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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDAR DELCARATION <br />I h.6by uoirm uod( ncn , r)a pcrjury lhal I M cx.nrr itom rhc Conrtuon Liccnsc llw aor ilE rollowinS rc.en (Se.?031.5 <br />Busi.ers .rn Proa.sion Cdc): Any Ciry or Counrt which r.quircs r Fni ro co.stdcr, altd. imFovc. &mlBt ., qran any <br />srtucl!rc. prior b ns irsu!re, ale rcqliEs lnc arrplicanr for suct lcmir ro fik , sigtud rr.rcm rhll h. or shc i! ltcnsd pur$mr <br />ro thc pmvision! of rtE Colkftbls Lic.nscd hw lchrt .. 9. Conencin! vith Sslion ?00O of Division I of rhc Blsin€ss and <br />Pofcsions Code) o! rhar hc or shc n.rcmpr rhcEfon&d ttE &sh for rlE llks.n crcmprion. Any viohrionolSel6n 7011.5 by any <br />lIplic! for a pcmir subicts rhc ryplica.r ro a civil l,cmlry oa not mrrhM fivc hundod doll&i (5500). <br />_1. &r owicr of rhc Impcny. or By enqloyes wirh wrgcs as thcn st com0cnsatioi, qill do tlr *dt ad fic $nxrm i\ rer <br />i ..'(H or orcrcd ftr sk (S&.7Ot4. BusiNs. aod Profe$ions Codc: Thc C.nt.a.ror3 Lic.ns. lnw docs nor a,lply lo afl ovncr of <br />lh. p6p.ny *ho hrilds or i"pors uEsn lrd who dB (h ed< hins.lf or hlMlf or lhmu8h nis or hcr osn cmrlo)ccs. <br />pmridcd ltul such in,,omnh @ ml hlcf,d.d o.ofi.Ed lor slr. It tsftE th. hoildinA or i,psrcmnr is $ld q hin ^nc r&ofon{ c.ion.llE ol,ftr auilhr will hlE llr tordcn orr.viog ihd hor $h. dU m! t ild tr inplorc 6c pmpdiy ror dr purpos or <br />l. ( own r of rh. IrNFny. am ex.luriely cool@ri.e wirh li.en{d .oore(oR l0 ois4cl llE p,! (Se. 7044, Busims <br />and PDfcsioi Codcr Tnc Contretor's Licensc L3w do.s mr 0ml, b on owncr of popcrly sho builds or idprovcs rh.ron. <br />and who conri.h for such I'oj(rs wnh a Corrtulo(t licenscd rlnunr ro rlr Coorr&lq s Lidnc Lr{). <br />Irrcxo \, !iJc' Scrri,nr ,B &l( nnihAroxnnr <br />"*ffi* <br />I hcnby.fllrruido r.n!lr!of Injuryo.c ol th. nrbwinS d..limrion\ <br />Ihrvcmdsillnuinrlin!(.dilicltofCon\dnrn)Scllltr\urcntr$orkrBro{t:n\ari(nr,rsBrvidcdlnrhySccrion3?(xrollhc <br />litxn Gxlc. ti,r rhc Frlbrroncc orrhc sork t{rshichrhc n rnril ir hsucd <br />dsc d tr ill mrin,in wolkcn compcns.riotr imtrmm., as rcrtnircd hyscclnn r7(xroIlh.I:rh.r(-ode. ror rhc ,olontuncc ol <br />on{E.srion irsurm. tricr and policy nudbcr N: <br />dro t+/z-a <br />-l <br />c.nili fiar itr rhc ndformncc otrhc sork tor which rhis rE d'r ir i\sucd. I .hall bor .rploy .ny FMn if,ony maflmr <br />s 6 to bccom subrc.l lo lh. *nk6d on{rc.elion loss or Cdifornia dd o8M lnd if I sholld beom suhjel h rh. <br />mrkcB con{rn$rion pmvirbns of Solion 3700 ollhc tihor Codc.I nElL fonheilhon'ply wilh lhos povnions., <br />I{ARNINC. Failu,. ro s@ hrkc comt nsari.n c.vcdgc h unh*ful. a.d sholl subjer M cmt'lorry ro aimiEl FroIi.\ ind <br />civil lincs uD h om hundrcn rhousand dolh^ (!100.000). in addition ro lhc co{ or.omp.nslion, dam8.s as pmvitn lor tlE <br />s<xon 1076 or rl$ Ldor c#. inrc(n <br />".", //zr/zo or**,,{ <br />ucElsEt}.cllNrna(rgB <br />DIIIdEAIJIIN <br />I hcrcn, sfiir lndcr Dcnalry oa !cr.iu.r rhal I !m liccnen lndcr povisbn .f Ch+rd 9l.onnrncing wnh sccthn ?uro) ol Divkion l <br />or rhc Busincs.nd Proftssn,ns Codc. and myliccnsc i! in tull Lreadcilccr. <br />,**.r*,,g&tezD /e&*, //r/=D."",*,"".6 +r- <br />ca! algrrcNlxNDllc]{r-0li(I <br />I hcruhlrllt'nundrrponxl(vo,FrJDryih r rh.rci\rcotrnrucrimlci mg !cn.)turrhcFrtrmnn.colrhcsor*trshi(hrhi!JEnnili\ <br />ir{'cd lsc. .loe7. Civ c ). <br />APII.ICANLDECIJaAIII]N <br />I horht ,frnn under p.ndlry oa Icrju.y om or rh. followi.B deln.,r ions: <br />Dcmlilion Pcrmits-AstEsros Nolific ion F.d€ru1 Rcsohlions (Tille tlo. Pen6) <br />Rcquift'd tr(cr of Norilirtion <br />llt*nrr rhar I hlvc.cad rhi( lpplicllion anJ drt lnlrrh. oh,v. iafqrorn,n is.omr. I a8rc r..onrdy wilh.ll Ciry0nd Arunt, <br />Sralc tips rcl"tins to buildins consrrucrioa,ond hcrchy lurhorizc rqrLsnrxrivca or'hk Ciryaid <br />ahovc nEntioned l,m!cn, for <br />Aoplicanl or Aelnl SiSnatu <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranoe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />aln\?0 ?-tp)6vilr' <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />APPROVALS <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />FINAL <br />z? l rzD <br />Lad.ft N.B: <br />- <br />trnd€ls Ad&Es: <br />- <br />I .cnify th lhc Ld.hl nSulnrions R8&din8 nsb.s.s Enrvd m rct np,]li.ablc ro lhis <br />Ii-