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Ptanning & Buildin.o Aoenc,t <br />20 Civrc Cectar Plara Ros]s An-rre, ' <br />P.O. Box I 984 {u.19)Santi Ana, CA 92702 <br />(71a) 647.5E00 <br />fhis doculrent moy bc lourd at... <br />(please use . ar b.lue ifik baJl-point pea) <br />{check oae)Lice ntractor <br />state of california requires that smoke and carbon monoxide (co) alarms are installed in residentialbuildings. <br />california Residentiar code (cRC) Section R314.1 and R315.2 states in part that existing dweirings be"retrofitted with smoke ararms and carbon monoxide ai.rr*. lnc s..tion R314.3 and R315.3 definethe required locations. <br />f\ *rn oor.s below must be checked: <br />fi c bon <br />'on"n'de ararms: Are instaled outside of each sjeeping area in the immediate vicinity ofbedrooms and arso on each lever of the dwering. lr"r., .r. iJo-mended in bedrooms with gas-firedappliances (i.e, hot water heater, cooktop, furnJce) .., f".pi.*. <br />B'rnoke alarms: Are insta,ed,in each room used for sreeping in each harway outside of a sreepingropm, and on each level of the dwelling. <br />Retrofitted detectors may be battery-operated for buirdings where no interior arterations areperformed. combination smokVc. alarms musi;;;;;,;; rppticabte standards and be approvedby the State Fire Marsha (SFM). Banery life mrst Ue iO'yearr. <br />I hereby certify that r am the contractor or the property owner of the above project. r further certifythat smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms have been instafled in compriance with the governingCodes and have been tested to be functional. <br />trPr ner <br />NOTE: rhis seil-c ertrficetioa is oaly used lor proJecrs that arled the Exr,nroR or th.e snuctufe. Thisprocess is apgricabr€ ,NLV to projcas whcre aitess to tt ;iaurar o1*? dw'rliag by a',,nta Aaalnspettot is not rrquied. <br />Have this co'npretad form and rhe job'card readiry avairabr€ on ,inar ins*.rionr <br />Project Addrass:2tr <br />Permit Rumber:/ 0/77 <br />Property Owner:V/N 6 <br />Co ntractcr:/,Licanse #: <br />Signotute: <br />Dot? <br />a\l;$li <br />t Smoke & CO <br />Alarm Affidavit