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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrehr amrm undd pcn.lry oa pdjory thol I m ermpl lmrn the Cod,adou' t.ic.nse kw for lhc lollowing r.asn (sec.7o.rl 5 <br />Busi.6s sd Piofsion Cod.) Any Ciry o' Couory rvhich r.quns a pdmir Io co6rruc1. alls, im!(x!. & rlish or EPat lny <br />srrucruc. rr'r to irs t6uancc, aLo r.qrirc thc .ppli.d aor such psmil lo filc a sirn.d sradar lhal hc .r s\e is licd*d p6@nl <br />ro rhc p.ovisioN of rhc Conrra.loas l,ic.nFd Llw (Chaprd 9. Conm.ncinE Nnh Sdlion T(]OO of Dilisiod I oith. Busrn€s md <br />Pmtcsions Cod.) or lhal lE or shc is €xenpt lhscnom ed iE basis for rhc all.s€d crdoion Anyviolarionofs.ction 7011.5 byany <br />applicanl lor n pcnnil subidrs lh. appli.anr ro acivilp.nahyolnol morclhe 6re hundr.d dollm ($500). <br />l. 6 ownd ollh€ prop€ny, or ny onploy6 \dh s ar6 4 thcit sl. comtssal ion, \ill do th. *oi[ ml rh. slMm b mt <br />inrod.d o, ollq.d for sL ( Sc 7014, Bosin6 and PmfNions Cod. 'I1l€ Conmdofs Lic.6. llw .106 not lpply lo e ostd ol <br />rh. pnFdt llr buil& or imp.ov6lh@n. ud s ho do6 such st* him*ll or i6daor th.otrsh his or h.r om.mrloy6, <br />provided rhal such inptul.ftnls ftnol inr d or oiIa cd for ek. lt k wdd. th. buildinB or imptovchq.n it $ld wilhin on. ,E <br />olcompl.{iotr rlE Oqntr Builds sill haE lh. bsld of rovins fid h. or sh. dii nol hild o. itwove O. F$p.rty tor lh. purpoe of <br />r. .soNnrollh€ propdy. an crclusi*l, c.nira.linB Nnn lica*d conrrsclo6to (i*rtud <br />'lrc <br />Foid IS( 70d'1. Buins <br />and ProiBb. ('oder The Conlr.cloas l-icens€ t,aw do6 nor aprlt ro M ownd olproFnyNho builds or improvcs Ihcreon, <br />and vho conllacls for such Fojds wnh 0 contmdo(s) licffid pu6u r io the Conkacror's Licmsc liw). <br />I undd Serio. .A & | C. rortl,isrcGon <br />Dil!: own€r <br />r(la[E!Ltlco!!ID!-s rIoNDf,gda{ra! <br />I hcrcby amrin undo p€.alryof pdjury oncolthc follo\ins d(l ationc. <br />I have and silltui ai,aC.rlincaleofcoN.nlloS€la-lnsurcforwork6.onpouarion,6 Fovidcd for byS(lio.1700 oalh. <br />tibor Cod., aor thc psfonnancc of thc sodr for {hich rh. pmil i3 issucd <br />6.^"will rainuin tr on(6 co,bp.N.tion iEurorcc. s Equtcd by Sd io. r 700 of rh€ t bor Codc. lot lh. Fforl@.. of <br />n G isstrcd My qorkss omposaltun insurd.c .eia md policy nu mb.r 6e.d A-.1 <br />ra.yw-w 7L p€e-AAL Aoz- *or*, 6/rlfz o <br />I cedify lhal in lhe pdfonnanc. orrhc rvork aor {h,ch rhis r.rmh E issued. I shallnol .nployany pdsan in any m8.n( <br />$ s to bcco'n. $rbjd ro rh. sorkm' comp.nsal ion lnNs of Califomia, a.d ,sre that iI I shorld bc.omc ubjcd ro rh. <br />*ork6' .o,np$dion previsio.s of Setioa 1700 oflh. lrbor Code, I !hdl. aonhwnh comply with ll[E provitioN. <br />\I ININC Failun lo Burc \0r[6' compe]srion colsale is unlarful. tud shall nibj€cl u qploys to qiminal FEhi6 ond <br />civil fines up ro one hundr.d thouend doll.6 ($100.000). in addnion t. dr.o$ o I co'npcnsal io n. dmas€s d providcd for rhc <br />s.srion 1076 olrh. Labor Codc. inrsst and arlomey s fs <br />!tr!L aaulr! <br />I ncrcby amnn lnder pqalr, or ltriury rhtt lic*.d rndE pmvisn,n orchaprd I (commcins wilh S.ction 7000) of Divisio. l <br />of lhc Busirsdd ProisionsCod€- md nry licde i\ in lull aorc and efirt. <br />i3 /e 3g 37.L <br />?t /z-o ,-*,,*zL"-*!*JJ,r- <br />CA!flBI]CITANIiEIDINC-^GEICI <br />I hcEby aitum und6 F.all, oa pojlry lhal th6. is a oislrudion kndi.s ascn , hr th. pnfommc€ ofli€ worL h, whi.h rhb Fmil b <br />iss,.d (Sd. 109r, Civ. C.) <br />APPI ICANT DECLARATION <br />I hdda afnn und€r D.nalty ot psjury onc of llc follo$ io3 ddl&alio6: <br />D.molnion Psmirs-Asb€sros Notification F.d6al Resularions (Tnb 40. P0n6) <br />Rcquircd tf,u6 ot Nolification <br />I cglrryrhar rhc r.gtr l.tio 6 r+edinA shGlos rcmoral re nor +pli.ablt ro thi! proja.1. <br />4b) rhor t hire Ead rhis EDlicaltrn ed sritclhar rh. abv. infomoiion is cord. I o{r* $ comply wnh aU Cilyand Couniy <br />ordin.ncG and Sr.t. La{s rclnrins to buildins coBttu rion. ed n reb, 0utho,izc rcpr6oktiv6 o arhis Ciry &d Counly lo dl6 upon lh. <br />rrx\e,nmtoncd F,tcd\ lor hslr...tion N4rx.s <br /> Dplicunt or Signl|trr.3 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor t_tt <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER aryw titrPt ^t6 <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners JV <br />Roof Top Equipment 7/D/2no \Di/W )4 65 <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service lvleter I Ir r/nuna,t ,tfullbl UI Yb <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Transformers <br />FINAL <br />,,^,", //.r/-r' <br />t'