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,--SANIA <br />1ilil'i\T{e <br />&mmN0 <br />,tcnicl <br />Planning & Building Agency <br />20 Civlc Center Plaza Ross Annex Smoke & CO <br />Alarm AffidavitP.O. Box 1988 (M-.19) <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />(7141647-5800 <br />www.s anta-an a. oro <br />Project Address:ar?3 5ell- <br />Permit Number:tOrlO2 ,^\U <br />Property Owner:ra.5 c4 sao <br />Contractor:Ce'ruG.License #: d <br />tNSP-02 2013 CRC <br />(Please use a black or blue ink ba -point pen) <br />a requires that smoke and carbon monoxide (co) ararms are instaled in residentiarState of Ca liforn i <br />b u ildlngs. <br />California Residential Code (cRC) section R314.1 and R315.2 states in part that existing dwellings be"retrofitted with smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms. cRc section R314.3 and R3L4.3.3 definethe required locations. <br />fl eo,h boxes below must be checked: <br />Zi carbon -ono xide alarms: Are instarred outside of each sreeping area in the immediate vicini ty ofbedrooms and al so on.each level of the dwelling. Alarms are required in bedrooms with gas-firedappia nces (i.e. h ot water heater, cooktop, furnace) or a fireplace. <br />Smoke alarms: Are instaled in each room used for sreeping, in each halway outside of a sreepingm, and on each level of the dwelling. <br />Retrofitted detectors may be battery-operated for buirdings where no interior arterations areperformed combination smoke/co alarms must comply riith all applicabie r,'rallri be approvedby the State Fire Marshall (SFM). Battery life must be 10'years. <br />I hereby certify that I am the contractor or the property owner of the above project. I further certifythat smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms have been installed in compliance with the governingCodes and have been tested to be functional. l, also, hereby certify that I will retest the alarms per thema n ufacturer's instructions. <br />roo <br />(check onel tr Licensed Contractor Property owner <br />NorEt This seff'certification is onty used for projects thot offect the ExrERtoR of the structure. Thisprocess is applicable oNLy to projects where aicess to the interior of the dwefiing by o santd Andlnspector is not required. <br />Signature: <br />a Date:l^lq-9@ <br />Have thiS enmrrlala.l fnrrn .rnd rlra ial. ^-,.t ,^-rit., ^..^:r_Lr- __ .!__r <br />NA <br />This document may be found at... http://www.santa_ana.oro/pba/ <br />)/d(^