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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR REGORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS ()\lNUR Bt ll_DI:R DUI-(_ARAt l()N <br />Ilunncss iti llo,esin (L)d.f Ant ('ry or (,{ttt rhrh r.qutcs r n. nrro..nnnrcl..llcr. Dnro\t. d.m.lslr or rc, <br />h rht F)riqhnr olrhe Contrrrroas Li.e $d 1r* lcl'lnrer,), (o'nmc'E'n8 $ h S&rk,n 7000 ofD'rt()n ] rirhc Burd.\i dt <br />arflrcNhrrJ,cnntrsublccrsr[.mn|.rNn,a.]Lrln$rlryol..rn!&rlrrllv.litrtrd.rdd.llin(S5l)tr) <br />_1. e owEr oflh. pm!.ny. or mymploFs with waE6 a ilEn mh 6r{Er6lio.. will & llE cod{.,n $. nrErr b El <br />orardcd or olId.d for $lc (56.7044. BuriE3r and PmfBdoN C.dci 'l'hc Co.rra.lolr Lic.u. tlu .bd ret rpply lo r..smr or <br />th. rmn ny vth t & or trrr,rcB tEo( aid *lD d6 och k i hihelr.r hcftlfor lhmu8lt hi. or hd .m .nploy.B, <br />pmvid.d th.l seh inomrcmnts e ml i ri.Ld nofidcd for sL. l[ tDwN.lh. boildi,g or ulq,oEft Ls $ld tihinorc )ar <br />ot@trphti,i\ dr OpEr Bulldd will tlw rlE brrdd ofpoving $d h. or slE did mt hii6 o. iqmw dE ,Dpdly lb. tlE p!,F{ 6f <br />_1. ar os@ ofth. l,op.ny, o conraclins snh li6ni.d conmdoN ro @.srucr th. pbjc.l (So. 7or4, BBh.s <br />lnd Pr&sion aod.:1h. Coflhcloi! Lic.n!. taw dE3 @t atply to a.owNr ofpmrcny wfio buildror improv.s lh.r6n. <br />.nd who @nrncls for luch pmj.cts {irh , conrEcro(, licisd tllMlll ro th. contncrolr LiccM tls) <br />I m .x.hpl urdr s.ction , B a P C. lo, rhis Ea$.. <br />D.t.: O*a.r: <br />uof,EEBltc!)ufrNsAllo! <br />lltscllaSarx!! <br />I h.Eby rmro uhtt r FMliy olnsjury orc ofrlE f.llowi.g d6ld.a6tu: <br />_l h6v. .rn will r Cdificat. ofcon*nt ro Sclf-l.$E f6r workd6 onlP.nslion. ac ,mvid.d for hy S.clion 1700 of th. <br />L.hor C.dc, for rh. rnloru*. of thc ed( f.. snbh rh. pmir h is.d <br />(*:h* and will nrinrdin wo*.^ comp.ns ion inerrm., as r.qun.d byscrion <br />lh. srt lorwhEhthf is Rsd. Mywo'td'mmp.Mri <br />c-,. Este<.(.$r \q.,n. V\::*.rr urce <br />l?00 of th. L{bor Cod.. for tlE Ddfomnc. ol <br />",",,.,wc.o8o))t?sl <br />-7'l'Zozo <br />_l c.nify thar ii fi. pfifolrl@c ofrh. sorl fd which rhh B irso.rl I ihrll ml .oploy a.y,Emn in lny mdm, <br />s .s o b.@E obj.d m th. vo*6d comporeridn l6w of califomia, od asE lnd itl .lEuld b.oc.ubj.{t ro dE <br />m.tft'! poliliom 6fsdrio. l?00 ol rh. Lab. Cod., I slBll. f.,lhwirh @oply wilh th)s ,,ovisioN <br />WARIIN(;] Failrc ro suc w6rlc6' mo!.tr9lion @!ds. is mh{fii1, a.d lll obi*t .i fiploFr t dininnl p.sltid ond <br />civd n.cs trp to orc hn.dr.d rh6$aod dollns ($100,000), in.ddnion r. lh. co{ ol con{Enqrio,\ drmlB.! nrovid.d aor th. <br />sdrio. 1076 o[rh. L.bor Cod.. hr.r.s dd r(@cy <br />,^,",-l- lL-zoto <br />uctirtl:D-coNraacraa <br />DEOJAAIIO! <br />I h.Eby rmrmundd r.n0llyofpcrju.yrh.l Lm lic.n*n und.r pmisionolch8nld q(comm.mins,ilh Sc.lhn ?000)ofD^hion 3 <br />of (h. ausn*s md Pblisr,tu code. drl my la.n.. is in tull ,bE. .ri <br />nccNumh.r: - 2)1bL3r,**.".,'CIC <br />ZD'A <br />cQlrlaucJlgNuiBuLNc-dli[Nc.Y <br />IheEhyamnnuxlernenallyofpcrJuryrh lisc 60snsrruclion lendins.s.rct f.r lhc perfomme olrh.*ork litr *h'ch rh's p.nir ,i <br />rsucd (Scc.1097, civ. C ) <br />AIIITCANUECIAAAIIO]! <br />I hdlby lfm undd Druh y ofFrjury on. of the foUowins d6bnr ioml <br />Dcmlilion P.rDirs'Asbdtos Norifi.alion ljcd.6l Rqllaliotrs l'l irl.40, Pan6) <br />-R.qut.d <br />Ldl.rof Notifi orion <br />I cedify <br />'hat <br />rh. i.d.!,I reguhn,ns Egsling $b.{or r.hovrl i!. nor amlmbl. kJ rhir pntc( <br />-\ccniry rtu r rn*e roo rn s rnpl(rhn ud {0re rlll rhc.tnre infomrion h I ulxe l. cory)lysrrh allC'ryann c.uory <br />nrn,trcs ind Srd. Latrq r.Lrns b hurl.lrnt cnndrucr'n[ md tur€hy.ulhoriz rcprcscnl.tiv.s oflhh Cityand Counryro cnl6 uponth. <br />.tn,t nrnr tud ln,l,.ny lor <br />Appllcrtrr or aa.trr sltnr ,- RiP <br />I -t 6 ^zoZo <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer *rum-*t9 <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release I <br />FINAL t lt 1,0 DfMC YIY"t <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />, <br />ttz/?d <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Ou,, t / <br /> AdCrcs: <br />- <br />f------T------ <br />f------T------