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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMESITE-WORK <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Ereclion Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/lnsulation <br />Roof Sheathin t <br />Shear Wall <br />Framin <br />lnsulation/Ene <br />allD <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />[/]ason <br />T-Bar <br />Handica Re <br />utD Final Re ort <br />En ineer Final R ort <br />FINAL <br />Certificate of Occu n <br />N emarks EtcES <br />,\,/n' <br />d <br />OIVNER BUII,D}:R|)EL('ARAT( <br />I lErcby ariri und.r p.mlry or rrjury rlrll I m .rcmfl ltum rhc O,nrr.k t I- <br />)N <br />.acnsc ljw aor rhc follovi,s r.aern (Se 70.]1.1 <br />Burinci\ fui Proli$ion Cotl.): Any Ciry or Cou.ry whrh rcqund d lEmil ro con{ru.t. sllcr. inpfuvc dcmolish or rclair tv t <br />dd.ruc, llri,k, ils is\xmc. rko rcqlirc\ rh. lPtlia ntrskhFm lo ilc a $sncd sllcmnr rhar tr or shc n !dn{J punu'nr <br />n, rlrc l)!*aioni ol lh. Conr.acd's Li.cnrc't trw lcluflcr 9, Conmcnuin! wirh Secrnrn ?0(l) of Divtitn ] ot rhc Businc$ dl <br />Pnnc*tuns Oic) or rhar h. Dt she t crcnq,r (hc.chm !d lhc b trorrhc.llcscJctchNnn. Anvvnrhhdnolsarion70rl'5bvonv <br />aprlica nr r subic.k thc rlfliuMl ro a dril t)cnllr y ol flor morc I hrn rivc hundrcd dollds (S5d)). <br />/'<(zlP* ." *, nr ,t <br />" o-rn v. "r mv.nnl.'ttcr w h wa!c\ as rhcir srle cotr\tns'ron. w no rh' wdk tn'l rhe dturmis rur <br />n ctr,tc,i or olf.rd lm slc (Se.?044, Busincs rn,l Proftshns C*te: Thc Conx !ulr\ l-ic.nk tis des not 'ptlv b u owkr df <br />rhc Fmncny whrbu ls or inDn,ks rhcdr. ail wh) das s(h wo* himscl, or h.r\clf or thoulh hn ot h'r owtr cmpktyccs <br />poviJ.J (h!r $ch impoffinh * mr nrcnled oroffcNd Ibr sL. li hN.rd, rhc huiLlhs or ii{n,Em n $U wnhin om vta <br />;l d,nr'hr$n. dr Ow;r Bufird w,ll havc rhc hurJ.. or tNviry rhd hc or sh. dil <br />'r)1 <br />nnill or rqnv hc PNpcn, lor rh' |dtlxtt ol <br />!i!3wirhltcnscdconiracn,Flo.onsrtuctihcpofd(Sc'7041.Bu\incs <br />ili Ptur6srn 6dc: ih. Conk.uln\ l,iccnsc Law der not apply b rn .wnct or p!,lcdv who buiUs 'r m{tuvcs lhcE n, <br />and *ho conrr.k lo, surh rojccts wirh d On'r,(ktn, li.cnscd Purumr b rhc Conrr((x s Licn* Law) <br />O,.)C-t- <br />\\()Rl(tits ( olIfu\sA'l l(r\ <br />t)ti( t,ARA]l()N <br />I hcrchy al rim unJfi pcnrlly oI Friury oft ol th. inlbwine .t&laratbns <br />Ihavc!dwillmrint|raCcrlircarcotconscnllosclllnsur.ntrwo*c6'conwnsarion,rspl)vidciti'rhvSccrttn\?ol)olrhc <br />lr$r Grlc. lbr rhc lErfornEre ot rh€ wotk lot whiuh rhe Fm s isucd <br />-l <br />haw and will mlinr,in *otk.s comncnsaiion nEurrn.c. rs .cqxidl hv Sc.l ioo .l7(n of rhc L.hor Codc. fd thc p'rrdmn" ol <br />ttc worklorwtu h rhisFrmn L\ isnd. My woik.s' om['cn$rn'n in afrc..mcr ar rntvnumbcroc: <br />1,5*.r <br />" <br />u*, * ,n" *r*.a&c nr rhc wurk htr r h( h rhis ncrmir r rsNcJ l stutl nor cnrfl(rv unv r'6on r lnv m'nm' <br />--*'.n"."**tr.iu,'r""oL1i.n'l.nvt[nlr*.,'lc:l'i,'nru rnJ,er'h,t l 'h"ull rYconf, \uhq I L r\' <br />worlcs u.mpctr\rroh pRJvkhns ol Sfrrn)n l?OO.llhc lihtr Ciiic.l shiL tunhwrh co.ulv wirh rh$ PDYirnrn\ <br />WARNTNG i lurc r" *.,'. w,trkcs'.oDp.trsdio. covcn8c rs unlxwtul. .tuIshrll {hjcct an cnpl'vq b cn'biDl l8nahtr rtul <br />.'vrl lincs up b orc hundrcd rhouu.i dolls (!10{.(xl(,). ; rJ,l n b rhc rod uf compcnsrrb' d'nDScs as lm!trt&l l'r ric <br />7i ,,rltl" LLry' (,,1. nr!k\//z/20 ,/J u <br />l,tcr:NsEp coNTt,\croR <br />!Er! x{DQ! <br />I hcEt y aflnm unJlr Fmlryorp.rjury rh{r I am licniJ;d.r pNvnboorchaPler 9 (dnmfrin8 wilh SmriJn ?lno) otDiviihn l <br />of lh. auiim$ ,nd P(ntsioor Codc, anl my liccnsc is in fu ntM d}] ctLcr <br />CONSTRUCIION LENDTNG AGENCY <br />lh.rb1/aftrnlUndcrEnrllyofpc'jurylh,lllteLsaconslru.li0nlcfu]in!.ccnuytfilh.lcrfomunccdflh.qolk{d*hi.hllispcrmilir <br />issucn (So. .r{}9?, Civ. C.). <br />LnJ.r's N"mc <br />A}fUSABLOSCLAEAIION <br />I h.'rhy'trmu lcrlcaahyorPcrjuryonc oirhc rtnlowins dccldarknr: <br />Dcmlili,n Pcmils-AstF(oi{n Fcncral Rclulal,ons (f ilL40 Pin6) <br />_R.qumd r/llcr ot Norirr,tion <br />I.cnilyrhdr rhc ialcri| resuht(,ns regdnins ast {o. 'tnNv irc nor aprlkdtlc lo drh l()jct <br />rl$v. ftnroncd F pcny,,tr insP..r0n <br />t^-^ <br />o com/y wnh aU Cny and c.unrY <br />rh'sc yMJ c dyrns cTFrrrf, <br />,*," . / />126 <br />UFER Ground <br />Pool Fence <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />Lc crsAd,iftsl <br />foare I rD/src. <br />lElzo )