<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNtR Bt ll_Dt:tt trl:t.( ARAlt()N
<br />I hcrchj" olllnn u cr ncmhy o l' JtrNry rld I Mr .rcnd li n rlr (inn
<br />'
<br />aclo6' l.ic.n\c l-rN i(n rlr li)ll()rr! r.r{in ( sq 7(rl l 5
<br />lr$iress arl ,'m,!$k)n Co(le) Atry ( ily or (-({dv \1n.h rcquirc. a pcrnnr n, con(ru.I. iller, mpx,!c- d.trFl'\h or runrr riy
<br />L)rhcpro\slrsolrh.(ont.dorrIic.nsedlrs((l$,rrs9,1(! rnh (.cl'o! 7lrl,l) oi l)lvFrr:1 olrh( A!\r{ssnnd
<br />I,rollsoos (.deJ orlld he.rsh. n e(.nur (hediunann rhe hrns lorllkxlle8cd c\enrnitr,n A.tvtr,hr'. olSdiJtr70ll56ylrt
<br />anplLrdnrnnrjrcrh \rhje.rsrhL dnplmdr b 3$iljrrnrlryof nor Dmrrl n fi\L hutolrrd (lo1l.r (\5(10).
<br />-1.
<br />$ owrr of th. tmp.ny. or my.orlotld onh wrg.r d, hlc cdnp.Narion. will do th. wt .r'd tlF crudE b ml
<br />inlaxLd or otf.Ed for sL (Se.7044, BuailKi @d PDf.$ioB Cod.r Th. Corr6nols l-ie.* L6* &.r mr $pl, to an owr of
<br />thc Fop.rry etn huil& or i,rroB thds( ,!d DIF &R Mh N him.lf o. hmlf .r $eugh th or hd om .rlplot!6.
<br />nmvid.d th.i sch impmmB m mt id.r*Ld orolford $. eL. lt I'os*., rlE h{ildi.s o. inlp,rEmd h md v nin orc }Br
<br />ofsip!.liol\ IE of,m BriHd wi! ItsE fi. lu&n ofpsvniE thor lE q.lE dit mr t{ih or inpmE lir. ,!6n€ly ft)t lh. ,uln* of
<br />_1. !sowrcr.flhc pmEny. conrmr inr with licctrs.d conhcroBro @ncdrt rh. pn, (sc.7M4. Bums
<br />rd Pscsbn cod.: I hc C.ntrlctor'B L i..m. La* do* nor a!,plr ro a6 own.r orpbp.dy who burldr or inrmv.s lh.rsn.dod ete odrcl! fo. wch pdj<ts sirh a Conrmcto(, licctrrcd pun@nt lo $. (onka.rors Lic.nrc Lrs}
<br />-!
<br />nd exedfl hdcrSdio
<br />EO85E85:C9!4C[}SAEq!
<br />I hcGby 8fim undd p@lr, of nni{y orc of rhc folhaiis d..hhriodr
<br />-l
<br />h.vcmdwrll moinl0iraCcnificdeolConFenrr(i scl,:lnsure tur \rod(ea conrr. sarion, dr ,ro!trlc'l rbr bysccrionlT00ol rhc
<br />Lalhr Code, tu Ih. p.rform.rce . f th€ soi( for lhlch rh. Dc.nm 6 Fsucd
<br />_l hlk .nd will oaimain wo .6 conn Balion inflErce. .! Equir.d by sdrion :!?00 ofth. tit.r Cod., lor lh. psformrc. of
<br />th. mrk lor qlich ihi. t mn ir 6$.d. My wortd conp.detion i.tunE. cmi.. rd loli.y nunb.r @:
<br />PolicyNumtEr: EIr,iEs:
<br />-l
<br />ccni8 rhlt in th.,'.rlormec otrh. $art t r $hich rhh,6nn i, iso.d,I shlll@r.mploy rny p.en in.ny ftan*r
<br />$ aslob.em hjel lo rh. mrtcm' oqr€.srion la* olc.lifomir. ad r3r llBr if I sbuld be.o'ft ro rh.
<br />*o*rN'om,tnstionpmvision!ofStdionl?00ofthcljhrCodqldnll,fonhqith@hplywnhrt{epmvkioN
<br />WARNING: l'.iluE ro surc qo.k n' comr.nsntion mv.a!. is unl.wtul, md Bh.ll cubj€t an cmp
<br />ciyil nnci up ro on. hundrcd rhousnd dolldn ($100.000), in addn mg.s as !n,vid.d ir rh.
<br />inrerd lndin6Ny'r fc4
<br />7
<br />ucri!5rD_QLl&[ra
<br />lucLABAllo!
<br />Ihcrch,amrmurderpcnrlryotp.rjurrrh l am liccnql !' .r nn,vxn'n ofch.ttd e (LnmDc in!n'irhsc.ton?ol)01.lDilision3
<br />ol rh. Auiftssand I('t ssiolF Cod.. md my [ccnse s m nnliorc.a cllt(r
<br />/?
<br />colsltuclrolJ.tillM-aclac}
<br />I h€rchy . mrnr ufld€. ,xml(y o l p.rJu.y l h rn6cis.oNrudion lc tins forlncpdolrum.of rhe tr,! fir wnich rhii Fon n
<br />ksu.d(sf l097,civ c)
<br />xatr'n.J I drer.IN,i'ilr ;.D6+oA.nt
<br />-lc.niL_lh
<br />lh. fedcBI rcr:ulatlons rcsodins !,b.snx.rmral arc mlanphcltlc l,, rhm pmjdr
<br />_l c.nirylhd | tuv. tht appliorion lrd ar. rhar th. rh.v. infomthn .sN to on.ply wnh all cny,*l counry
<br />i!.s o I rhis c i'y and Cou.ry to mrer uFn l Shr. tnws rclarin3 ro huildiryconsr
<br />ohov. nP.tion.d poreny lor
<br />v-Appllc!nl or,\1.tri Slehrlu
<br />P.mll* (!rlrl):
<br />,^," ,y',1r'
<br />Waste & Vent lq ..{,.r//v @)
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer @t
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/Clarifier 6I Ct 'ro rol /,ta40 59e-+1*, t, v-*"
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping b,//z//? P4 {q-*t /t4
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rqugh Water Heater
<br />P{rap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service 8 t1 ,<,1/l q(1,' q*tL n ,g, h.*n,rr -
<br />Lawn S prinkler .t^ke. &- ftr4
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Rough Plumbing c u {r),ru44 )
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release /A
<br />h-29-\.\ll{"'}0
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />@V6l),o)&@W A.aa.'l*, 6 he he4q & +r- {o ot oohrt t" b ro
<br />4130,
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />FINAL
<br />z
<br />krn.i! AC&cs' _
<br />Attucall.D[cuaara!
<br />I hdrl,y.fii@undaFBltyof r..ju.yomofll'.followiogdcla io.s:
<br />D.mlition P.roitetulEsros Norinc.tion Rcpltlioc (Itl. tlo, P!n6)
<br />=