<br />Site-Work
<br />U ndergrou nd
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />S pas, Pool, Founlains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough 1/r ,/o >. b {wru d,
<br />Service Meter r/,FINAL I s &lLz-Ilr *
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />I h6.h, rrm udd FElry of Fjury th.r I m .rdpr 6Dh th. Coff*r6 Licae trv lor ft fo[owi.g lten (Sc.?01I J
<br />Bsind !n Piofdih Co<l.): Ary Cny q C@ny *'hich r.quiB . Fni ro dnnai .ha. ltqmv( &mlitt o. r+.! ry
<br />slru.luc Fior i. il! nl!ftq &o roqund rh. +plter 6r iuch Frhir lo frI. r sisn d r.l6ar lhd h. or 3h. ir licdu.J prl.d'
<br />ro rlE Fovitbd ol,E Cod.-1a! l-ictE d Lr* ((1!qta 9. Conrlljcing *nn Sdri,n 70m of Uvnbtr I o,lt B,!i6 .nd
<br />Pro(Bioit co&) or $ lE or dE i. qmF tha.from dd rhc b.ra ro, rrE dl.r.d cr6Fion. any tioldion otscdb. ?01 I t W ey
<br />4?lkd for r Fhn oq6rr rlE @licd ro. ciil po.ty of mr mE lhd nv. hulit d <blltt (15@)
<br />l. B o*E of rlE FFry, d ny aplolc virt w!a6 s rhcir sk corqraam. *iU & tlE {dl .d 0E lrrucR i d
<br />lrdiLd d otrd.d lor * (sc 704t1. &BiB -d Piofdb6 co& TIE coffioii li@ te doa rr +ly ro e o*c of
<br />th. DrDFly who hril& or inFoc llEo( -d who do5 sh w,l hitullor h*lf or drccsh hit o! hd oo oplott6,
<br />Folitcd rh.l qh nlF$cGIr Erbt iicilcddofiEld 6. $l. l[ lbcq, rIE lrildiDg d i.r.oEGi i ild sinin m ]c
<br />ofcotrpLriE tlE Ovr6 Eril& will h.w th. hd6 ofFovrs tlri lE or ltE <!d ml bur! o. nqrlv. rh. FnFry b. tlE F[F.. of
<br />L B o*@ ofth. FoFy. m dchliv.ly odrxr"B snh [canai coilfflG lo @tdrucl ltE F!j6i (SE ?o4,{, BGiE
<br />.d Ptobir Co<|.: T1. Co'nr-toi. l,a.@ kw &,6 6r +pl) to o oqc oaFoFry
<br />"
<br />ho hIild. or inp6r6 'hror&d wh. co n B fd 3uch Foj-lr wilt ! Co 1c10(r) li.@!ql PtGU.il lo lh. Conlrxltr r Licte tr*).
<br />I r.rdF u.ds sdtion . li & P C. for lh6 ra$n
<br />D.r. 0*6:
<br />wonxrns coMPE s{iroN
<br />I hd.b, rmm uidd Frhy of Frrry oE ofrh. folloem8 d..8.! iod.
<br />I h.E rn *all 6a,tr.h r Cdiftr. of CoEn ro S.lf-lB@ f.. *wt6 o,pc.rior - Forir.d lor by Selao. 1700 of rE
<br />trbd cod. lo, 0E pofotijEc of l,E *o.r fd *t!th ln. ,qDn i iru.d
<br />I h.v. .nd q 'll m.rnr6rn worlm' ( omFElr nn htur!R.. a r.quu.d b) S<'un i7O0 olrh. Lrh (odc.lorrh. F
<br />rlE trorl f{ r'h{h rl! Fn! . rEd Mr}'&I6'[CtrtEn rlsMc cbE rd Flr) humba r..* Da4.hr* IhLllarlr;;";; ,b'ML$o4*+ ) ..,. o?-3 l.l>
<br />_ I cdrrfy lh!' in rh. Ffotuc. ofrh. *ork aor itthlh$ pchn i! su.d I !h!ll mt 6ploy uy F$n in ry odF
<br />i G to b..oc tliis b rh. *vrd otrrFEibn Ls of C.lifomir .!d {E lhd il t 3lbuld bcor sticl b rlt
<br />s{rt6 ohpds.rior pro\i'b6 of Salion l70O or dE l.tc Codc ! !h.ll itflhrth @mpry *ih rho. FovirbB..
<br />$ARNINC: F.,hG ro s@ *$d6 @mlEsrn Nrnrs.brai m aplolq lo @rd pddb !d
<br />ctr,l fin6 up n, on. hundr.J rhorsnd doll6lll()(),firr). h.!d . ro dE .Gr of comDasrhr &E i€ ! prcvid.d aor th.
<br />sarnn :1076 6arta tltn Code nrod &l nonEyi 16
<br />,r,," or'71,1)
<br />I lElty rntu uida Frty .f FFry rhd I @ litEd u,!dd n of (ll,,ra 9 loffiilIt mfi Sd Dn 7fi10) or Dyt.n ll
<br />ol ri. ll$Ds od Poldi,,n\ Cod.. ind mv h.6s $ d full aorce el .ffd
<br />$A)T l*otoz-
<br />0?.(
<br />I h6rby .l[m uldd Frry or F},y llE rlE! ir r @dn cinn b<liB .gdy tu ttE Ffdlrd. ol E erl t'r stih llB Fni it
<br />i$uod (Sd. 1097. Civ C.).
<br />artllcANr.![crd8Al0!
<br />t Lrly !fl'tu u.dq palhy ol Fjury o@ of (h. 6llo,ing dalr ioB:
<br />D.mlni,n P6mn'A3kn6 Norifrdio. F.darl R.sul4bN (IirL 40. Pd6)
<br />R.q!ir.d tard of |rdii.rho
<br />I cdrii,rh rh. Ld6a1r.subli.u Ese.ling ab.sro! rdnoldl d. nor lpplic.blc lo lhis rmjrr
<br />I cdi,fy th'r I6*. r6d rhis applic.rion d
<br />ddim6 ard sr{.lres Elrna ro briuin* c
<br />crhdlh..hov.intomnionBcor.rl l rrr( ro onplr $nh r (iltond(ounry
<br />rd ha.n} .dlDriE r.rr6.driv6 ofdn Cny d Com, b ara $on 'lEaho\. Imrk,n<d Frp.ny ntr
<br />\
<br />Applc-l or Aldl Str.arE:
<br />P@Xcmn.(prl.l): A r )tlttl^-
<br />3t.tT
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />ICommunications Cable I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I I
<br />I
<br />I