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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE OWNER BUIt,DSR T}EI-('ARATION <br />I h.rehy altm undd poahy of !$jury lhd I m.r.n frcm thc Conmdou LicN LaN for rhc tollosiu<.?011.5 <br />Busih*s and Proaeion Cod€): Ad! Cily or Coonlt trfiich rcquir* 0 p6n l to coNtrucl. altr, nnp.ovc dmolish or .q{r dy <br />srrudue. prior lo ils issna&. abo rcqut6 rhc .pplicer lor such rEflnir to file a sianed srddd rhd h. or shc is licoscd pu6uurt <br />r. rh. povisiods ofrhc (onracrois Lir.ns.d kw (Ctaod 9. Comnr.ncinS wirh Ssrion 7000 of Divisio. I ofrh. Busin* dd <br />Profsions Codc) or rhar h€ or sn€ is .!oDt rh6.lion .nd th€ t8sis lor rhe allcsed c&npion. Aiy riolarion ol s{rion 701 L5 by sy <br />.Fplica tor !D.dn subjtrrsrh. a$,lica.rlo acivilp.oalryofnot 60r.rhe nv. hundr.d doU6 ($500) <br />l. s o$n( ol th. rop€n). or my cmploys rilh Nas6 d lhcn sok omn€nsnlion. will do rh. \ol( .nd lh. shdE is .or <br />inreddJ or .II.BI lor el. (Sft 7(x4, aosind Md Prof6siois cod.: l1E Conrradois Licosc LaN do6 nor ,prly ro M o$tra of <br />rh. rmrFty who b!il6 o, inFo!6 rh.6n, ai * ho &6 $ch \ro,{ hnn*lf or hsscll or lhnush his or hd orh .mPl)y.c. <br />provid.drhar su.h inprolmals m mr inrdd.d or or6.d tor $k. lL hoNas. lh€ h'ildins or iftprevndt i! sld wthin.n. t@ <br />ol conpldiotr th. (\,n6 Iruildq rvill have lh€ h'r&n oi lrovins lh.l hc or sh. did tut build or inpoe $e plFry for lhc purros of <br />l,6o\nsofrh. rmpfiy, e.rclusirly conradiq {irh li..N.d contr.d.E ro co.snd rh. roj.d (S(.7044. Busins <br />.nd Prof6ir. Codc I h. Contractors t-icens. l-aq do6 nol apply io o oNns or Eop.ny \ ho builds or inprovB ihcrmn. <br />d $t co ocls Lr su.h Foj.ds \rnh a Conracro(!) licds.{ pu*ldr b tht Conradors Licdsc L.w) <br />I @*c,npr und.r Sdnon .a &PC forrhis!.6on. <br />Dare Ornd: <br />1!QBKE&::COufEIS .l!(l! <br />OECTAAAIIO! <br />I hdcby 0mrm undo p.naltyof psjuryoneoilhe iollo\rin8 drl.mtions <br />I hav. dd will mliniain a ofcotrdr io sclalBurc aor sorls comD.6alion. 6 p.o!id.d fo' by Selion 1700 o I lhc <br />lihor Cod€. for lhe ralomucc ofrh€ rvork for *hich th. t)nir is isual. <br />kn;and s ill m.im0in $orko s compensalt'n r<uftn byS(lion 1700{flhc Labor Codc, loi !h. pdfomd.c of <br />for whrh rhs Dmil i! isL€d. My\orle' comp.Mion fturancc (fid dd pol'lJ <br />Sla+< crtrt4P Tusqa'aQ Fta/vl ,/za1*'*,*"^*, o(73&1*Z <br />l.difuthar in rhc pdlommce ol rhe work for whichrhisDdnril is issred.l shall nor employ any tren in an, mmnd <br />Foslob€comcubjdk'rhcssrk6compd3arionli{sorcolilomia.aMaerelhaliflshouldb.ofl€subjdtolhc' <br />N.rtsC co'np.nsarion povisions oas(rion 1700.frhc ljbor ( ode. r slEll. fodfiNilh comply silh thoFProv6,o6 <br />W RNINC: lailure lo surc *o.k6J compoerion co\r6!c is u.laNrut. Md shall subid M mplold lo simiaal psuhi6 a"d <br />civil fin€s up to on. hundrcd lhousd dolle ($100.000), in addili o rhc.oi oicomlcnstion, d,mses 6 prolid.d lor ltc <br />thc l,bor('odc , 66r dddtmw\ rd <br />lt <br />I hmbt amnnt.dd poah, ofpcrjuly thot I m lic.Bed rndd pmvision olchapls 9 (commocins snh Strio.7000) olDiyilion l <br />of $e Bains dd PmasioN C'od.. nl mr lic€e is in foll aoR md.lT..l. <br />,A 03tz33 <br />L.O c*"*.. * <br />!const.tionkndinsasqcyrorlh.Ffod c. oa$c vorl fo. whi.h lhi! pdftil i3 <br />&u.d (se 1097. cir c.) <br />Atfuca.NL[[cLAEArlo! <br />I hdrh, .Iinn undd p€nally of perjury one oa lhe tollownr8 d(l.ral ions <br />D.nnnhion Pdnils-Asbetos Notifi.0l ion Fedoal R.C0ldions (Tnt 40. Pan6) <br />R{uicd Ldlcr oaNotifi carion <br />I cdi&lhar the f.dqal rqulations rc3ddiry dbBtus rcmovilare ml alrlidble to lhts projd. <br />XtcenilyrharllwersdrhNapplicarionadsral€lharrhcahorcrnlonn n n 6 .otrFr I aure ro .o lllt snh all ciry and counrt <br />ordinanc€s and Slare r€hrias ro buildina coNr <br />.tBvc nmrioned plopd, for inspalion pwpo*s <br />ud hseby turhortc r€F6dlaiv6 6llhis Cn, ed counit ro 616 upon rnc <br />,\pIli.Ml or AEcnl Sign.ltrrc r-.t-- <br />Permnet ni'ne (prin0:cp [4eo?l <br />olek4 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER a t'L tL)llfl)ct t, / <br />Transformers I I ll <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)I <br />lrleter Release ,/-IL lt)I kvast,*ra <br />I rr <br />Rough <br />/,1_/Dht/a fir> <br />FINAL )to 9lrtfld L*ra <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc tt <br />ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Service Meler