar.&!lln(hr rln'n uiJd tfl' 'h!,,rFju^, n.,,rrh. firI $ 'ni J( L.n\
<br />l(46*.t",,,-"..-",rn,nlarlLr,in,snrr\crf,ru,.r{nNdkc'sconDctrrsndtr.,Nrxo!d.{to'hys.x('n:\7rrrrrh.\,,r-, r ..,r". r", rt,. p",r,,u,,n... , rh. $,(t L1 {htr.r, rh. Fntri r a$.r
<br />vill 6td cotrlodiD iome ! Eqld by Scrba lr00 otth. t bo. Co<L, t6 lllc Ft'lltre or
<br />Dsrn ir i$.d My 6la Na. s; id polil n@ba G
<br />,(*8*zz5ioSr00)-?
<br />-l
<br />.arit Od h dr Ffolltrc of dE s.t ft( eiib thir Fri ir is,o( I !t I d dglo, ey Fs! in &' ffi
<br />- Blo h<oc $litr b lli wtsJ 6dp.rrir! bs ofcni6lni. rd iE tlr if I rLrdd t@c rnid bd.
<br />*utEr' o'lpa.nih Fovirid ofs.did 1700 ofrrE t Dd Codq I irll turiln tl6i?t enh dE Frvitr
<br />\!ARxlN(; IiaLlu'.LrKtrrc\ rlds (rnlrNnrk,n rf\c'rlc \tr.|i$tul.rtdsl,rl l,rer r ctpl,)!a r.dntnxlBTihtli l
<br /><;djffi,=lff.'V'lLor,r.
<br />llCl!ffO.cqAISACIOB
<br />D&EI.ASAEqU
<br />I holby .llro ulda pa.lty orDcjBy 0rr I u ltltlGd @(b Flvilios orcbgtc 9 (@ffi!'s wnh sdbn 7(100) of! !
<br />or E ButnB &d Prehb6 cod.. -d 6, licat il n tufl 6e d.lf..r
<br />bz,'lV )
<br />1-24 ,r,,-o-,9$1<--
<br />co$lIllcII(l!-LElI&c-aGEd.lI
<br />I 'Ee.J .IrrE oldr Fln, ot Fj!r, lhr $a. r . s.irrdbn laxliB .ac, tlr lh. Ffrffi of lt. s,t h. $nit lb! FEi i
<br />isr.d (sc 1097. civ. c )
<br />I Ht .&r u.dd F.f y of Fju, oE of 0E folbwirr (lrltri.d:
<br />Dooub! Proil^ rlorif.rir r.rlbbE (Tih .0. P.n6)
<br />_R.quid Lrl6of
<br />-l
<br />.6iiry rh, th. t da.l ..s{hioE E8.diDt .bd6 dor.l E nor +pli4bk b rhi Fojd
<br />-l
<br />catit $a I ln. dd rhi .pDliciio! !d 1Ic Or lb. ,toE hbBrbn t cdr4r. I .jE to @rdy trnh dl ('ny &d c@ty
<br />seu.ibE rd ha!b' ,lhoir r(?.@rri!6 oirhs Cny &d couly lo d q l4on llE('imN6 md S'!t.lju3Ehr
<br />,!4 oI
<br />,-,, b-l'1-?g
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work .r .4
<br />Pre-lnsulation lo t{lttt 4e1 $'X I
<br />lnsulation (t
<br />"L7\lu
<br />ot-d v)
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled rr'
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct (
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar D 71\-to W,lv*v
<br />UJ
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release I t l
<br />FINAL 1 Dt'1 ./dt /W7
<br />I
<br />\)&
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />t ra