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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BTIIT,DER DEL('ARATION <br />I ha.i!, rmrn undd f6ah, of rrqj!ry thd I m .rmpl lnm lh. Conrrio6' l.rv aor th. follopin8 r.&o (Sd 7011 5 <br />BGind rn Proldirn ( o&t Any C(! or counr $hth r.qun6 t Fri ro snrrud. tls- inFnre d.mlin 6r rq.r ot <br />rtn(lEi r,nr. tu e'R..h. r.{ui6 rlE {'rltd foi $ch Fmn io nk,t'rn n rd.lmt rtuh.mdEil(oEd fo$.r <br />r. rh. ForuNB oa ttE ( onhkro l.i.ord Lw l(fuprd e, ( omnqcin8 *ilh s.dtun 7000 oa lx'rio. I .f lh. BNin* dd <br />Pioidions ( od.,orlhd h.orshc ie.!dnp{ rhdcnom ed lhc },trsn ior ih. .ll.g.d .rdrFbn Anyvi.hnrnols ion70115by.ny <br />q'plic. for . pcnir rubi.ds lh. rn licDr ro ! ctr <br />'r <br />p.dhr. .1 n mi. rh- fiv. fiuIdr{ &116 (!tfi,) <br />I. s ."r otrh. FrFn),.r m! mphlc trnh s.g6 6 rls eL o6Fati6n. sill&r rlE $ct d llE sl,rde a rx <br />inra&] or {lT6.d for $L {SE.7N4, I}GilB od Praf*ioN ( d.: In. ('ontr..lois L,t@ Llw &6 nol !ppr, ro .n .md of <br />!n. proF, *ho hild.c inryovd tlEEtr dd sho &6 htr * him*lf or h&lf ot thmugh his.. h- om d]plold, <br />Forir.d rh! ruch ihFrE]d E d ndd.l or.lH tu rh lt h.s-q. tt hriEil m trrgsqEr i $B$rnhm )c <br />ofmtrrrrldior tlE O*E hilb ill li!. rrE Urrl,i orForit $.i lt tE di! d toiu n,rFoE lh. Frtcrt ft. E FrFo,. of <br />l. s dtrc orrh. propqry, o.$l6n.l!.olnr&ri.t snh li6B.d codBloB ro <Jdto.r r& FnFd (Sd ?OrJ, BuiI6 <br />!n ho6.m Co& Tn (-onrrrroit Lico* l,r &6 hl ql?l) ro r o$E of Fqd) *lr buildt o iFFo\6 rhqotr <br />qnh. (nddons) 1rc.6.d p!B@ ro rrEcddrd <br />I h,E rn *ill trintlin. CdifE.r. of CoMr ro Sdr-lNr. for Iortd-omFu$n. 6 Flr irdj for h S<ritn !7m oI rlE <br />I ltnr cod.. tor rhc p6LmM. o f lh. wI for $ hrh Ih. Fnn ir isuld <br />I h!v. .nd $ill mintM $0*6 .omrdB.lsn iBurlEc. E Equt d b! sd io. lr00 ol lh. Lahor (.odc, fot rh. of <br />rh< *o* fn $hkh thir rEmn i! iExd My Nrl6' otrp.rB.tFn i6lffi.8i, tn IFh., nrntE .. <br />Iccn'fy rh.r inth. Frormak.oarh<$or[ n {hirhrhi3pdmi is isud.I shnll nor otk } a.t F_r,n in an! mnnnd <br />e sh lE{nn. subjel k) lhc NorL6' co'lp.Nar (r ra\rs or( shli.mia. t d ilG lhal ill thould hccom. $bidr k rh. <br />$odm Nnrp.n$rionro\isioc orssrion lrTu) orrh. txlrr (i{k,IslBll. aonhsnh cohrir \ilh rln. F.\ isions <br />ltARNIN(i ,ia,lur. r,r q-u. (or[6s $mp6s.rhn.o\ <br />I hd.b .m n lndq rE.\ h s(lion 7m0).fDivir6. ! <br />of rh.Ir!.rrc.nd F,. <br />colilaiJ(Irqa.L,ilDld(iicENql <br />I ho!b' rlrm un<b Frlrl of Frury thd rlE. ir . otBEdion ladi.s .s*y h. rh. Falm. or [E wt 6r $tah lhi! Fna ! <br />isu.d {sc !007. civ c). <br />I ddn'r Nim. <br />AITUCATLDEILA8AIIAT <br />I h.d'y rlIm lndd Fnlhy ol r,6Ju, on. of rh. nnh* ine dcld.' ions <br />Dntulnr. P.mni-Aib6'or NdifE.tior F.darl A.8rhlF ( I il. i[0, Pd6, <br />R.qun.d L.fi6 of Nonfi.dion <br />I cql ilr rh.r rh. r.d."l r.sularirN .+e]i,l3 $tslos G'x\ !l 6c <br />I c.dii rhd I ha\. 6d rhis rpplrc.'rn r <br />od'nan... and S(dr.l-ass rrl^rinE ro <br />rhncnrd knEJIn, nn 'nstRl <br />tppllcrnr or,\aor Sh.rrnrr %n <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter I I1\r4\'k)Dlrmpr.' <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />1I t u <br />Air Conditioners <br />FINAL <br />1*1 ^-D, I DlIM'I