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DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Sleel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsu lation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />It/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 1 / 2{/ L<2.- t '-lre/N <br />Certilicate of Occirpancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />BUILDING- INSPECT CTOR RECORT) <br />oNNtiR ll!ll,Dllll lll.ll,( alta rloN <br />I hd.t,.mm undc. prnrhy ulpsiuy llr l dn crcm|n frcrn lhc ('onltaclots l icdr. La$ ao. rlt folbwl8 rL v[ lsdc 70:]I5 <br />t uin6s a' Pd'6ion ('od.) Atry Cny o' (innny {ni.[ re! ir6 a Fstr,ir b consn,.l, altd. imprcv., d.m.l'sh dr rqrt atrY <br />,lciuq trioi ro irs issuin.e, aho r slrne rlE imlicd for€nnirlo lil., si8n.d slalcmol lhath.orrhcislic.nsd Nrsuanr <br />ro rh! pmvisions otrhc ( onrra.kl s l-ice.sed liN (('harl.r 9, (in Encnrs \rilh Sdrior 70u0 of Division :l ollhe Businees Mn <br />Prcfdiois Codc) dr rlE( lE or sh. is L\.nrpr lh(.6.r rd rhc bsis lor lht aUcscd eidnfl ion Any violtrtion of sd bn 701 1 5 br a ! <br />.ppli.! for a p€anil subj{ls rhc apt,lica6( lo a(ivil|Etr.hrolnol utrcr[dn five [trodr.{ doll.6($5fi]) <br />l, B o*n.r olrhe plorEry. or nry enrploycB rvilh wa86.s tkir slc (onrp€Ml n\n Nill.lo dE wor k rdlhcshdNn iul <br />inrqxLd or.if€rcd fr sl.{S( 70.1.,, Busin6s and Pn)f63nrns ( Glc I he Conlracloas Ltd* Law do6 nol amlY lo a. os nn .l <br />t. prtrpgly *ho boikh or nnlmreficBrn. dwhodo6such\iollhnns€lforhss.lforlhrouEhhborhdovoanPkrrcs. <br />prcrid.d rtd uch nnlnrvdNnrs 0r( ror i,rld :l ororscd l $1. tl tu18\6. rlE ttrildin8 or imptuvmdr L\$ld*it[inorcys <br />ofcordcrk q rhc Orvns lluildlr (hr tud6 oft ovi',s thir hc or shc 'lid nor h'ilJ or imlove (h. Fn,rdy lor ila pu'lD*of <br />l. d ownd .l rhc ftot[n y. ar c\clusr rly conrad i,r! lvilh liccnsed contrrclo* h, .onslru.l rhc pxld lss 7o1{. Bo$na <br />ard Plofdi (td. I he (i)nl <br />' <br />lclr's s! l-a$ tto6 .ol aNly lo an osner ol p.orEly $ho builds or imo 0!6 rlN.s.. <br />oid who contrrcrs tu srch tiojeds $iih a Conloclo(, lrceised l)rmuturl lo dreConltaclor's l.icetrsc l-iw) <br />I irere pl trndd s(rnnr <br />UEC!z!!!AllQ! <br />I hq.b, .iiiitr !.d6 p.a.lly or rEjrr Dn. ofnE lollo*inA d(ladrions <br />-.t h.!. ud rvill m nkh r CtnilHl€ of(\,ns to s.lf-lNorc fo, w.rks &rp.ns Foviddforbys-rion1700oirhe <br />t bor Code fo.lhcpdaoDnan.eollhe$ork lor $hich lhe pFnil b issEJ <br />X Uvt,n,l rrtt,nainrar, * rkflr. niFn! r n Fnr in c. 6 r.quircd b, sdrnr 1?00 oar hc t,.hor Cod., {itr llrc F nn N.n(c of'rh. ert tor s I'i(h rlrs rrtr r\ Blu.rl vv$0r\6'lornp.Mh'ntr'cu,a.,.cm'6 uJFhc) numba r. <br />,* //."t('rJ y'@c} <br />wxyN,^*,Z/ tttEAAA|gCz+ *or* 91t?/Zo <br />l{l cnity rhar in rhc po lonn.ncc ofrhc Nrrk lor shich lhi! ponn is bsued.l shallnal. l|noy iny pd$n in anv nmi6 <br />e Dro tEoDe sutjd ld llE sorkdJ conrp. sarion ldus ol'Caliluni& ed aBrc llfl ifl shuld h€.o'n. sbj(l toll'. <br />mrl6' conrp.Belion pbvislons of sNI ion I700 ot lhc l-atFr (i1d., I snall lonh$ilh $nply wirh llr* pu ilions <br />WaRNINC: l,ailurc ro $.trrc $olkdc c.nrDens idr c.!qa!c rs mlosful, anJ shill )jcd a'I onplt,y{ n, .nnriml lxMhi(s ond <br />civil ,ints up lo o.. hrtrdrci rhousa dollas ($lu),00(r), iI rdditun lo lhc co5l ol.onrNnsario. Jdnalcs a3 pnrlirlrJ ntr rL' <br />D"", /4/zp <br />l )1.,( l \R,\l I)f <br />I h.Eby ilinn undcr pcnihr oll{rjutl rlr i.ersn undd polsn !i( hrfr.r'r (.onnnmcrns \r h scd <br />.l rfi. auircs anJ l'rofs\n,ns Codc. d:d trr! li.ensc is h lulliire ud rllrd <br />Lr.tu.crnss I <br />-" !/ap/t-o <br />/o 3937./ <br />I natb, .mrn uMcr p.nohy o f p<rjury rhai rhd. n . (oNructiofl lcndins tgs.y rbr rlr pdlonntnc. ot ihc wo, k for whid lhi! Fmi b <br />iq6d (se. 1097, cir. c.). <br />l,ndd r No <br />'c <br />^.8f!!(Allt]I(]daarorI hadr rflif,n unds pdrn, oflEjory onc ofrh. aollow63 delar.nons: <br />t).mliion Pd its-Asb6kB Nolificarion f.ddrl R.guldions { InG 40. Pd6) <br />, Rqrnetl ldrdolNolificolion <br />I (dily llml rhc tneralr.rulatioB rcsddins <br />"st'.srus <br />r.movalrte not applicabl€ h ihis <br />X.-,r,,n",rr,*.,-.rrh6enpl'.arii{tud(ar.r[.rlh..trrcinfomarionncor<l Iagrchcomplye h.ll( yand(hrily <br />fio'du(6nrdSiakIj"srclnrtr'!r"h{lLhtr!(,'Brtu ion, d her eby atrlhonzc ltlr do ali!6oiliis(iryedCounrytoml(uErnll'. <br />e /t( t K^l 4/"' <br />SITE-WORK <br />t---+--- <br />r-----r---- <br />Sdrion l]076.lrhc l.ab' (i)de, iderLslntrdllnnnev's lals <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I