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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OT*NER BUILDER DELCANATTON <br />I hdltt.rm uqr6 F6nt oa FrJUry th, I o BnnF nlm rh. ('odrrds' Lrru lru for rh. folh*ins Eon (Sa.?O:1.5 <br />Buin{ .,ll Profdhn Cod.) Ary Cily or ( ourry whkh r.qui6 . Fmil lo NElruc1. .ha, ,nFov., d.ielnh or EFtr sy <br />ruciu.. Fnr lo ir! isueq .ho Equn6 dE 4dicdn for ech Fni lo 6L a !{i.d nro6r ihd lr or JE i lic€a.d FE n <br />ro rlE FovtioB of lh. Contsldr Liei!.d l,* (Ch4rs 9. ( oflstrins wnh S<thn ?000 ot rriv'rion I oaih. Buin md <br />PrcfdioB Codc).rlh.r lE or rE !.rdpr rhq.filh.rd rh. b.tB for rh..Ue.d q6ngio. Any ltol{io. ofscli..701l t by &y <br />.! for . Fnh sti..r! rh. io . ciril Fdr, o f nor mrc rhs liv. h!n&d doll6 (1500) <br />_1. 6 ouF of rh FFry. d 6y anllor6 rnn wis6 c $., $L.omFdion. *ill & lh. "!rt &d tlE qnde i ml <br />intardd or olt6.d for $L (56.7044, Buind ed PmadioB Co& Th. Co Bcrd'3 l.i!e Lru'dB el 4ply ro e ow of <br />lhc FlrEry *lE hil& G in'F!€ tttu'\ .d *tD <lc sh wlt hielf o' hs*lf ot rlmuen hn or hd oM .mployG, <br />pBvidqr rhd ruch if,pr.\66l! a @r iidt d orol$*d for sl. I[ tn*nq. tlE hildnB or fgltffi ir sld silhin or ra <br />olcqrpknq tE O*E Builrn sll hle Ot Uab ofFur!\s dll lE or !& dd tur hrild or inpro* {h. rritdy tu rlE FiFr of <br />-1, <br />a osq ofltc pFpqry. d ci.laiwly co'nad'.s tr nh lic.B.d co.naror r. odrud 'lr F.F (56. 7(!J, BGiB <br />dd Aotsno Co{. Th. Co,trl.ror't l-ic* lts d(E mr .Drlr lo e owns otprcrEny *ho build! or inptu!6 rh66n. <br />and who codrlcls for ruch Fbj<t *nh a l(6E d p{Rd ro $. (o.l[cld r Lt@ l,*) <br />-l <br />d cr.mfl unda sdrion-, B & P ( for rhis ran <br />D.r. oind: <br />tl0a5!8f:.('o!ttatrArI9! <br />DES.ASA!q! <br />I ho.r,y fro undF p.rrlryoipqluryo".oarh. aollosins ddl* iore <br />-!h.Errdvilltui.i.!Csrifr.r.ofco@lroS.ll'lBucforwkdtonlPdltion,sFovid.daorbySelion1700oflh.lrbor Cod.. for llE pqfotrlu. of lh. wrt for ltth lh. pann a iecd <br />_l h.v. and *ill ori,niin B$rt.n .onF6ai.n iNu@., s rcquir.d b' S.dnr !700 otlh. lrtFr ( o<t. for th. Ffollffi. ol <br />th. *Drt lor *hth rhi! Fmn i. isEd M, *ort6r' comFMion iNure. @is od poliy nudbn dc: <br />r1,rr\Nun,rs ?,= o'= ts-7 '-7 I I 2-cr\q <br />_l clrify rhlr r <br />'tE Fhll1a. of rh. "6rt for whth this Fmit ir its!.( I thell not mDloy lny p6!on ( ey mMd <br />$ a ro haom $bj6r ro rh. wt6' omFudbn Ls! orcdifod'a rd 4E rhd il I JruB baom Dbi.rl io llE <br />erld' strrp.Gdion oasalio. 1700 of rh. rrlor ( ode I .hll. fonhsilh conply wirh rhos rrcvnred <br />WARNfiC F.ihrc to G@ srt6' oopdErio. mv.6s. ir $ltynrl td r!.ll $birr m adoF lo ciDind FEli: &d <br />.iil frd up ro oE hun&at rhous<l dolhB (tl({.000}. in tddnion ro th. .or ol.on!.Nrion, d&Egd a provid.d for th. <br />sdrcn 1016 olrhc Lh.r nde i .dxd drty ! 16 <br />-", r2-\r-alrg ^,,,-,, tt-L--\i.- \t -.=s'' rrtEiiffi rucron <br />IEOJAAIIO! <br />I ha.Uy .rm urda FlIy of Fjury thc I m lic6s.d !rd6 Fovili.r of ChrplE 9 {comtri4 wnh sdhn 7O0O) or l,v'rn'n l <br />oa rh. BBi.< ed ProfBioN co&, !d ny lk@ ir h nlll foR ! <br />Z_C5-4eer <br />rz-\ t>[ r I <br />l0lilAgcuArirt:dDtu(iAili!(l <br />I lmrm undr p.nalty of p.rjury lhol lhsc Lr a cotrnrud n,n End'n8 alny lor rh. pdfomM(. ol rh. sort lor I hth th6 Fni 6 <br />!ss.ntsfr 1097. (-ir c ) <br />APPIICANT NFCI AiATI(II\ <br />I hrlbylllm uidd FBh, ofFjury oEoarn followin!.kb.rioNl <br />Datuhi'n P6nis^lbd6 Noriart'iro F.d6rl R.glLrbN (Tirl.40. Pd6) <br />_Rqui..d larq oalrod6dio. <br />-l <br />c6r't thi rlE f.da.l r.suhro6 Esrdiis alBot r6.vrl r. D' 4?lic.bk to rhir Frj.rl <br />-l <br />cdr'ar lhr I h^. @d rhii .p9li{b. ,!d rd. iht tlE ator. infotu ion a coEd l.sEto onply *ilh.ll cnrod county <br />oidiMc6 ad Srarc l^s Eldirl8 ro boildir8 codrudi.i. di h@t! .ulh)riz EFerdiv6 otlhn Cny .d Cou y <br />'o <br />.fl6 i{on tlE <br />!tor. trE bD.d FoFry rn i'!4dbn FIFB <br />u"r" t-z-\r3\ l€, or .\rdt rc <br />p€mi,e nrm. rprinr): f.x- -V-g \.r-;rc-.-e, <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Framing <br />lns u lation/Energ y <br />Drywall <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Cerlif <br />FINAL t>-fztl tY 't(>l.{WW r'.22 ) <br />Certificate of Occupancy U ! <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />r?s n.---,- z-: -*5-r1-.=..-.s,-,,.. <br />Shear Wall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath