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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUll-DllR DF:t,CARATl()N <br />I hcrcby rf,lnn und* Fnalry ol Nrjury th l .o lnnn Ihc contmchnl Liccn{ Law tu rhc dlowins rcr$n (s..70.11 5 <br />Busirrc* i.d Polc$iotr C{rlc) Atry City or Counly *hich rcquics a lcrlrit xi c.nsrrucr- alrs- inrrn,lc. 'Lnolilh , rrrr r'ry <br />slru.lurc. priltrro ils nruancc. rlw rcquircslhc enlicrnr lor such ncrnrir lo filc a sisrc.l {arcntnr rhir rr.r sh. (*d 0uru. <br />ro lhc trclniotrs ofrhc conri.ttr\ Liccnscd h$ ((hiflcr 9. (hnlnctrcins wirh Sc.ri i(xxr ol't)ivisi.n.1 ol rhc Bt\incs rnd <br />P.ofcssions Codc) or rhrr hcorshc i\crcn,Irrh.mriomMd rhc hr\is nn rh.rur!.dcxcmfln Atryvi(,hrnnofSccrhn 7ll1l.5 hyuny <br />rlplicrnr r(tr ! \ rh. ,ppli.n b,.iviltctrrlryormr rrc lh.n livc hunnrcd d{llttrr ( S5m). <br />-1. <br />{s o*mr ol I hc nmplriy- rtr my .mpl.r!c\ *nh wasc\ r\ vnr .,,n'Fn\tr tr'n ** f Il* .* r* ;. *, <br />idcndcrl oro&crcd n, sb (Se 7014. Ansincs.nd Prcli$\ (i'dc thc t'ntrhd.f\ LiccneF:* dnci n,i rnn\ x'Jnowncrof <br />rh.Ihpcny $ho hnilds or nnpn)vc\ thcr6n, d*hodocssuch*o*hi'nsclrorhc(clforrhruu8hhi{orhdosncnlrhyccs- <br />Di.viJcd rhtrr slch itnlfi)wrnnh ,a mr inr.ftcrl .r .rTcad fitr sL ll crr. rh. huill in3 or i'rynrmni is $ld *irhfi om )mr <br />of..mpldiotr, ItE owncr Buillq $ill hrlc lhc l{dcn or novin8 lhJl hc.! $. dil nor l[ild or inlPmt rhc pn,pciy r(n rhc puqnsc or <br />-l- <br />osowncrofrhc rmpmy. omcxclusiElyconracrins *irh licenEd conkmioFio drniru.r <br />'h. rmj..r (scc 7044. Buiinc$ <br />Md Pnfl*sirn Codc Th.Contacror's Liccnsc La*'doc( n.r rl)|]ly to .tr otrmr of pn)pcny rho huild{or imrtuvc\ rhcrcoi. <br />rnd who .onrracrs tur such projers wirh tr conh.n,n s)\cd p!^knr b rhc c(r mdoisLiccn\chw) <br />I MrcxcnU undcr <br />rvonx n ns' r rou prns,r'riri r <br />Bt cLtBltM! <br />I h0chyrfltntrn cr p.nrlryof F-rjrryomolrtu tulll)wing Jcchr.otr\ <br />_lhr\csnd*illruinrai"!Ccnifi.lrcoICon\cntk'Sclfl'r\!rf(tr$.rkc^.ri1|] Jrovidcd hr hy Secriotr .1700 ol rhc <br />L!hr! ('.nc- r'orlhc pqlbnnincc olrhe sork lor which rhc ncmrir is n\ucd <br />rhc work fttr which rhi\ pcxnir is is$cd My qo $! co i|r. {ri(trr i'r\uhtrcc.micr { Jr,li(} .uni,.r r. <br />'l rhrr Irh(lcrnrn6n.cut,hc*urt r,trlhrchrhi\pci,nir k is\Lcd. ! shrll no' ctrlploydny |Effitr irr rtryn nnci <br />e, N ro {hjc.r l. rhc w*kds conFcns ionl,ssorcrlirornir,nMrtsrccrhdillshouldhcconEsufijcdfurrr <br />workcn .o D.nsnrion prcvisrons of ssr io lTm of rlr Lrhtr cod.. l shall. lhnh$irh conrdy *irh rtx,{ pmvision( <br />WARNINC: Failure k, *nic *ork rs'.onpctrs n)n..v.agc rs unhsful. Md shrll srhjcd an cnrfl,,ycr n, sihinrl l.trrlri.s rnd <br />.ivil fin.r rp k, otu hundrcd rhou\and dolhr\ (il00.1XX).o{ ot.,nn|xtr$Ii,n!. ,lrtr'rg.\ r\ |i,rnlc tur rhc <br />s..ri,)n 1016.lrh.l rhtr ( fth ini.rtxr rn/ xror <br />",,",/'>3 t-') <br />I hcEh, alfifln undcr pcmltyofpcrjury th.l I t liccnad unncr provhiqr otCh!flcr 9 (oh' wnh s..inn rfiD) ofDivisio.3 <br />of Ihc Bu\imrsand Proh$n nry lacnsc h ir tu]Iiorcc mdcfccr. <br />(-71 . B {2-f u,/ <br />n*",/ - Ill -t-- <br />"4tlI hdhy lmrm undcr lrcnllryofpcrjury(h!r lh.rc h d.onsocrhn rcndine a8.ncy for lhc pcrfornDncc ofrhc worl fo, whkh rhh Fmir k <br />hsucd (Scc. 3097.Ci!.C.). <br />d.PPI.IIANLTECI.ABAIAN <br />I lmby aiim undcrycnalry ol pcrjury oe ofrh€ followins delri6nr <br />Dcnnnilnr P.rmik.Asbcslos Nolificrrion fedcral Rcsulaln'ns (lnh.u)- Pan6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />Ldu of Nolifi caion <br />I Qnifyrlrrrhcfedurlr.guldri.n\ rug&lhB i\lE{.\rctrtr,vrL rc ror r! <br />.otr€r I nsre n,coarply$iihallCiryand Codnry <br />'rfrr\c turnc\ nl rhn ('iry rnl CotrDry h.trrr. trtrr rlr <br />e f ../,rUFt.ermire nanrc rprirlr/.,'=-l--_ <br />o,"/' 2.3 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/lnsulation I <br />Roof Sheathinq o L-fr go <br />Shear Wall I <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Eneroy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lVasonry <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />(,l2t?7 Ylt W)o L+r 87 <br />Certiticate of Occu --Irpancy <br />Ngtes, Bemarks, Etc <br />(o 4',11 /]-LJ <br />O/V €VL <br />,)A>oc.zt-e-(( <br />I Dkno ( <br />Pool Fence <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL <br />E