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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hd.t't drrm ond6 lEMlry oI psjury lnn I &n cxmpr frlm lhc c.ntrddt Lic.ns. L:w for lhc follo*ine rcMn {5(.?0315 <br />Burind !.d Plof*ion (odc) Any Ciry ot Counly *hich rcqun6 a Fhil lo connNd- ,rd, inprove &iol*h or rpl, M, <br />srruclue tinr lo ir! suM.., ab. nqoir6 lh. appli.d aor tu.h p6mit to fiL ! $6.nmr thn lE or cE t li..d.d puN,,'l <br />ro rh. I'nvirioB ot lh. ConrrlcrDar Li*n..d liw tch!flB 9-! wnh Sdiio. 7000 of Division I oflh. auinB ed <br />ProlNion! Codc) or lhal lE or 3h. it qdfl (hc.from .d rh. lEit aor rhc .ll.s.d crdFion An, violalion ofs.dion 701 LJ bv d, <br />'ppli..n! lor i ,.rmn lohjers rh. +pliclnl lo r civil p.nally of nol mrc rh& fiv. huD&.d d.Um ($t@) <br />l, 6 own6 of llE proFlt, o ny mPlo)E Rnh *.86 s tn.t $1. NnFsiior. "il & tlE *ut Ed th. iiaiE L mt <br />irndrd.d o. ofidal Lr $tc (Sc 704,4. BuilB od PiDl6JoE Co<lG Th. Conr.dd r tice Llw &E ml t9?ly lo u oqs ot <br />th. rroFry who hil(L or itrqe6 tEa4 t d *ho d.d s_h $!tt hiro.lf or hoElror ihtuueh hir or fi6 oq.,n9lov6. <br />Folrdal rh{ rEh inpN\/o]Et c bi iddd.d M 6fir.d lirr rL lt h.M. lrE bitti'E or inproffit ir ,ld wrnid o* ta <br /> iotr 0E O*M B{ild- xil rlE tuta of Frres lhi lE or nE drd ml hild n uFoEllE FDFI, 6r rlE F!p6.of <br />-1. <br />ErNnd ofrlE lr.p61y. m *cluirclyco rr-r[r wnh hcoE d.oddoE to odru.lllE Fjd (se 7ot4. llatrG <br />!,'d hrE ir Cod.r Thc contdor'! Lic@ bw dc nor 4pl, ro & oss olFoFry eho hoild! or inprovd rfiR6.. <br />md un .offi 3for $ch pmJā‚¬13 wnh ! Cod'tto(i) It@.d p6o!d tollE Codr.dn't Lie bw). <br />I m.r I, undn 5d1 <br />J!ABf,E8I:CqUEEII6IO!DTOJIAIIA! <br />I h6.!r .mm lnda Fdy orFjury oE of th. follof, hg dEbalbB <br />t lw. r'd *ill minl.h ! Cdrf.d. of C6lFt ro s.lallM ltr wt!t' ont,autior s F.Yi,.d tor by Sclion l7m oldE <br />lio. cod.. lor tlE Flffi of ltE *!d td rnih thc Fnn n is.l <br />Ill.lrrodrrltm.'.t.rwo d .omFMion imlm4 E rquird by Sdrio! 1700 of th. t hr Cod., for lh. pqfM. of <br />llE qs* fm tr'hah fiir FD( u sd- My wt6 omFMion iEffi caiE ild ,olry .uDba G: <br />Polf,y Nudbq <br />-ErPic <br />-l <br />coiry rh, ir rh. F6tl1uc of th. s!.1for *'hrh tha Fd i! eai.l ildl mr otpb, E, Fe. i. Dy ffi <br />s B to stixr to rt! * ta ompddion h*! ofc.lifomir .td .sE thi if I slblld b.tor tubdr lo rlE <br />*utd 6np@dir. FoliriB of Sdioi l7O0 or lh. trt, Co& I filL ft'nhrnfi ondy *nh llrt Fovti.B. <br />*ARNnG ruluc b hw s. 6'mmFsrn coro.E.6 unb$tu|. tri sndl & srplolq I <br />cu'il 6n6 up ro oft rho6ld dolk! (tlOo.OoO), <br />licrion 1076 olrlrlilr{Coda 4tadr .(qrEy! fG <br />ro rlE coe of corpaB.riotr <br />DpctlSarroa <br />I lE*, .rm unb Fd} o r Fjury rhc I s lic!.d !.da Flvti,n oloupts 9 (o.lMing rth Sdbn ?0@) 6r Dn ki'. 1 <br />ol rh. B8i6 rn PmftsirE Cod.. in 6y lic@ 6 it tull foR in.trd <br />I lE t').Irm u,xla p. Xyof pajury lnd rlEE t.6tub. hdnq tsry to.llE prfm. of rh. wt 6r *tt <br />is!.d lS<. 109?, Ci!. C.) <br />AIEUIAM.DESJAAITqX <br />I ha$y.trm uBla F hy oapcjury o& ofrhc 6ll6$inB &.lrrioN <br />Datu nir. P.miB-Arbdor tddrl R.euhiom (Tnt 40, Pd6l <br />R.!uir.d Inl6 of Noril'cdEn <br />I cdify lh, lh. f.ilssl rcluhbN r.ssdins sbdos rmoval sc m| qDlt.bL ro tht FDi..l <br />I cdify rhd t hsr. ..!d lha complv yud cou.ry <br />ordiMncB dd Sl!t. Iius clrin{ I <br />rhrv. moron rl proFny tor <br />,\ppli.rnl or Atdrl Si*n.lur. <br />| ,.-n*-..,,n",,!.O4d 1 <br />I <br />ofrhi Ciry4d Couryro 016 uF)n rh. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL V|1il4 To ,\1v,+14 -1., ) <br />Notes Remarks, Etc <br />COMMENTS <br />Transformers <br />a &PC for rhis ren--------r------