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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS <br />L d ow..r or rhd pmp. y. .onhclinS wilh liccoscd co racloN ro .on(tu.r rlE l)mjc.l (Sa 7ul,r- Bu!rcs <br />ind Pollssiatr Codc: rhcContlclor'sl,iccnrcliwd@snorrprlyk',downtr.rpropcaywnobuildsornnprovc\rhcr.on. <br />, d who .onra.N ntr such pmlc.r eirh pursulnr ro rhc Conkrctoas l-kcnk tle) <br />-l <br />a cxcmpt unds Scclio <br />tr!)ntr[&s:-l:oMBlNs rloN <br />DECLI"8IIA! <br />I hcrcby rllirm undcr D.trllty oi pcrjry onc olrhc n,lbwinE d(hrarnnr <br />-l <br />hrlc dd will roirrain s CcnilEsrc of C(,nr.t t. Sclflniur. for workcK .rnf.nsor ion, a\ nmvidcd for b, Scdn'n 37m of rhc <br />Labo. Codc. for lnc pcdomune of lh. w.rk for ehih rhc Ffrn k isrucd. <br />.gavc ,nd will nrainrain workcs conDcnsol ion insurcmc. !s rclut d by Sdrk,n lToo or thc bbor Codc. ro lhc pcdorrone or <br />rhh N nirF r.uc!. M\ unr\cr. .Nrl'.rtrutrrhcr,r$-r /. l-- IH.r <br />-l.cnily <br />rhar in rhc pcrronuhcc orrh. woik ror shth rhis l.nnl t nsucd. I shrll nol cnploy ony lctun ir tny monrcr <br />s .s b b..onr subj*r ro rh. w.rkc6'con{,.n{rri,,n ls*s ol'Callbrnix- and asrcc rhrr irI sh,uld bccom suhicr ro rhe <br />wortcs compctrslio. prcvisionr ofS€rion 1700 orihc L,h, CdL.I *hnll. tunhqilh coDply qilh tho$ Pm!isi{,i\ <br />WARNINC: lrrilurc ro surc *ork.ri ..nD.nsariotr .ovcr,ec is unlnwlnl. nnd \hall subj(r M cmpk,!.r lo aiminil pcmlrics and <br />civil lincs up ro onc nlndrcd rhousand dolles ($l(D.fix)), ir rddnnrn ro rhc.o( of .ompc!\nri,,n, d,tugcs 0s Pnvidcd for rhc <br />'.,", Atlzo i' crcn ddonf,y \ lt.\ <br />I hcmby iflin utrdcr pcnrllyoincriu.y !m li.cDsnundcr p'ovisbnof( hxtrci9l.o NcncinS wirIScc!htr TOXJ)ol Drvisiotr ] <br />.r rhc Busi.cs Nnd Pofc$ions Codc. a{d mylicensc h in lu0 bN 3Blc8c.r <br />6 ta s?37/ <br />c""'*"*, C(ezn Litrr},-L <br />CONIiISIJEIIONIIiNDIN(j.ACINCI <br />I h.Nby dlnnundcr ll.trlllr, oltcrtuyrhil lhqc n aconnruclion ktulins racn.y nr rhc Frfoirruncc ollic sork rn shi.h rhis It,mir il <br />is\ucd {str. :1097. civ c.) <br />APPLICANT DECI,\\ITION <br />I h.rcby i6unds p..!lry orFrjury om of rF. follouinS dcchrllions <br />DcBnirion Pcmns Ashc{os NoIiflc0rion Fcd.ral Rcgularions (Tiile40, Pan6) <br />Rcquircd lrn.r of Nolilicar6t <br />-lccnifyrhatrhctcdcElreEul,ri(,6sftgrdi.8Nh..senbv,l!rcnola,)pliclhlclolhnpbtc.'4:-r..nOr rn^ rn*" *,O,nh applEarn,n,nd dsrc rhi rlie abvc inronMrion N corccl I asre lo omnr, wrrh dll cir, rtrd counly <br />ordiMecs xnd Surc hus rclDring h hilding .on{flcoon. drd h.rcby rulhorir rcprc\c ny dd Counryro ctrrcr nEnrrlE <br />itnvc mnri(incd nroocny tur in\p.crion purBxcs <br />/tpoli.otrt or ,^E nrsi8nnrrrc ^", r/<zlbe, <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsu lation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Irrlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL 2////-zlzt ,L-UXttoy <br />Certif icate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />O1VNER AUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcEb, nttm rnder p.nalry ot pcrjxry thar I rn.rcmpr {n'.r rh. conr..toF Li.cne tiw fo! thc follo*ins rcaq,n lscc 7011.5 <br />Busnrcss lnd PmLssion Codc): Atry Cily or County which rcquircs o rmir ro onsr c'. ax6. inprcvc, dcmolish or aPat uy <br />nDdurc, lriotro irs hsunce. aho requircs rh.!ppli., nr snch Frmir t, fiLdsisn d sdcmnl rMr h€orih. is licc s.d ,)ursuinl <br />b lhc pruvtions orrh Conl$cbls Liccnscd bq (Chlptcr 9. Comrmncins ,irh s..rion 7un of Divisiotr I oI lh. Btrsinc* rnd <br />P,onssions Codc) or rhar l.c o! shc iscxcnrpr rheEliomandrhe husn fitrrlrlllcgcd crcmrrio. Any riolariotr of S(lbn 701I 5 bymy <br />arpli.anr ror tr p.mir suhjetrhc aptlicdnrrorcivilpcnrlryornorrrcrcthanfivctu.drcddoll s(S50o) <br />-l- <br />a\ owr, ol rhe popeay, or Fy cmpkryccs w h wtrgcq as rh.n n c .lnpcnsrlion- sill do lhc hrt a l rh. iduE ir mr <br />imc sd o' oncrd ror eL (So. 701-4. Busircss ond Pmlcssnrns Code: Thc Conrroclor\* llw dm. ml omly lo an otncr ot <br />rh. polrny wk) hoilds or irqx,rcs lhcmn, anA who des \uch wo,I hihselr.r h.r$lror rhmugh hn or hcr, <br />t"ovidL{ rhri sDch nnlr.v.'Enrs N n.r intc*ldl or ofl.r{ f.r sk. tl howcrcr. rtE huildiry or ir'IlnEmnt issHwirhinxft Jtr . <br />.Icotutk,ion, rhc OsM Bxildur will turc rhc bulc ofpr, dn huiu or i.grnrE tc topeny for rhc puqn{ ol <br />p.t \N*r*, 7b t-, r:OAAb llcs z-- ,.-,,',., Er/ll / 2t <br />/zo/zo <br />f-------T------ <br />t---+--- <br />t-