<br />I lE.t'r tltrm udda Frh! of Fi')' $r I n ddF inm rlE (.odrr<r6' Lt.E lrs for fi. folhld'lg t.&n (Se ?01 I t
<br />BBd6 !n P.ofBDn Codc, An, Ciy.r CrMt *hi.h Eq!i6 . p6n'l lo otErud. ito, nigr.ve damliri or tq., sy
<br />sttucrr.. rior ro its isMc.. obo rcqun6 rhc appli.mr lor ruch Ftut ro frL . .isn.d strmol thd lE or Ct h !icq!.d p@t!l
<br />lo lhc Frraio6 of tlt Conrxld r Lkdu.d tr* (1!F6 9, ('omn*i.s r nh Sdrio. 70(o of Dilirion ! or lhc Bu.itB lod
<br />PNlBi,nr ( .&) d rhd lE or $. ir R6!pl rhs.non &d $. ts6 for tlr .lleat dmFh. An' rhLliou of Sdbn 701 I 5 lry 6y
<br />ryplicanr tu a p6rir lub)cfi rh. +plicel io . civ il p.mty of not mr. thd fivc hui&d dolla! {1100).
<br />l.6 NE ol rlE FoFq. q nr diq!r.)6 $nh *is6 ! rh.r $L omFsion. uil & rlEsst.nllt lrtude i! d
<br />iirdd.n o. ofi6.d lor $k (56.1044. Bui,6 dd PFa6drN CodG ItE ( olnn loa. La!* ll* d.6.rx T?ly lo u otrE ol
<br />rh! Dr.Ddy *ho htil.h or i,rtl,!v6llE6'! .d *hr &E sh 6lt ninr.lf or h6$lf or llnust fii! ot hq os 6rlov6.
<br />Fovilid th.r o.h ifitmffi c d noild d o&d for rL l[ lN-s. dE hrildi'E c h+.saEn a rE sinin d Jd
<br />olcotrFkin rlE Osffi &ildq *ill hd! r,E h{<rn of For$s tlii lE M.lE dil d hild d !rFo\! lh. FlFry 6r
<br />'rE F F-oa
<br />L s osE oa rh. FF\.*, m <clBiv.rr 6ffi trB $nh li.qE d con.rl6 h Nldru<l l,E Fni,.r I s< 7o{,1,86lB
<br />!d Profrlim ( od.: rh. c.nreloir l,i.o* L.w d.6 not .ppl, lo d ou ns 6l phFn, *ho b il& or inprevd ths6r
<br />lnd *ho conrdrs fo. och F(jalt snt. Codn ro,l3) tic!.d pu6@l tolt (t!r{cl !l-i.oelr*)
<br />I Mrcropt undd S(rk)n
<br />Drt. ornd:
<br />$orrr(Fria aonrPEns{ noN
<br />I h6.Iry.mrE utrdd t {Xy of Fjury o... r rh. follo$ h! d..lmrioN
<br />Iha\.,itrilld' !'idcdrfr .of(onsirosdf-lenln\0116 NmrEBtion.6 Foyid.drorbs.iihn1?mofth.
<br />hhr Codc. for lhc l)cfomd.. DI rh. *ork [or *hich rh. pdnn ir is!.J.
<br />{if'. ", " r, *.o, *ort*' comn s.rFn rN6m., I r.qur.d h sdhn :r7o0.rrh. I-.b.t (id., rot lh. pqrolrw. oli?/ qoAf..*hrhrh!Ilrnr6su.dNlts"rtc'c"mp6rst'"n'n.u,^(ce'oaldFlii.\numbddG
<br />, ^-{74.lrs-*s k+p.rf pcerr*ur1 Co^Qp.l.f
<br />',,*",.*qF5ll556rbod-Lt c4,,,(,"^ r -il'd
<br />:4fd,6 !h.r ,i rh. rEfotrffi. otrh. sod for rhKhthi.Fnn i! s.u.d.l rh,ll mi mtr.ys! Frn ro) ndF
<br />-3- r" r"-.-" -toi",r,. $.*6r onnardrn t,c! orc;liromh. ud 6[c rhd 'rl dbulj tE ;rc r.t d rorh.
<br />so 6 comrieriu terbi.B .f sdio. l7Ll0 of rh. tlhtr ( ode I sh.ll. torlhs'rh urngly s ilh rh.* pmviiioN
<br />WARNINC. Farlui. n, sr. $orksJ snnFEnM cov6ag. il h'1, MJ sh.ll subFr M opk,yd lo sm'nrl rElnb ed
<br />.nil tu6 u0 ro on. nlndr.d rhrusd doll6 (ll0o.O0), in
<br />s*rhn 1076ofrlE l.hor Cod.. inrsd rn fionry'r fc
<br />r ol.omp.,B.lior. drMs6 d p.ort.d ftlr ih.
<br />Ir U-eo
<br />DECqAAIIA!
<br />I hqcby aftuo utrd6 r,.nrlty o i pdjlry thd I m [.d!.d Mdd Fovilion of (lEFd o (onntri.s sirh s(rion 7fix), ct Dh iti]n ll
<br />of lh. Dulinc &d PmfsioB ( od.. &ti dy lide ir in lull for.. ni .rdr
<br />49,Lto Zlc,D-11
<br />l-3l-Z(Xlraocl^,vu 4olg
<br />(qlllxlLqu0lrElDllclcr:d(I
<br />I hclby l'Isn u.d.r Fn ht o t tEjuav rhd rnq. Lr. coldrud in ld'<try lsff) f tlr pdfoffic of rh.{!.t,or snth lha p6tni I
<br />i*u.d (sd 1097. ( ir c )
<br />6ffucalfDEcllaall(}!
<br />t hodt rrm undo F.!hy of Frury on. or lh. folh$ ir8 d..lrdiod
<br />D.molirhn Pmnr^rbdot Nor ifi. ior F-crdrl R.xrLlion! {Tnl. 40. Pd6)
<br />Rqu!.d krld of fkitu..
<br />I (dilt lhd rh€ f.d6.l rc*uldnE rc!uJ'"8 s mo\ !l E ton +di.tll h ihi F.Fd
<br />l-<F*ll*l haY. Eail rhl! .p/i.!rion drl n tun s cotrdr I .sre ro conply tr nh .ll (-itt Md ( ornl,
<br />ar.lrsr dhri+ h huildin*.urhorix rcFe{dn 6 ollhis cny od counl, ro 61. o[[n tlE
<br />.Ir,\. nErioo.d FnFn! tor nqxnan
<br />\Dt'li(flt., \!{r sixnrttrrr
<br />a4^s
<br />1'- lt'-2D
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Founlains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueino
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof To ui ent
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Sofiit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter
<br />FINAL ?4'@ Lc tstJe/o.' 24
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />DATE
<br />Sci{+