<br />I h(.by amm onds p.aah, of p.rjury lh.l I d c\.n fom llE Contacrou Li.ose LaLv lor lh. fouovins r.&n (s( 701 I 5
<br />tlusinBs afrl P.of6sion Code): A., Cny or ( ornt, \hich r&tun6 s p6mn ro .omltud, ,n6, inpm!., &,noli!h or rcpan any
<br />srtu.iur. rior ro ils isuMc.. also r.qui.6 the arplica lor such rErnn ro nl. a si8n d s.t.mor thal hc or shc ie lics.d pBut!'r
<br />lo rh. prevsio.s of$. conta.roas Lic€nscn tje (Chapl6 9. Com'ncncin! s'irh S6rion 7000 of Division I ollhc Busincs dd
<br />PofNiom ( od.) or lh0r heorshe is cxcmpt Ihqcftoh dd th. has6lor rhc alLg.d exdnption Any vioLtion ofse.lion 70.11.5 by any
<br />.pplica,t torapnnit subje.6 th. applicanrlo.civilalnalryof.ornorcth filc hutr&.d dollrs {1500).
<br />I. d otrner olrhcDrcp.nr, or nymploye wilh *a86 s rhen $L co,lp(rarion, rvill do rne wort ad lhe s1rudr is nol
<br />id6d.n or olIe.d f.r hl. {Sa.?04,4. Buin6 dd t\oasions Cod.r Th. con[a.rois t-ictrs Las do6 ool a]ply l. in o{nd ol
<br />rhet'.p<iy *fio bilds or mpmv6 thdstr a.d who do6 sucfi \re& hnhs.lf 6r h.elf or lhmush iis ot hs o*T .mploy.6.
<br />plov edlhor srch imI{ovmdl!&. or int.xled or ofd€d aorelc.li ho$ 6 s. thc trilding or imFovarc issldwittunoncyw
<br />oacorpkion. $. (hnd Blikld will h{\r lhc bu&tr of Foins lha n. or thc drd nor L ild or impro\c thc prtrPdy for lhc pur!.* of
<br />l. as own6 oirhe rmp.ny, dr e(lusively conta.rins \iirh li.cnscd co n adou lo .o'Brrucl lhc ptujecr (Sd. 7044. B6'nN
<br />ud Poiarion Codc: Th. conrado.s Lic.nsc L.v doB not appl) lo sno\rne olprotdy who blilds ot ihptov€s rhsen.
<br />and sho conlmcts for sch projccrs $nh a Contadols) li.Mscd ptruui.t Io lhs Contra.tois l-icce Las)
<br />I dn ercmpl uld€rsed'on B & l'(.lor Ihis rcason.
<br />Drr€ Orn.r
<br />.[aBKDiis-coxE[Ns4rq!
<br />I h.rcby ailim undcr p€naxy of pqory o.c oallE lollorvinB ddleatnrns:
<br />Ihave dwiumnngina(tdi6car.of(onscnrloS.lllnsurelor\orkos comp€dalion, a pmyidedfotbySclion1700olthc
<br />t bor Codc. for the pdfomancc ofthc {ort for $hi.h lh. pomn i. issucd
<br />I) yl hsr snd Nill nui.raii sorkd .onpcNarion i.sur.ncc. as rcquned hy sdrion .r?oo oalh. tibor codc. for lhc pslomdc€ or
<br />thc $o* ror q hich rhis pdmil is isso.d My Norlsi compaslion iduran.e .an i.r ed polist numb.r &
<br />.-,". . Ar-rcrira, z, (Lrf tL^
<br />PoricyNun,ber 1 gveSWloo1Y *,n*,, 11/)/?o?e
<br />Iccnilyrhar ii rh.pdfomanceofrh.lrork lorshictrhispcm is issucd,I lhallnol €nployanyp€$on inanymainr
<br />$6robaonesubjattoth€M*6compGar.lawsolcilifomia.eda8rccthatiflshouldb€o'n.sbjdroth.
<br />Nolt6' comr,osationprorisioGofScclion lT00olrhc Lah.r (-od.,l sh.ll. aonhNith comply silh lhoe provisions..
<br />WARNIN(;] Faihtrc ro surc qorkcrs co'nposalion cov@se is trila$aul, ,nd shall subjd an dplo)s lo dnnintlp€n.hG,nd
<br />civil nnd op lo onc hun&en lhousnd dollaG {$100,000), in addilio. r. rhc cost ol comp.Nlion. ddEs6 a pro\id.d lor rhe
<br />sdtion 1076 olrlEL.borCodc. inrer6t and anomey s ts
<br />I a ei
<br />L!!r:,t-!-Lu-(.!]-\ra! 1111!
<br />DId I,\R\III)N
<br />I h.rchy amrm u.dcr paahyofpdjuly th0t I m liccNed und6 rmvilionoach6pro 9 (coftnocins wnh S.{lo.7000)oaDiv lon l
<br />of lhe BurinN ard Proasio6 code. 5d ny licsc is in tuh lore ud e,Id.
<br />."**",*" ' CtD
<br />o,,", r vzq,- zoto
<br />Li..nscNrnrb.r: 'q)31 f(<
<br />.*"*..( v ivt nL Qolar
<br />I h6.by amrm undd Fahy oa p.rjury lh.d th@ is ! conslrucliotr k din-,.sd.y fot th. Pdaommcc ollh. mrl tor *hah lhB p6!il B
<br />i$ucd (Sd.1097. Ci!. C.)
<br />A.tlltcANllecfaaarlo!
<br />I he*y atr6 u.d.r pmahy oaFj!ry on ofthefollowiflAdalaralions:
<br />Dcnolilion Prmils'Asb6los Norin@rion F.ddrl R.aularions ( rnl. 40. Pln6)
<br />-Rcquncd
<br />Ldrd of Noi6.dion
<br />I c.nify lhar lhc f.dml Esulalio6 ,crddins dbGlos inoral &. nor appli..bL lo rhis projcl
<br />Yzlcdiry rhd I Mv€ rdd rh6 .ppli.ario. .nd siar. rhar rh. .tnv€ inionnarion is co'r.d I aEc ro c.nply wnh all c y ond counr,
<br />ordinancsondstarcIr*selarinstobuildi.gcoBttudion.aineL€byautho ze lc?rffitativ6 of lhis City and coonlyio dl6 u![nllE
<br />abov€ rnmtiotrcd propenr. fu iNrEltun purtos6
<br />,lppricrnr or asenr sisnrrrre !I
<br />p.rn,ikrni ,.(p.i r: VL t)0,."r ie I vtur5a->
<br />!.&f!?e
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Siqns (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER L \8 7.r)Dfraa,tkkT
<br />Transformers lr
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />a t/7.i2 Dtsn4rr .++ 81
<br />ll
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)I
<br />Meter Release -7 \/Z")D|Isro<,_* 5'7
<br />lu'
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter lt
<br />(,.t1 l,L 2 D*na..t,*t/
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.l,ll'
<br />1
<br />DATE
<br />"",",.l^2 ? ^ )o2c
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />FINAL